Match Thread Sheffield Wednesday - Coventry City Match Thread - Saturday 20th Jan (13 Viewers)

2024/25 League 1 Champs?

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I'm not buying that.

I knew what had happened straight away. I'm sure I'm not alone here.
Funny you should say that, I realised straight away watching on I follow and the idiots on the sheffield radio were trying to say Palmer was angry because something had been thrown at him


Well-Known Member
Funny you should say that, I realised straight away watching on I follow and the idiots on the sheffield radio were trying to say Palmer was angry because something had been thrown at him
I think something possibly did also get thrown but that was after he'd spoken to the ref and then I assume walked over to point out the scrote that was doing the monkey business.

Flying Fokker

Well-Known Member
Some of the posts on this board aren't exactly edifying, either. Some of the responses to robbiekeane's 'Lazy' thread were... interesting, for sure and there are plenty of other examples, overt and covert, too.

I'd rather City fans weren't thought racist because of a minority of bigots on this forum, and the same should apply for Sheffield Wednesday. Sometimes the silence about it is... unsettling however.


Well-Known Member
Also has anyone read the thread on the Wednesday forum? It’s a disgrace. So many of them blaming Palmer for enticing the crowd.
The response on that forum makes it worse, which isn't something you'd think was possible. We all know every club has a handful of complete idiots, there's a couple on here, but generally they're called out and when something happens, like the banners last week, everyone condemns them.

There's post after post on there of 'I'm not racist but' and people blaming Palmer for what happened.

Is the problem particularly bad in that part of the country? Seems like this isn't the first recent issue with racism there and of course there has been huge issues at Yorkshire cricket which got a similar we've done nothing wrong type response.


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it is an invite to join the "Coventry Car Park Club"
Well Done Applause GIF by MOODMAN


Well-Known Member
Only listened to the game as was trying to fix a leak at my lads house but sounds like Kasey was having a good game. We all have shouted at players at some point, particularly the opposition when they are on top, but no excuse for them to react in this way. Seeing it on the news brings some hope that it's been highlighted so much it will be taken seriously. Would hope Kasey plays on Friday and the whole place give him some support but the shame is while the twat in question will probably be banned or prosecuted, it won't change or educate his mates or likeminded people.

Sour end to what sounded a great performance, with Sheaf leading the way. On that note,, anyone else having this issue when trying to watch the game back on iFollow?



Well-Known Member
Only listened to the game as was trying to fix a leak at my lads house but sounds like Kasey was having a good game. We all have shouted at players at some point, particularly the opposition when they are on top, but no excuse for them to react in this way. Seeing it on the news brings some hope that it's been highlighted so much it will be taken seriously. Would hope Kasey plays on Friday and the whole place give him some support but the shame is while the twat in question will probably be banned or prosecuted, it won't change or educate his mates or likeminded people.

Sour end to what sounded a great performance, with Sheaf leading the way. On that note,, anyone else having this issue when trying to watch the game back on iFollow?

View attachment 33537

Antivirus issue. Look back to the start of the thread


Well-Known Member
Just watched game back and don’t think Palmer disappeared or was “bizarre” in the second half whatsoever (as was claimed by Weds fans). Remained professional throughout and only seemed bothered/distracted after the monkey gesture near the end (understandably so)

Their 17 was visibly disgusted/pissed off about his own fans actions. Says a lot about what was going on.


Well-Known Member
Theres a comment on the Wednesday forum saying that arsehole who abused Palmer,also started on her son and was also giving a ballgirl verbal for most of the game.Its been reported to the EFL apparently.

2024/25 League 1 Champs?

Well-Known Member
Yeah it was someone referring to a woman whos son was started on by that bellend,and he was also verbally abusing a ballgirl.

Ah ok, I thought you meant the racist ‘fan’ also started on their own son, and that they were a woman, only because it didn’t look like a woman on the various videos.

Also, there was definitely more than one fan in that group abusing KP.


Well-Known Member
On some level I love the chaos we seem to leave in our wake recently. We seem to rattle teams no end. Obviously don’t love this particular rattle.

A Sheffield wednesday fan said yesterday that he wishes their fans and players had an arrogance about them like ours .

Took it as a huge compliment tbh

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
Terry Angus at the statue launch waxed lyrical about how the cup win brought the different communities together in Coventry and how Cyrillic and Lloyd were massive role models to him and others

I love our tolerance and respect in this city

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