Sisu have their arses slapped again (2 Viewers)

The Reverend Skyblue

Well-Known Member
All this continuation of the legal fights SISU seem hell bent on pursuing, will alienate even more fans and deepen the hatred of them by many others. Its got to stop and for the two sides to start talking which yesterdays very much welcome news was hopefully the start of this process.

SISU have ballsed up big time in their PR ,they could have gone around this much better in my opinion, Its got to the point as I wrote in another post that the relationship with many fans is broken beyond repair, the more all this legal stuff goes on the more fans will turn their back on the club due to SISU actions.

For Christ sake someone in SISU HQ will have to bite the bullet and say enough is enough, building the stadium is financial suicide, put everything into getting back to the Ricoh as part or full owners then sell on as soon as they can, as I still feel if we are back at the Ricoh with SISU as owners thousands still won't go, because of them and what they have done to their once great club.
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Well-Known Member
Another message that underlines the fact that Sisu are a busted flush. One day they will have to concede defeat.


New Member
Refusing Sisu’s disclosure application, the judge said it was unheard of for such an order to be made prior to permission for a judicial review being granted.
Sisu already had enough information in its grasp to enable it to put forward “a respectable case” on most of the issues, and requiring the council to make further disclosures could not be described as “necessary”.
The full hearing of Sisu’s application for permission to mount a full challenge to the loan will take place at the High Court in the near future.

That's the part you want to try and understand, the council are in for a rocky time!! the disclosures will be ordered once the full hearing starts in my opinion, Sisu are fully entitled to the papers in my opinion. The Judge is not wrong in his opinion but it is still silly power games! the judge cant order disclosures at this particular stage. Im personally looking forward to seeing the council being absolutely slaughtered by Sisu! bout time CCC were put in their place


New Member
SISU have ballsed up big time in their PR ,they could have gone around this much better in my opinion...

To be fair, whoever is doing the PR for SISU doesn't have a lot to work with given their reputation and current tactics. To use the old cliche "you can't polish a turd".


Well-Known Member
No, just turned up the day and the doors were closed.

It's definitely the same thing as an entire club ceasing to exist and not telling the media, police and away fans before a match then. And I thought it was just thespian nonsense.


The judge said that "it was unheard of for such an order to be made...." For the SISU lawyers to make such a request suggests that they thought that they had a weak case and they were getting a bit desperate perhaps?

James Smith

Well-Known Member
Refusing Sisu’s disclosure application, the judge said it was unheard of for such an order to be made prior to permission for a judicial review being granted.
Sisu already had enough information in its grasp to enable it to put forward “a respectable case” on most of the issues, and requiring the council to make further disclosures could not be described as “necessary”.
The full hearing of Sisu’s application for permission to mount a full challenge to the loan will take place at the High Court in the near future.

That's the part you want to try and understand, the council are in for a rocky time!! the disclosures will be ordered once the full hearing starts in my opinion, Sisu are fully entitled to the papers in my opinion. The Judge is not wrong in his opinion but it is still silly power games! the judge cant order disclosures at this particular stage. Im personally looking forward to seeing the council being absolutely slaughtered by Sisu! bout time CCC were put in their place
Just out of idle curiosity what legal education do you have if you don't mind me asking? Only reason I do ask is so I know whether or not you speak with any experience or training in law.

James Smith

Well-Known Member
Refusing Sisu’s disclosure application, the judge said it was unheard of for such an order to be made prior to permission for a judicial review being granted.
Sisu already had enough information in its grasp to enable it to put forward “a respectable case” on most of the issues, and requiring the council to make further disclosures could not be described as “necessary”.
The full hearing of Sisu’s application for permission to mount a full challenge to the loan will take place at the High Court in the near future.

