Sisu refuse to pay the Ricoh rent for a second month! (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
ACL/Council have to call SISU's bluff...simple as that.

Their current stance is simply unaccpetable.

They must show their resources, accounts, business plans and intentions for our club before they make any demands of their own.

Do you honestly believe that they have earned any right to command such a position and make such threats....previously to the loyal CCFC fans, and now, the ultimate insult, to the good folk of Coventry????:thinking about:

The irony is you and most on here who are now so moral would probably never have said that about Fletcher, Elliot, Robinson and co. yet they also could not have been paying the rent, in the end they weren't paying anyone. The club was all but sunk. Just because Fletcher and Elliot had a face made them no better, they were incompetent with a "business plan" centred on attracting 22,000 adult paying customers just to break even.

the acl/council should simply call the club/sisus bluff and simply say if u dont pay you will have to find somewhere else to play next season, god it shows how much hurt sisu have caused when we all seem to be on the council and arenas side against the club. this tim fisher seems to be playing the game of getting the fans onside against the council but it aint working, the council have cov in their hearts but sisu and fisher aint, where did ray ranson find these mugs, ill never forgive him for bringing sisu onboard


Well-Known Member
Your support of SISU - both past, and now present - is really becoming an embarrassement, mate.

I suggest that you think before you post such drivel - or don't post at all.:facepalm:

What will it take for you to realise that SISU are raping the club...and now the city????!!!

Do you live in Cov? No.

So how can you speak for the Cov taxpayer???? :thinking about:

(I'm now waiting for the notice that I am banned.....:slap:)

The only drivel I can read is coming from posts under your username. Is someone hacking your account?


Well-Known Member
the acl/council should simply call the club/sisus bluff and simply say if u dont pay you will have to find somewhere else to play next season, god it shows how much hurt sisu have caused when we all seem to be on the council and arenas side against the club. this tim fisher seems to be playing the game of getting the fans onside against the council but it aint working, the council have cov in their hearts but sisu and fisher aint, where did ray ranson find these mugs, ill never forgive him for bringing sisu onboard

The council doesn't give a stuff about the football club.


New Member
The council doesn't give a stuff about the football club.

The Council maybe incompetent, may make stupid decisions, and may even waste our money, but I can guarantee you that all members of the Council of all political parties want what is best for our City and our sports teams.

Sisu only care about Sisu.


New Member
The irony is you and most on here who are now so moral would probably never have said that about Fletcher, Elliot, Robinson and co. yet they also could not have been paying the rent, in the end they weren't paying anyone. The club was all but sunk. Just because Fletcher and Elliot had a face made them no better, they were incompetent with a "business plan" centred on attracting 22,000 adult paying customers just to break even.

Believe me, I am fully aware of their role in this mess....however, the current owners took the OPTION to buy the club and all that went with it.

As business-people is this what you expected them to deliver when they took over in 2007????


New Member
The only drivel I can read is coming from posts under your username. Is someone hacking your account?

What part of that is drivel?

Oh, yes, the Cov tax payer shouldn't bail out a London based hedge fund....that must be drivel I wrote.

Look, sat in the ivory towers of Warwick asking Cov tax payers to fund a £500-750k shortfall is very easy to do......isn't it? Or is that drivel as well???:facepalm:


Well-Known Member
Believe me, I am fully aware of their role in this mess....however, the current owners took the OPTION to buy the club and all that went with it.

As business-people is this what you expected them to deliver when they took over in 2007????

Considering no other board has "delivered" in the last 25 years then no I didn't expect anything. I also do not expect them just to shrug their shoulders and lose millions in investment.


New Member
The council doesn't give a stuff about the football club.

It doesn't need to...the club is privately run....:facepalm:

it needs to have the interests of the Cov people at heart and the services it offers......

It's upto SISU - as our owners - to '...give a stuff about the football club...'....:thinking about:


Well-Known Member
What part of that is drivel?

Oh, yes, the Cov tax payer shouldn't bail out a London based hedge fund....that must be drivel I wrote.

Look, sat in the ivory towers of Warwick asking Cov tax payers to fund a £500-750k shortfall is very easy to do......isn't it? Or is that drivel as well???:facepalm:

Please explain to me what the Cov tax payer is going to have to pay? ACL has nothing to do with the community charge or any other local taxation.


New Member
Sisu are an incurable Cancer.

The club is dying with them still here.

Getting rid of them, even with administration, is a kind of experimental drug that will either kill us or cure us.

Those who think that we have to 'get behind them as their our only option' are only delaying the inevitable. Whist I can understand why no one would want to see the club fold, I'm afraid its going to happen at some point. The quicker it happens the better.


New Member
Considering no other board has "delivered" in the last 25 years then no I didn't expect anything. .

So in 2007, when Ranson/SISU took over, you thought "Well, we'll be in L1 and on the bones of our arse even worse than it is now."?

Come of it, sonny.....:thinking about:


Well-Known Member
Sisu are an incurable Cancer.

The club is dying with them still here.

Getting rid of them, even with administration, is a kind of experimental drug that will either kill us or cure us.

