Selling the training ground (5 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
I remember when you could go and watch the team train, and the kids could collect autographs afterwards. I believe they stopped all that and kept everyone away from training.

So I am wondering how they are going to keep the public away when they are training at the Memorial Park.

That was under Aidy Boothroyd, he had the fence put up.


Well-Known Member
We'll find a way I'm sure.

It's Wasps and CCC conspiring together to play mind tricks and black magic on Sisu, therefore forcing them to sell up under hypnosis.

Subluminal messages through the CT.

There's a song in there somewhere.


Well-Known Member
Will be interesting to see how big Coventry will become over the next 20 to 30 years,
With the relaxation of green belt laws alongside the need for housing.
Obviously all the land surrounding Coventry is owned by someone or other, that's two
Owners in the last week looking to cash in and build,
A massive influx of fresh blood can only help a progressive, ambitious professional
Sports club.

Captain Dart

Well-Known Member
Tongue in cheek
I'm sure they have plans to build a training ground and academy to the new ground they will soon let us know about.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

On cotton candy mountain.


Well-Known Member
Strange how the CT reports this but not the WASPies land transaction?

They did report it yesterday & it's not the same the owners of Wasps (Not Wasps themselves) propose to build houses on unused land. SISU propose to build houses on CCFC training centre, somewhat different I'd suggest


Well-Known Member
To be fair to SISU (cough cough), there could be a good reason for this. I'm thinking that this may be a contingency plan for re-locating the training ground and academy onto a new, single ,site.

If true (and nobody as yet has told me why the academy cannot move to Ryton, BTW) then it would make sense to enable the Ryton site to be sold for housing, as otherwise the option of selling Ryton for housing would not exist. Including this in the Rugby town local plan will not compel the club to sell the Ryton site for housing, but it gives them the option of doing so if this is needed to release funds for the new combined site.



Well-Known Member
To be fair to SISU (cough cough), there could be a good reason for this. I'm thinking that this may be a contingency plan for re-locating the training ground and academy onto a new, single ,site.

If true (and nobody as yet has told me why the academy cannot move to Ryton, BTW) then it would make sense to enable the Ryton site to be sold for housing, as otherwise the option of selling Ryton for housing would not exist. Including this in the Rugby town local plan will not compel the club to sell the Ryton site for housing, but it gives them the option of doing so if this is needed to release funds for the new combined site.

Errm, isn't it best to secure the new land first and lay a few bricks before putting your old training ground up for sale?


Well-Known Member
Errm, isn't it best to secure the new land first and lay a few bricks before putting your old training ground up for sale?
It's not necessarily up for sale - they're exploring it as an option but equally they may well be doing the same thing in terms of acquiring a new site.


CCFC Finance Director
They have been exploring this since at least 2014, when the idea was a land swap I believe, so you would have to say it has been a key part of their strategy for some time and not something that was done on a "maybe we could". However in that 2 years they do not seem to have got close to alternative sites and the best they can apparently claim is a tenancy in a city centre rugby ground that has yet to be developed - but that doesn't cover it would seem academy & training ground

Given the attainment history so far I think CCFC fans have a right to be very worried and frankly doubt anything said about a future for CCFC under SISU control


Well-Known Member
It's not necessarily up for sale - they're exploring it as an option but equally they may well be doing the same thing in terms of acquiring a new site.
Ha ha, yes, precisely, yes, that's what they must be doing! Ha ha ha ha!! ;)


Well-Known Member
They have been exploring this since at least 2014, when the idea was a land swap I believe, so you would have to say it has been a key part of their strategy for some time and not something that was done on a "maybe we could". However in that 2 years they do not seem to have got close to alternative sites and the best they can apparently claim is a tenancy in a city centre rugby ground that has yet to be developed - but that doesn't cover it would seem academy & training ground

Unless they have done more work on this that what we're aware of.


Well-Known Member
I just hope Dion has the decency to boycott the episode they're selling
These houses on "homes under the hammer" ;)


CCFC Finance Director
Unless they have done more work on this that what we're aware of.

sure they have but how long ago were the latest round of FOI's with RBC that showed nothing going on?

Bruce the Boot

Well-Known Member
MORE of our History eroded , I think we all know now , that they are here for themselves and not CCFC ..


Well-Known Member
sure they have but how long ago were the latest round of FOI's with RBC that showed nothing going on?
Has anyone put in more recent FOI requests to get an updated picture? If not, then the club may well have been speaking to Rugby and other areas to seek sites etc.

Sounds like not, as today's news has obviously come as a shock.


Been out with work all morning! What a morning to miss!

Haven't they been trying for years to get something like this done? Pre SISU and since then?

The only good bit of news is the fact they need to show an alternative before it goes through, maybe recent meetings with Sport England will have helped.

The football league and FA should be hounding them for plans, but I have a feeling they will be getting CC'd into everything and anything.

It may be worth hammering everybody and anybody with requests to see what other discussions have been had.


Well-Known Member
Coventry City FC would like to provide an update about the proposed developments at the training ground in Ryton-on-Dunsmore...

A Coventry City FC spokesperson said: "Coventry City FC can confirm that the club’s training base at Ryton has been included in the Rugby Borough Council’s local plan as a potential redevelopment site.

"The Club have worked alongside Rugby Council, Sport England and representatives from Ryton Parish Council to get the land proposed for housing in the local plan, and the consultation period for that will begin on 26th September. The Club will be engaging fully with the consultation process.

"The objective is to relocate to a new modern site (currently under review), which will act as an inspirational environment and will better serve the needs of the football club as a whole.

"The Club would like to reiterate that the current site cannot be developed until it has demonstrated to Rugby Council and Sport England that an adequate replacement has been provided for."

I'm trying
not to get angry about this but when a statement on the clubs own website start's with "A Coventry City FC spokesperson said" I struggle for hope. It's a line you read in a speculative newspaper article. Which CCFC spokesperson? At least show us the dignity to tell us who's saying it. That's before you even get into the wishy-washyness of the rest of "statement".


It also does tie in with CA wanting to move the first team to the Higgs...

Maybe that is still on the cards with what they plan?


Well-Known Member
Errm, isn't it best to secure the new land first and lay a few bricks before putting your old training ground up for sale?
Maybe they have...Warwick Uni facilities, or sharing Birmingham's, or even a cheap bit of land in the Syrian desert they have found.
Seemingly nothing is beyond these people other than being fair to all they do business with, & providing us with a reasonable chance of something to celebrate

...onwards & upwards PUSB


Well-Known Member
It also does tie in with CA wanting to move the first team to the Higgs...

Maybe that is still on the cards with what they plan?
It's not because the Higgs won't/can't deal with us until we get new owners, so that's not an option SISU can follow.

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