Seething, emotional, heartfelt, solidarity !!!?? (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Are you seriously suggesting that the 10% of supporters who post on here just happen to be the exact same 10% who are interested in ownership issues? Really?

I assume you are being deliberately obtuse.

At the game yesterday how many joined in the sisu out chanting? 90% or closer to 10%. One person in my block joined in.

Does that mean they want the owners to stay? No it doesn't it just means the average paying supporter is more inclined to watch the game. The issue of ownership is ultimately resolved without supporter influence and most acknowledge that.

This is a response to the OP if every fan who goes felt so passionate why was there no real protest at all?


Well-Known Member
Well, I really was only sure about one of the things I mentioned.

Don't speak too soon Torch...the administrator still has to deliver his report yet and who know's what revelations are contained in that! ;-)


New Member
Well if sisu payed their way the deduction wouldn't of happened. Sisu own doinf nobody else's.

yeah but if we had got promoted, it would have meant a rent increase* so would have been in ACL's benefit too.:whistle:

* I know no rent is currently being paid.


Well-Known Member
I assume you are being deliberately obtuse.

At the game yesterday how many joined in the sisu out chanting? 90% or closer to 10%. One person in my block joined in.

Does that mean they want the owners to stay? No it doesn't it just means the average paying supporter is more inclined to watch the game. The issue of ownership is ultimately resolved without supporter influence and most acknowledge that.

This is a response to the OP if every fan who goes felt so passionate why was there no real protest at all?

I went yesterday and I and the two people who I was with didn't join in the chants. Neither have we in the past few weeks. We are all passionately anti-SISU. We simply didn't feel there was any point. Apathy is your answer, not being SISU...what's the phrase? Something about "sucking"...:thinking about:


Well-Known Member
Don't speak too soon Torch...the administrator still has to deliver his report yet and who know's what revelations are contained in that! ;-)

Has it got something to do with a dog?


Well-Known Member
I assume you are being deliberately obtuse.

At the game yesterday how many joined in the sisu out chanting? 90% or closer to 10%. One person in my block joined in.

Does that mean they want the owners to stay? No it doesn't it just means the average paying supporter is more inclined to watch the game. The issue of ownership is ultimately resolved without supporter influence and most acknowledge that.

This is a response to the OP if every fan who goes felt so passionate why was there no real protest at all?

No, I'm not being obtuse.
The answer to the question you ask lies in your sentence immediately preceeding it.
I don't believe you really think that just 10% of fans care about ownership as that would mean that 90% are too dumb to see that ownership is the biggest single factor in determining what they are served up. You sound too inteligent and articulate to suggest such a silly thing, so... What do you really think?
You are a middle aged man , can you stop with all this ridiculous point scoring, WUMmery bollocks anytime soon? You consistently take the edge off what could be a fairly pleasant football forum about the team I support. Ta.

Apologies, I posted this incendiary diatribe when I got about three pages into this thread and saw the above statement, which annoyed me and prompted me to respond before exiting the website. Each to their own and all that.


Well-Known Member
How is it bullshit? I rarely talk about it with people, most people I speak to just want to talk about the actual football. Pretty simple to understand.
Why would I make it up?
Personally I want Sisu out.

What utter tosh you say you are in block 15 if they do not care about Sisu then why do they chant SISU OUT if they only care about the football then just sing football songs.

I am in block 16 and every one I speak to want sisu out


Well-Known Member
Why didn't you answer my question?

And the question is what
Why only in your block does no one I repeat no one care or even mention SISU that can only be because you are sitting at home listening to it on the radio.:wave:


Well-Known Member
What utter tosh you say you are in block 15 if they do not care about Sisu then why do they chant SISU OUT if they only care about the football then just sing football songs.

I am in block 16 and every one I speak to want sisu out

I'm on record saying I've not been to a game since Crewe away. My dads mate has my season ticket. So I can't comment on the block 15 consensus the past few weeks.
I'll say it again though, people I talk to be that at work or in pubs around Earlsdon, don't seem to give a fuck.
I'm not saying people don't want them out, I do myself. I'm purely saying I only ever talk about it on here.


