Season Ticket Sales (4 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Seen as you're being pedantic, Sandy Toksvig.

Knew I should’ve just gone with Stephen Fry and left it at that.

The Lurker

Well-Known Member
my brother ordered tickets for Saturday online. tickets emailed thru and no barcode on the ticket so maybe it’s just checked at the turnstiles?


Well-Known Member
They are def bar codes on all the season tickets we received at our house. 3 were fine the other is missing chunks of the barcode. They are definitely not QR codes.


Well-Known Member
Surely not this many people have got confused between Barcodes + QR codes???
They don’t look like QR codes (and yes, I do know what a QR code looks like) they literally look like barcodes but with one area where the ‘bars’ are not the full width of the barcode. It doesn’t look like an error, they just don’t look like standard bar (or QR) codes.


Well-Known Member
They don’t look like QR codes (and yes, I do know what a QR code looks like) they literally look like barcodes but with one area where the ‘bars’ are not the full width of the barcode. It doesn’t look like an error, they just don’t look like standard bar (or QR) codes.

A QR-BAR Hybrid? o_O


Active Member
For those who may be interested.

I contacted the Ticketmaster email address with a picture of the ‘flawed’ barcode which was evident on my season ticket and have received the following reply:

‘Thank you for your email and apologise about the problem relating to your season ticket card(s).

I would like to advise that we have checked and tested that all cards will scan on game days, but if this issue is an inconvenience for you then we will be more than happy to look into this for you.

Any further queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch.’

Rusty Trombone

Well-Known Member
I've bought a match package, and the etickets that came through didn't have a barcode. I queried this with ticket master and they have sent though replacements with barcodes added. So if you're also getting etickets make sure there is a barcode.


Well-Known Member
I ordered two together, one has arrived and one hasn’t. Called the club and they didn’t seem concerned; they said if it doesn’t arrive in time then let them know and they will sort something for the day.


Well-Known Member
It wouldn't be a normal season if I wasn't collecting my season tickets on the first day of the season from the office.

I'm a lying moaning bastard, turns out they arrived today
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Well-Known Member
Ordered 3, paid all together, all 3 arrived today, in 3 separate envelopes to the same address! 3 letters, 3 envelopes, 3 lots of postage. With all the issues in reduced income I'd have thought they'd coordinate things like that.


Well-Known Member
ordered four. two adults arrived, two kids ones haven't... hope I aint gonna have two disappointed kids come Saturday. Yeah I know they will put their names down on the day or something, but that isnt the point. they are kids they want their season ticket in hand first day of the season!


Well-Known Member
ST's arrived today, excited!

Barcode looks fine too.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for that considering I don’t do twitter how the hell am I supposed to know you’d have thought a email would have been sent out. Any idea on tickets?
So pick up for coach is service road by the Ricoh. Not sure where that is, and is there anywhere to safely park the car?


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Well-Known Member
So pick up for coach is service road by the Ricoh. Not sure where that is, and is there anywhere to safely park the car?
Its by the train station on the side furthest away from the stadium. You can park at the Ricoh in the day but it costs and you'll be paying Wasps. Shopping centre is normally 5 hours on non match days, not sure if they'll have any restrictions in place.

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