That's the part you want to try and understand, the council are in for a rocky time!! the disclosures will be ordered once the full hearing starts in my opinion, Sisu are fully entitled to the papers in my opinion. The Judge is not wrong in his opinion but it is still silly power games! the judge cant order disclosures at this particular stage. Im personally looking forward to seeing the council being absolutely slaughtered by Sisu! bout time CCC were put in their place

When you say hearing do you mean the hearing regarding the Application Appeal for the Judicial review or the actual Judicial review itself? Because as a layman with some media law education it seems to me that the application appeal will now be made without access to these documents. I'm thinking a Judge at the appeal may only say yes SISU can have access to those documents (given what was said today) once they have successfully argued that there is a need for a Judicial review? If so then the first hurdle is to get the appeal successfully out of the way before worrying about the full hearing.

Also you say

sixfieldsfan said:
the judge cant order disclosures at this particular stage.
If this is the case why did the lawyer acting for SISU apply for them then as surely that's just waste of the court's time and money for not to mention SISU.
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Refusing Sisu’s disclosure application, the judge said it was unheard of for such an order to be made prior to permission for a judicial review being granted.
Sisu already had enough information in its grasp to enable it to put forward “a respectable case” on most of the issues, and requiring the council to make further disclosures could not be described as “necessary”.
The full hearing of Sisu’s application for permission to mount a full challenge to the loan will take place at the High Court in the near future.

That's the part you want to try and understand, the council are in for a rocky time!! the disclosures will be ordered once the full hearing starts in my opinion, Sisu are fully entitled to the papers in my opinion. The Judge is not wrong in his opinion but it is still silly power games! the judge cant order disclosures at this particular stage. Im personally looking forward to seeing the council being absolutely slaughtered by Sisu! bout time CCC were put in their place

WTF do you know anyway? We shall eventually see that it's very little!
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James Smith

Well-Known Member
When you say hearing do you mean the hearing regarding the Application Appeal for the Judicial review or the actual Judicial review itself? Because as a layman with some media law education it seems to me that the application appeal will now be made without access to these documents. I'm thinking a Judge at the appeal may only say yes SISU can have access to those documents (given what was said today) once they have successfully argued that there is a need for a Judicial review? If so then the first hurdle is to get the appeal successfully out of the way before worrying about the full hearing.

Also you say

If this is the case why did the lawyer acting for SISU apply for them then as surely that's just waste of the court's time and SISU's money.

Actually it definitely cost SISU money having re-read the article as they have been ordered to pay costs of £7k. Oops again!

The Reverend Skyblue

Well-Known Member
Refusing Sisu’s disclosure application, the judge said it was unheard of for such an order to be made prior to permission for a judicial review being granted.
Sisu already had enough information in its grasp to enable it to put forward “a respectable case” on most of the issues, and requiring the council to make further disclosures could not be described as “necessary”.
The full hearing of Sisu’s application for permission to mount a full challenge to the loan will take place at the High Court in the near future.

That's the part you want to try and understand, the council are in for a rocky time!! the disclosures will be ordered once the full hearing starts in my opinion, Sisu are fully entitled to the papers in my opinion. The Judge is not wrong in his opinion but it is still silly power games! the judge cant order disclosures at this particular stage. Im personally looking forward to seeing the council being absolutely slaughtered by Sisu! bout time CCC were put in their place

make your mind up, one minute you are certain the council will get its arse kicked in court, nicely put by the way , and now it just in my opinion they will get "absolutely slaughtered" in court, again nicely put. You are certain or your not, stop hedging your bets man
Admit it, you haven't a clue whats going to happen, like the rest of us, your just coming on here mouthing off and winding a few up on here

James Smith

Well-Known Member
WTF do you know anyway? We shall eventually see that it's very little!
This is why I have asked if the other poster can clarify what legal experience/training/education they have. They may have a Phd in Law from somewhere prestigious for all we know.


Well-Known Member
Refusing Sisu’s disclosure application, the judge said it was unheard of for such an order to be made prior to permission for a judicial review being granted.
Sisu already had enough information in its grasp to enable it to put forward “a respectable case” on most of the issues, and requiring the council to make further disclosures could not be described as “necessary”.
The full hearing of Sisu’s application for permission to mount a full challenge to the loan will take place at the High Court in the near future.

