sisu: 1 week till we hear the truth (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Have we? Is that a different rebate to the one the council paid to SISU that has been discussed at length on here? Worth point out the rent was owed to ACL and the rebate due from the council so at no point did we owe £200K net. If you have a £1000 bill from N Power but BT owe you £500 you don't say you only owe N Power £500 do you?!

No I agree especially with the last bit. Bit like paying into a third party escrow account and saying the 590k debt has been paid. The rebate she was quoted was the overcharging of business rates that was paid in January.


Well-Known Member
Hopefully there will just be a concrete, ethical, decisive decision either way, then on the steps of the Court all parties agree a return to the Ricoh, prompting me to enjoy watching the World Cup in Spain/Turkey and basking in England's magnificence as we go all the way..

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Well-Known Member
If she is focusing on the future and not looking back, why are we having a JR into past events?

Matchday costs are not rent. The fact that someone in her position does not know this is concerning.

What is this rebate she is on about? The one that she received 5 months ago?

If the club cant afford the rent, how will it afford the interest payments of a new stadium?

Also the rent has nothing to do with FFP. Again the fact she doesn't know this is concerning, especially as the current destruction of the club is based on this.

Strange that she is admitting alleged illegal activity in that she and the council were conspiring to damage the financial and commercial interests of Yorkshire Bank.

All in all she comes across as a bit of a daft cow, and if these comments are a sample of the best she can come up with then next week will be interesting.

I agree but of course JS knows all this. She may come across a daft cow but knows exactly what's going on the problem is she doesn't know football clubs and how they run and she is trying to run the club like a hard nosed London based business. Problem is it doesn't work. Football is often said the one business where is doesn't work like the norm.

I think its common knowledge ccc and sisu wanted to do a deal to buy out the mortgage but they all couldn't agree a final price and didn't have a desire according to the judge to complete that's either side btw. JS seems to me that she got pissed off when she was to me clearly bartering and haggling for a knock down price of the higgs share to the point where she fucked around too long and ccc went you know what sod this and done it themselves. That's how it reads to me. JS has thought then oh shit they actually have cut us out and now we have lost out hence all this legal side and moving out of cov. This isn't what sisu wanted to do but they messed up and have to try to recover the situation unfortunately its all backfired for them and the JR looks a dead rabbit and fans forums are a pathetic attempt to tempt ACL back in with out admitting wanting negotiations.

Best thing ACL can do is ignore ccfc and sisu until they go but I hope they don't and agree a short term deal that leads to a long term deal. Seems most logical. The JR needs out of the way first and when sisu lose this then I hope they all get back round the table and thrash something out before the season starts. If not there is no way back and ccfc will die if season 2 starts in Northampton and relegation seems a certainty. I wouldn't blame ACL if they didn't talk after the JR the way they have been treated but for the good of us fans I think they will see "sisu's best offer".

I agree the stadium needs to be owned by ccfc but whats wrong with reduced rent and access to income revenues especially short term. I hold the theory many hold and that is if sisu get the stadium or higgs share and the club then we will see the back of them quicker as they have something to sell and go away.


Well-Known Member
Have we? Is that a different rebate to the one the council paid to SISU that has been discussed at length on here? Worth point out the rent was owed to ACL and the rebate due from the council so at no point did we owe £200K net. If you have a £1000 bill from N Power but BT owe you £500 you don't say you only owe N Power £500 do you?!

I didn't know BT owned 50% of the shares of N Power? Really?

Funny how ACL are Independant if the council when it suits and not when it doesn't.

I thought the club were Persuing a rebate dating back to 2005 now?


Well-Known Member
I didn't know BT owned 50% of the shares of N Power? Really?

Funny how ACL are Independant if the council when it suits and not when it doesn't.

I thought the club were Persuing a rebate dating back to 2005 now?

You really aren't that stupid gredull so why make out you are?

The Gentleman

Well-Known Member
Hopefully there will just be a concrete, ethical, decisive decision either way, then on the steps of the Court all parties agree a return to the Ricoh, prompting me to enjoy watching the World Cup in Spain/Turkey and basking in England's magnificence as we go all the way..

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Sorry to piss on your bonfire Robo but isn't the World Cup in Brazil.................;)


Well-Known Member
Hopefully there will just be a concrete, ethical, decisive decision either way, then on the steps of the Court all parties agree a return to the Ricoh, prompting me to enjoy watching the World Cup in Spain/Turkey and basking in England's magnificence as we go all the way..

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I think you will find the Judges findings from the JR will come in a report which can take weeks to compile....the World Cup will be a distant memory by then.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to piss on your bonfire Robo but isn't the World Cup in Brazil.................;)

It is indeed but I am going on holiday to either Spain or Turkey ;)

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Well-Known Member
Three of the four games were against teams with a good away following.

Here are the attendences for the first season at the Ricoh. Its clear the crowds at the start of the season were high due to new stadium syndrome. However these high crowds soon drop off after a bad run of form. Just one game in November and December saw a 20k plus crowd. Then the city went on a good run, and the attendances shot up, by the end of the season they were far higher than they were at the start.

Now if higher attendances were only to do with a new ground, why would the attendances be higher at the end of the season than the start?

20/08/2005 QPR 23000 W
29/08/2005 SOUTHAMPTON 23000 D
10/09/2005 READING 22074 D
24/09/2005 HULL 21161 L
28/09/2005 WATFORD 16978 W
15/10/2005 CRYSTAL PALACE 24438 L
29/10/2005 LUTON 22228 W
02/11/2005 STOKE 16617 L
19/11/2005 IPSWICH 18316 D
26/11/2005 NORWICH 20433 D
03/12/2005 PLYMOUTH 18796 W
10/12/2005 MILLWALL 16156 W
28/12/2005 CREWE 19045 D
02/01/2006 WOLVERHAMPTON 26851 W
21/01/2006 DERBY 20267 W
04/02/2006 BRIGHTON 20541 W
15/02/2006 SHEFF WED 20021 W
25/02/2006 BURNLEY 19641 W
11/03/2006 SHEFF UTD 23506 W
18/03/2006 LEEDS 26643 D
01/04/2006 PNE 21023 L
17/04/2006 LEICESTER 26672 D
30/04/2006 CARDIFF 22536 W

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