Those who think that we have to 'get behind them as their our only option' are only delaying the inevitable. Whist I can understand why no one would want to see the club fold, I'm afraid its going to happen at some point. The quicker it happens the better.

Wasn't it incurable 4 years ago - they were the cure then?


New Member
Please explain to me what the Cov tax payer is going to have to pay? ACL has nothing to do with the community charge or any other local taxation.

If the rent is lowered, are you telling me - and think about this - that this will have no affect on the Cov tax payer???? :facepalm:


New Member
Please explain to me what the Cov tax payer is going to have to pay? ACL has nothing to do with the community charge or any other local taxation.

The sooner ACL pays off its loan the sooner the Council and the Higgs trust can start taking a dividend. So by not paying the rent Sisu are delaying future income for the Council.


Well-Known Member
So in 2007, when Ranson/SISU took over, you thought "Well, we'll be in L1 and on the bones of our arse even worse than it is now."?

Come of it, sonny.....:thinking about:

I expected zero improvement - until "fans" get behind the club in significant numbers (Norwich, Southampton etc.) we will always be where we are.


Well-Known Member
If the rent is lowered, are you telling me - and think about this - that this will have no affect on the Cov tax payer???? :facepalm:

No it won't they are a private company. Even if they are not your argument is nonsense as if they go down then no-one will be paying it at all!:facepalm:


New Member
Wasn't it incurable 4 years ago - they were the cure then?

I believed what Ray Ranson said in 2007. I was wrong and I'll admit that.

Your right it was incurable then. If your trying to get me to say that the last owners were just as bad then yes I agree with you.

However I'm looking at how we get out of this mess, and I cant see how with Sisu still in charge.


Well-Known Member
If the rent is lowered, are you telling me - and think about this - that this will have no affect on the Cov tax payer???? :facepalm:

Not in the short to medium term. Once the £20m mortgage is paid off, then the share holders may start to ale dividends out of ACL. At the moment they take nothing out of ACL.


New Member
I expected zero improvement - until "fans" get behind the club in significant numbers (Norwich, Southampton etc.) we will always be where we are.

Forget improvement...we have got MUCH worse....did you expect that?

Did you expect mismanagement such as players being allowed to leave on free transfers?

Did you expect endless managers to be lied to...and the fans?

Did you expect near relegation within 18 months of SISU taking over?

Did you believe the '...we will never be in this position again...' comments at Charlton?

Did you think we would achieve the 4-year plan to be out of this league by exiting it by the wrong end????

I don't think you fact, many saw SISU as our saviours - even urging fans to give up their shares for free...some called them disloyal if they didn't.

So, please do not insult my intelligence by stating that you thought SiSU's stewardship would lead to this......:eek:
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New Member
Not in the short to medium term. Once the £20m mortgage is paid off, then the share holders may start to ale dividends out of ACL. At the moment they take nothing out of ACL.

But it will have an affect as this is revenue that would be used by the it to pay off debts. meals on wheels for the elderly, funding places in schools for the disabled, police on the streets of our city etc.....

Or, let's ensure that SISU have mre money as dividends for their faceless shareholders?

Like bankers, SISU played a major part in fooking it up....and now they expect the public to pay for their mistakes/wrong decisions.

Nobody asked SISU to buy the club in was their choice....was it not?


New Member
I expected zero improvement - until "fans" get behind the club in significant numbers (Norwich, Southampton etc.) we will always be where we are.

If you link support with success then the club owes the fans big time.

2007/8 season 10th best supported team, finished 21st.
2008/9 season 13th best supported team, finished 17th.
2009/10 season 12th best supported team, finished 19th
2010/11 season 12th best supported team, finished 18th
2011/12 season 15th best supported team, finished 23rd.

The fans are not to blame.


Well-Known Member
Forget improvement...we have got MUCH worse....did you expect that?

Did you expect mismanagement such as players being allowed to leave on free transfers?

Did you expect endless managers to be lied to...and the fans?

Did you expect near relegation within 18 months of SISU taking over?

Did you believe the '...we will never be in this position again...' comments at Charlton?

Did you think we would achieve the 4-year plan to be out of this league by exiting it by the wrng end????

I don't think you fact, many say SISU as our saviours - even urging fans to give up their shares for free...some called them disloyal if they didn't.

So, please do not insult my intelligence by stating that you thought SiSU's stewardship would lead to this......:eek:

Depend on what you mean by much worse - we have only finished once in the top half of the league since relegation. Every relegated club that has subsequently failed to get promoted with the parachute payments has experienced subsequent relegation and / or administration. So this is the natural course of events.

Many players leave on free transfers at many clubs. Are you seriously telling me the likes of Westwood (I assume it is he not Platt as an out of contract player you are talking about) would have signed if Joe Elliot and Hoffman had been on board. Many players run contracts down.

Endless managers lied to could only be judged if the club had sufficient revenue to justify expenditure - blame armchair supporters for that. If we had 24,000 every week and were still not having investment then you would have a point.