That's the part you want to try and understand, the council are in for a rocky time!! the disclosures will be ordered once the full hearing starts in my opinion, Sisu are fully entitled to the papers in my opinion. The Judge is not wrong in his opinion but it is still silly power games! the judge cant order disclosures at this particular stage. Im personally looking forward to seeing the council being absolutely slaughtered by Sisu! bout time CCC were put in their place


i'm sure ccc already know their place. serving the tax payer, not a hedge fund.

PS you're an idiot


Well-Known Member
Refusing Sisu’s disclosure application, the judge said it was unheard of for such an order to be made prior to permission for a judicial review being granted.
Sisu already had enough information in its grasp to enable it to put forward “a respectable case” on most of the issues, and requiring the council to make further disclosures could not be described as “necessary”.
The full hearing of Sisu’s application for permission to mount a full challenge to the loan will take place at the High Court in the near future.

That's the part you want to try and understand, the council are in for a rocky time!! the disclosures will be ordered once the full hearing starts in my opinion, Sisu are fully entitled to the papers in my opinion. The Judge is not wrong in his opinion but it is still silly power games! the judge cant order disclosures at this particular stage. Im personally looking forward to seeing the council being absolutely slaughtered by Sisu! bout time CCC were put in their place

There's no guarantee that there will be a JR, but if there is let me just clarify your position: you want to see a local council 'being absolutely slaughtered' by a hedge fund that has no interest in CCFC whatsoever, and whose only concern is making money for its unknown investors by whatever means necessary.

Oh yeah, and you think playing 'home' games at Sixfields is great.

Join date: Oct 2013 - says it all - how much are SISU paying you to write such drivel?


Well-Known Member
Refusing Sisu’s disclosure application, the judge said it was unheard of for such an order to be made prior to permission for a judicial review being granted.
Sisu already had enough information in its grasp to enable it to put forward “a respectable case” on most of the issues, and requiring the council to make further disclosures could not be described as “necessary”.
The full hearing of Sisu’s application for permission to mount a full challenge to the loan will take place at the High Court in the near future.

That's the part you want to try and understand, the council are in for a rocky time!! the disclosures will be ordered once the full hearing starts in my opinion, Sisu are fully entitled to the papers in my opinion. The Judge is not wrong in his opinion but it is still silly power games! the judge cant order disclosures at this particular stage. Im personally looking forward to seeing the council being absolutely slaughtered by Sisu! bout time CCC were put in their place

Whether SISU are entitled to the papers in your opinion is not the point. It is the judge who decides and if SISU's action is thrown out as expected, they don't need to see anything except their bill. Why would anyone look forward to Coventry tax payers being put in their place by people who specialise in distressing companies ( as you have claimed ) to obtain assets on the cheap? About time SISU showed a gesture of goodwill and dropped the JR. The council want to deal with sensible and reliable people not bullies.


Well-Known Member
Just out of idle curiosity what legal education do you have if you don't mind me asking? Only reason I do ask is so I know whether or not you speak with any experience or training in law.

I think he's president of the Kavanagh QC fan club.


Well-Known Member
To be honest, I think in terms of getting the JR done and dusted more quickly, this is probably is good news. SISU's case, which seemed fairly weak from the off, is now even weaker.

To me this makes it more likely that the whole thing will get chucked out on 28th November.

If SISU wanted a bit of good PR, for once, they could drop it all now on the grounds of showing good will for the ongoing negotiations. But I doubt they will.

The figures I dug up the other day showed that about 85% of of JR's fall at the first hurdle, as SISU's did. Of the ones that re-apply, as SISU have, an even higher percentage get chucked out again.

The odds of SISU winning this, or even being able to continue with the case are pretty small. (13/2 based on the raw numbers above, I reckon; so in true bookie fashion, I'll offer 5/1) ;)

Edit: Should say that I think the true odds are a lot longer, given how dismissive of the case the first judge was. I'd want 100/1 before I stuck any money on SISU winning this.

I would also estimate that SISU counsel said they had a good chance to win. Figures quoted above show that the legal profession and the courts combined prove that perpetual motion does exist.


Well-Known Member
sixfieldsfan said:
The Judge is not wrong in his opinion but it is still silly power games! the judge cant order disclosures at this particular stage.

So if the judge can't order disclosures at this particular stage, as you explain - why did SISU make the application?