Well-Known Member
And the question is what
Why only in your block does no one I repeat no one care or even mention SISU that can only be because you are sitting at home listening to it on the radio.:wave:

I've been absent at only 3 home games this season. You may think all 10,000 home fans were screaming sisu out all game I beg to differ and still the basic crux of the argument seems to go away from you.


Well-Known Member
I'm on record saying I've not been to a game since Crewe away. My dads mate has my season ticket. So I can't comment on the block 15 consensus the past few weeks.
I'll say it again though, people I talk to be that at work or in pubs around Earlsdon, don't seem to give a fuck.
I'm not saying people don't want them out, I do myself. I'm purely saying I only ever talk about it on here.

They all Rugby fans in Earlsdon ??:thinking about:


Well-Known Member
I'm on record saying I've not been to a game since Crewe away. My dads mate has my season ticket. So I can't comment on the block 15 consensus the past few weeks.
I'll say it again though, people I talk to be that at work or in pubs around Earlsdon, don't seem to give a fuck.
I'm not saying people don't want them out, I do myself. I'm purely saying I only ever talk about it on here.

Then how can you comment I also drink in Earlsdon and generally do not talk football full stop as most of them don't go up the City so wouldn't care anyway get your facts right before you make these ridiculous comments


Well-Known Member
Can I take it now that EVERYONE on here wants SISU OUT, whether they say it, hear it or just think it??



Well-Known Member
I've been absent at only 3 home games this season. You may think all 10,000 home fans were screaming sisu out all game I beg to differ and still the basic crux of the argument seems to go away from you.
Sorry away from Me? are you sure you go up there must sit in the posh stand with ether Stuart Linnell or fisher to believe that.

If I am in the minority then you obviously believe SISU are doing a good job :thinking about:

Enlighten me with all the good they have done then I might change my mind


Well-Known Member
Then how can you comment I also drink in Earlsdon and generally do not talk football full stop as most of them don't go up the City so wouldn't care anyway get your facts right before you make these ridiculous comments

The facts are what they are. I've no reason to make it up for fuck sake! I'm sure I could seek people out to talk about it with, but in my experience, that hasn't been the case. There's no other way I can say it, so I'll leave it there.


Well-Known Member
Sorry away from Me? are you sure you go up there must sit in the posh stand with ether Stuart Linnell or fisher to believe that.

If I am in the minority then you obviously believe SISU are doing a good job :thinking about:

Enlighten me with all the good they have done then I might change my mind

Are you stupid or being deliberately obtuse.

The debate isn't about who wants the owners out its about general apathy in the stadium. The protest was pitifully lame. If you think it was a huge groundswell protest you are delusional.


Well-Known Member
would it be out of order to proffer the idea that,
the reason for the lack of effect of any protest could be due to the prolonged & continued high handed attitude of those stewarding the ground

Mucca Mad Boys

Well-Known Member
would it be out of order to proffer the idea that,
the reason for the lack of effect of any protest could be due to the prolonged & continued high handed attitude of those stewarding the ground

Well, they can't kick everyone out if they all protested... They can't stop you chanting 'SISU Out!'

Also, on Saturday, I didn't see anyone get kicked out and many people had 'SISU OUT' balloons, nout happened.


Well-Known Member
Are you stupid or being deliberately obtuse.

The debate isn't about who wants the owners out its about general apathy in the stadium. The protest was pitifully lame. If you think it was a huge groundswell protest you are delusional.

I must be stupid for
1, Not knowing what goes on in the ground
2,Expecting a educated response from you'
3,Not realizing that half of the crowd do not sing sisu out as they never sing anyway.
4,That 2000 balloons being burst by all the sisu lovers.
5 Not realizing that all the City fans only talk about on the field football
6,That Supporters are not being thrown out because they have a banner or blow up balloons with sisu out

You my friend are the one who is delusional and as you have posted many times before please answer the question if you can???????


Well-Known Member
I must be stupid for
1, Not knowing what goes on in the ground
2,Expecting a educated response from you'
3,Not realizing that half of the crowd do not sing sisu out as they never sing anyway.
4,That 2000 balloons being burst by all the sisu lovers.
5 Not realizing that all the City fans only talk about on the field football
6,That Supporters are not being thrown out because they have a banner or blow up balloons with sisu out

You my friend are the one who is delusional and as you have posted many times before please answer the question if you can???????