We were often near relegation it was hardly a shock of major proportions

I believe it as much as Thorns comments, Mutton's love for the club, Osborne we're in it together etc.

This is our reality and partly self inflicted destiny. Get used to it.


Well-Known Member
If you link support with success then the club owes the fans big time.

2007/8 season 10th best supported team, finished 21st.
2008/9 season 13th best supported team, finished 17th.
2009/10 season 12th best supported team, finished 19th
2010/11 season 12th best supported team, finished 18th
2011/12 season 15th best supported team, finished 23rd.

The fans are not to blame.

I cannot even be bothered to argue if you are going to attempt to say the club is well supported. The Ricoh grew attendances which have naturally returned to the pitiful 14,000 we had at Highfield Road. We didn't even sell out as a Premier club. This argument is not valid.


Well-Known Member
It's all thorns fault according to kduffy.

I would have thought another of the critisiscms of SISU would have been the appointment of an unsuitable, unqualified manager purely because he was cheap. However, on a SWOT analysis they seem to score on the top left there.
I cannot even be bothered to argue if you are going to attempt to say the club is well supported. The Ricoh grew attendances which have naturally returned to the pitiful 14,000 we had at Highfield Road. We didn't even sell out as a Premier club. This argument is not valid.

and what do you expect ?

alot of fans have been priced out of going

also the matchday price is scandalous , they put the price up 2 pound more , what about fans who cant make it to the ticket office in the week?

the support is there if the team were worthy of the support

when we were 4th and playing against leeds 2010 , it was 28k , sucess breeds fans


Active Member
This is another day where the end seems to beckon closer for our beloved club. I echo BulkingtonSkyBlues point that you know it's bad when a lot of our fans are backing the council over the club. Personally, I hope the council take them to the fcuking cleaners. I know people are probably going to start saying "how can you want this for the club" but enough's enough. I work full time, I have to pay my bills and yet I still spend money on this club. SISU don't pay the bills, expect the council and supporters to believe their every word and seem to be running us into the ground. People like Jon Gaunt who want the council to drop the rent are mugs in my eyes. It's money out of the taxpayers pockets and into SISU's. If you think it's going to go anywhere else then you're fcuking blind.


New Member
I cannot even be bothered to argue if you are going to attempt to say the club is well supported. The Ricoh grew attendances which have naturally returned to the pitiful 14,000 we had at Highfield Road. We didn't even sell out as a Premier club. This argument is not valid.

I'm sorry but you're the one who made this argument valid by blaming the fans.

So this year we got the same 14k we got at HR when the club was doing well? In that case we are brilliantly supported as it means the crowds didn't drop at all despite it being our worst season for 50 years!

Anyway who am I to being facts into this debate.

Simple question, do you think Sisu have ran the club well over the last 4-5 years?

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
I cannot even be bothered to argue if you are going to attempt to say the club is well supported. The Ricoh grew attendances which have naturally returned to the pitiful 14,000 we had at Highfield Road. We didn't even sell out as a Premier club. This argument is not valid.

The top flight years more or less consisted of relegation battles and bottom half finishes Duffy, with a few notable exceptions. As a result it's hardly surprising that crowds dwindled and stagnated as people got fed up with it; non achievement, even in the top flight, is still non achievement.

The Reverend Skyblue

Well-Known Member
What part of that is drivel?

Oh, yes, the Cov tax payer shouldn't bail out a London based hedge fund....that must be drivel I wrote.

Look, sat in the ivory towers of Warwick asking Cov tax payers to fund a £500-750k shortfall is very easy to do......isn't it? Or is that drivel as well???:facepalm:

Why cheever are you obsessed with people who support the club who don't live in Cov. It goes a long way back, and you've continued with this anti-You should live in Cov to support Cov for so long, Personally its getting a little boring.

I don't live in Cov , never have, probably never will, but i/we have as much right & opinion as you ,to support and give comment on Cov. What have you got against those who live elsewhere ? Is there one club in the whole league who only have fans that live within the city limits, No.

Otherwise your a very good poster and one i agree on a lot with ,but can you drop your not a proper fan if you dont live here, bit, please

The Rev

Paxman II

Well-Known Member
Footnote to that I've lived like the REV in France for 15 years, USA for 10 years and now down here in sunny Cotswold country.
I'm still a fervent supporter of my football club and attend whenever I can. ;)

The CableGuy

Well-Known Member
My dad's a landlord. If a tenant moved in and after 2 months, told him that:

"I'm not paying the rent until we sit down and agree on a way to reduce it. Oh, and I'd also like access to some of your pension money."

....that tenant would be out the fracking door before you could say "Are you taking the fracking piss?"

I'm with the Council on this one. Its not the Council's fault that SISU have totally mismanaged the club, nor that the club has been mismanaged for years before that. Without the Council, CCFC would have been homeless after selling off HR and then getting relegated.

The Arena is a fantastic asset for the City of Coventry. If someone told me 30 years ago that major pop bands and Olympic Football would be played in Foleshill, I would have been calling the men in white coats. I don't see why the Arena should be exposed in any way to SISU's 'management' skills.

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