Season Ticket Offer Scrapped (1 Viewer)


City have now scrapped the deal. Is it because we wont have a club or because they cant afford to lose money?


Well-Known Member
From what I've read I thought it said it was something they legally had to do under the circumstances?


Well-Known Member
Seems to me that it's because they don't know where they will be playing.

With the club now saying they will look to play elsewhere they can no longer sell season tickets based on games that are supposed to be at the Ricoh.

Guess if they did find somewhere else the season tickets would go back on sale again.


New Member
With whats going on its probably best they suspend the idea for now.

They would get a lot of stick if they sold some and then a week later they weren't worth anything.

For the sake of a few weeks its better to pull the plug.

Hopefully if this is all sorted they will bring the offer back.


Well-Known Member
bought one for my lad last week ,paid cash and got ticket there and then , i will be at the ticket office tomorrow for a refund .

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