James Smith

Well-Known Member
So if the judge can't order disclosures at this particular stage, as you explain - why did SISU make the application?
Wouldn't want to be the lawyer who had to explain that one to the clients along with the £7k costs for the other side.

Jack Griffin

Got a feeling fp that was always going to be the case....... if they get the freehold then there is no right to income so next stage is to remove ACL any bets that wont involve lots of expensive legal actions? If they dont get the freehold then I am sure there will be other legal challenges ......

Absolutely, it is everything or nothing.. I can't see SISU allowing any other company to persist, if they ain't prepared to buy the lot at a realistic price I don't believe there should be any further discussion.

Jack Griffin

Incidentally, just the cost of even applying for a Judicial Review will not be insignificant, and having had it rejected, SISU are currently liable for this, another reason for the appeal.

My understanding is that costs are likely to be at least £200k-£250k.

That's about half the revenue of ticket sales at Sixfields for the entire season if crowds remain as they are.

£9 x 2500 x23 = £517,500.

Jack Griffin

Actually it definitely cost SISU money having re-read the article as they have been ordered to pay costs of £7k. Oops again!

Don't forget they have to pay their own fees for Mr Rhodri Thompson QC


Well-Known Member
The most interesting thing today is that SISU have been ordered to pay CCC's costs. From what I gather from speaking to my lawyer this doesn't happen too often in this kind of case and is basically done when the judge thinks one sides case has no merit and they're wasting the courts time.

Now if that just applies to the action today or the whole case I have no idea but everything that has happened so far in the JR would seem to indicate SISU have little to no chance of even getting the review staged let alone winning it.


Well-Known Member
sisu could have paid acl the new ground rent of £150k for 3 years with the money in legal costs they have spent fighting the counsel.....


Well-Known Member
Refusing Sisu’s disclosure application, the judge said it was unheard of for such an order to be made prior to permission for a judicial review being granted.
Sisu already had enough information in its grasp to enable it to put forward “a respectable case” on most of the issues, and requiring the council to make further disclosures could not be described as “necessary”.
The full hearing of Sisu’s application for permission to mount a full challenge to the loan will take place at the High Court in the near future.

That's the part you want to try and understand, the council are in for a rocky time!! the disclosures will be ordered once the full hearing starts in my opinion, Sisu are fully entitled to the papers in my opinion. The Judge is not wrong in his opinion but it is still silly power games! the judge cant order disclosures at this particular stage. Im personally looking forward to seeing the council being absolutely slaughtered by Sisu! bout time CCC were put in their place

Ah yes newbie who loves sisu

Insult was added to injury when Sisu was ordered to pay more than £7,000 and i wonder if this will be paid just like the unpaid higgs bills off the higgs centre and the the other Higgs charity bills from the previous legal costs still unpaid,

Hey ho but they seriously want to buy the Ricoh ??

How to win friends and influence people sisu style

st john

Well-Known Member
Refusing Sisu’s disclosure application, the judge said it was unheard of for such an order to be made prior to permission for a judicial review being granted.
Sisu already had enough information in its grasp to enable it to put forward “a respectable case” on most of the issues, and requiring the council to make further disclosures could not be described as “necessary”.
The full hearing of Sisu’s application for permission to mount a full challenge to the loan will take place at the High Court in the near future.

That's the part you want to try and understand, the council are in for a rocky time!! the disclosures will be ordered once the full hearing starts in my opinion, Sisu are fully entitled to the papers in my opinion. The Judge is not wrong in his opinion but it is still silly power games! the judge cant order disclosures at this particular stage. Im personally looking forward to seeing the council being absolutely slaughtered by Sisu! bout time CCC were put in their place
Comical Ali


Super Moderator
This woman's a frickin looney tune.......surely her counsel must tell her she has no chance with all of these court cases she keeps bringing. She wastes money with the best of em (although why worry when its not your own?)

And we really want her to own the stadium?

not me, thanks.

Except she wins the majority of cases she takes to court. It is the way Sisu do business.


Well-Known Member
Except she wins the majority of cases she takes to court. It is the way Sisu do business.

We dont really know that though do we?

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