I agree with some of whay you say, then you ruin it all by suggesting balloons were burst by SISU 'lovers'. What a silly thing to say unless you are eleven, of course. If so, apologies.

Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk 2


Well-Known Member
I've seen no bother from the stewards near me, even when they saw people all around with the balloons. Most grief I had was a few games back when I had a can and the guy asked if I could get rid of it politely.

Mucca Mad Boys

Well-Known Member
I agree with some of whay you say, then you ruin it all by suggesting balloons were burst by SISU 'lovers'. What a silly thing to say unless you are eleven, of course. If so, apologies.

I thought that was joke, I think some people have trouble with the meaning of 'love' and 'lover'.

I sat in block 15 for the second half on Saturday, scouting my ST seat for next season (no, I'm not going to get my ST there, overrated section of the stadium, atmosphere wasn't that good either, without being funny), and people who were chanting 'SISU Out', giving the Vs to the opposite stand, were also popping balloons, I'm pretty sure they weren't SISU lovers.


Well-Known Member
there was a protest saturday!? for once i didnt see any trouble.. or any heavy handed stewards.. and i certainly didnt see/ hear any protest..

pretty subdued day all round to be honest.. which is all together that surprising


Well-Known Member
there was a protest saturday!? for once i didnt see any trouble.. or any heavy handed stewards.. and i certainly didnt see/ hear any protest..

pretty subdued day all round to be honest.. which is all together that surprising

Exactly season has been a let down yet again crowd of 10,000 fight has been knocked out of the fans.
I myself went into block 15 for the second half and yes the atmosphere was pretty dire,
The stewards did enter that area a couple of times in the first half but even they can't be bothered.
As for popping 2000 balloons by sisu lovers yes that was a joke the sort of comment I would expect from Grendel.
By the way Grendel I used to work with a Gendel in Banbury wasn't you was it??


Well-Known Member
Are you stupid or being deliberately obtuse.

The debate isn't about who wants the owners out its about general apathy in the stadium. The protest was pitifully lame. If you think it was a huge groundswell protest you are delusional.

Grendel, is The Shawshank Redemption a favourite move of yours?


Well-Known Member
Subdued atmosphere on Saturday as i genuinely think that people are fed up talking and hearing about the situation surrounding the club and a good description about all of the protest since the very start is 'lame'
People are confused about what is happening and what is going to happen and who to blame and if you upset someone like 'Jo' a woman scorned could cause untold problems
Lets be honest the problems really started 3 years before we left highfield road and have been going on for over 10 years of shockingly bad directorship and has culminated in the situation we have today
Not fond of SISU but certainly do not blame them for where we are today they have just been very 'green' on taking us on and completely underestimated the task in hand I think many of the fans would agree that is why the protests are not so vocal
Need to wipe the slate clean and start again with new owners ASAP if we can as SISU are not the answer

Broken Hearted Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Subdued atmosphere on Saturday as i genuinely think that people are fed up talking and hearing about the situation surrounding the club and a good description about all of the protest since the very start is 'lame'
People are confused about what is happening and what is going to happen and who to blame and if you upset someone like 'Jo' a woman scorned could cause untold problems
Lets be honest the problems really started 3 years before we left highfield road and have been going on for over 10 years of shockingly bad directorship and has culminated in the situation we have today
Not fond of SISU but certainly do not blame them for where we are today they have just been very 'green' on taking us on and completely underestimated the task in hand I think many of the fans would agree that is why the protests are not so vocal
Need to wipe the slate clean and start again with new owners ASAP if we can as SISU are not the answer

You dont blame Sisu for where we are today? Are you serious?

We are now in the third division of the football league

We are in administration(or are we? Nobody is 100% sure because of the fantastic web they have woven around the club)

We haven't even got a club shop/ticket office

Even if you wanted to buy a season ticket for next season you can't and even if you could you wouldnt be sure if if or where we would be playing.

Make no mistake this is a scorched earth policy that Sisu are following they are destroying us because if I cant make my money out of it I'm going to make sure you can't either.

Tell me Im wrong Tim or better Joy I'll believe you

As for many City fans agreeing with you dont think so. Our fans are either too battered and bruised or are waiting for a miracle to be vocal.

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