Well-Known Member
Are they the half time entertainment at Thursday's match?
Actually it does because we wouldn't have these custodians, but I won't argue with you as I can see you're getting a little wound up.[/QUOTE
How is saying how bad Richardson was going to save our club? He is irrelevant to the fight we now have. Some people on here just seem to have a problem with those who actually stand up and do something. It is Sisu who have been and who are destroying our club and yet those who actually do anything to protest are ridiculed. Yes, some of the protests are naff but these people have at least tried. Thankfully what I hear from fellow fans home and away contradicts the few on here. Most of us know who the enemy are and it is not Richardson, CCC the telegraph and certainly not the Trust. There is only one organisation killing our club and that is Sisu.
Are people really arguing about if pointing out about Richardson will save out club on a thread about that video, as if they seriously think it is going to save the club?
Fair play to them for having a laugh, I highly doubt they even think SISU are going to see that and run off. More likely to compare tips on Shampoo and Conditioner.
Should do an anti-Richardson one too then.
All your posts are questions and you seldom reflect your views.
Not that your views need reflecting.
You know damn well that all posts on this thread are relevant.
The actions of the few need commending.
There are very few left that actually have faith in a bright future under our current custodians.
Well done to the Christmas choir to all who took part in further attempting to highlight the high jacking of our club.
Which one are you Nick?
I wasn't on there, sorry!
Like I said, fair play to them for doing it. It is light hearted isn't it rather than them thinking it is going to make SISU go? I think the fact you are actually calling them "the christmas choir" kind of makes me think you have taken it a bit too seriously.
Commending? Fuck sake, it's as if they have been out to war on the front line or something. (some of them may have in their life, in which case they do deserve to be commended)
I have discussed this with NW before, I reckon a good protest will be a "protest video off". Will it make SISU go? Of course it won't, but maybe something topical that's a bit light hearted might not do too much harm.
As usual you answer in a way that attempts to ridicule the views of those trying ( and they may be trying in vain) to do something to in terms of our plight.
In your position, as administrator of possibly the most frequented Coventry City forum you should feel duty bound in assisting to rid us of the greatest threat to our very being.
When does your campaign to highlight the plight of our club begin?
Or is it the councils fault.
I have just showed you!
It isn't ridiculing them, I don't think for a second any of them think that video will in any way make SISU go and they saw it as a bit of a laugh. Hence they are all wearing wigs. I said fair play to them as it was clearly light hearted.
Duty bound for what? Do you want me to sing Christmas Carols? I guess that will make them go. I am not "duty bound" to do anything, as I don't have a duty other than to make sure the website is online and working.
Just needed a cigar.
Fair play to them, bit of a giggle. Wonder what people in the houses thought!
Why aren't you shooting the protest down as you love sisu and created the site to praise them?
You never did respond to why you think our current custodians are good for Coventry City football club.
Lots of question marks in you responses.
What are your views on SISU or Otium.
Just your views on them will do, not some hyperthetical bollocks on possible future owners.
What's your personal current view of them and how they may have enhanced our fortunes in the last 3283 days of purgatory?
Sorry hadn't read all the thread and didn't realise people actually did moan at you for shooting it down. You'll never win nick
Nick and I have different views when it comes to matters around SISU, council etc,Why aren't you shooting the protest down as you love sisu and created the site to praise them?
Does anybody know Gareth Malones number ?just need to get a campaign going now to get this to number one and not the x factor song![]()
Now come on.
Why insult me?
The choir video clearly will not speed the departure of SISU ( Otium, you remember the preferred bidder of Appleton),
But any thing that highlights the systematic destruction of our club by unfit owners ( anonymous unfit openers actually),
Is a positive isn't ?
Why try to discredit it?
You are in a position to aid the club by publically decrying the inept management of Coventry City for the last 8 years and 363 days, but you don't.
My turn for the question mark fest!!
Where were you insulted?
I am not in a position to do anything, I run a website and am the same as everybody else.
Do you really think the Christmas Carol video will make a jot of difference? No wonder the protests fall flat on their arse when people get so defensive over a light hearted video, when somebody points out it was light hearted! Where as it discredited? Apart from saying it won't make a difference, sorry to break it to you.
I think it's more worrying people seem to actually think things like this will help to actually get rid of them.
Why haven't you referenced my video? Surely they will leave because of it and it's positive?
You insult me by insinuating that I think a well meaning but tongue in cheek video will expediate the departure of our incumbents.
What worries you about people that might think this video and other protest stunts may be responsible for the departure of SISU/OTIUM?
It brings a case of ritual dissection and murder to the fore.
But you don't want that, clearly.
You have your own reasons and agenda, but it is not as informed as you might think.
It further does not meet with the general concensus.
Every one, it appears is less informed than you.
You'll make an admirable captain when you go down with your sinking ship.
You still refrain from answering and prefer to psycho analyse.
What's this ' gone in to a fit ' thing?
How would you describe the way we have been treated in the last 9 years by our owners?
Please do not mention previous owners, future owners or other parties.
How do think we have been governed , managed or as a fan base, actually treated.
How do you feel Nick please?
Russell Brand would say it like it is !!
Probably nearly as genius as going off at somebody, throwing the thesaurus at them when it turns out you pretty much agree with what they said anyway.I know you won't lose any sleep, but when you finally lose the football club that we all love at least you can say,
'I stuck to my principles.'
Thing is Nick when was the last time you heard of a protest (singular) that worked, theyWhere were you insulted?
I am not in a position to do anything, I run a website and am the same as everybody else.
Do you really think the Christmas Carol video will make a jot of difference? No wonder the protests fall flat on their arse when people get so defensive over a light hearted video, when somebody points out it was light hearted! Where as it discredited? Apart from saying it won't make a difference, sorry to break it to you.
I think it's more worrying people seem to actually think things like this will help to actually get rid of them.
Why haven't you referenced my video? Surely they will leave because of it and it's positive?
Like I said, fair play to them for doing it. It won't make them go but it will get a few smiles, if it's deadly serious they wouldn't be stood with wigs on. There's nothing wrong with smiling.
Nick and I have different views when it comes to matters around SISU, council etc,
But that is Bollocks mate.
I wasn't actually shooting it down, I said fair play to them for doing it.
How did it feel ?Sorry I was being sarcastic, I was just pretending to be one of the nopm mob for a moment