Where's sbt gone? Maybe his mummy has called him in for his tea?
Haha, funny, real original, wooo, go you. Actually, if you must know, I was having my dinner, and now I'm doing an essay on Tudor England, religious reforms under Henry VIII and Edward VI which is at the minute, more important than this debate, so I'll be back on in a couple of hours.
I'm real tempted to carry on, but school work comes first at the min, sorry to disappoint.
Thanks kg82
Your doing your home work and I am guessing but i doubt your 18.
You obviously do not understand the arena set up even though it has been explained to you several times to you.
a wise decision to study your home work you may learn something, but on the law of averages the amount of facts you have taken in on here about the Ricoh, you wouldn't pass a GCSE.
sorry to have to give a kid a slap, but you really need to read the facts presented, as you don't understand then give up
Sounds like a sponging student type to me. Probably drinks tap water in the pubs. I've got to go myself now,i have to go and do a nightshift to earn some money to pay for people like you.
Haha, funny, real original, wooo, go you. Actually, if you must know, I was having my dinner, and now I'm doing an essay on Tudor England, religious reforms under Henry VIII and Edward VI which is at the minute, more important than this debate, so I'll be back on in a couple of hours.
I also recall another argument/debate (your choice sir) where you 'fled the battlefield' and I didn't call you out saying something along the lines of, the old mans home called Valient back. Real responsible 'adult'
I'm real tempted to carry on, but school work comes first at the min, sorry to disappoint.
Thanks kg82
To get back to the original topic - I don't think City fans will ever be in a position to take the club over, or buy a share of the ground. There may be a few wealthy City fans, but not normal supporters bandning together.
Either SISU will stay, or they will sell, or they will let the club collapse (the least likely). If they sell, someone will have to have enough money to buy it from them i.e. not the fans. If it collapses, then the fans won't have a chance of rescuing the club due to the scale of the debt.
It's scary to say it, but whatever happens is totally out of our hands. Better, IMO, to devote energies to more practical matters where we CAN make a difference, than planning for scenarios that'll never happen.
Lets hope he is not doing GSCE Economics -- do they still do a U Grade?
If we purchase a share of the stadium, more capital will be available to pay the rent, I guess ACL are being lenient because they know the rent is way too high, it is a disgusting figure. On a side note, it baffles me why some CCFC fans side with the council, absolute disgrace! I hope we're successful in purchasing 50% of OUR stadium.
The council are robbing us, they're not* even investing in the city from the money they* get! Scum.
Had to edit some mistakes, sorry.
Buying a portion of the stadium isn't part of the plan! Even if it were, don't you think the inevitable loan will pretty much eat up any profits thereby making it a pointless gesture!
The evil council have a LEGAL DUTY to get the best deal for ALL TAXPAYERS not just the few hundred in the SBT! They MUST sell at a reasonable and fair amount. The SBT seem to think the council and ACL hsve a duty to help this motley band take this asset of their hands! They are in cloud cuckoo land.
Even the so-called "successful" pompey bid is far from done - indeed unless they can get the government to remove the listed building status from Fratton Park - its dead in the water!
Sure ther are ways of doing it, but not from a few hundred chancers trying to get there names in the paper.
The only way this deal can be done (as with Swansea) is if the total debt is far smaller (£1mill in the case of Swansea) - Getting fans alone to fund buyout of a club £60mill in debt with NO assets is NOT POSSIBLE!
Even Pompeys' bid is solely reliant on IMMEDIATELY selling the ground - an option NOT POSSIBLE for Cov!
Get over yourselves guys - THIS CANNOT WORK!!!
FFS you can't even manage to get SISU to turn the PA down!
CJp - enjoy reading your posts and am wondering if you maybe have some financial expertise behind your insights?
When you say something like 'someone will have enough money to buy it [the club]' my response is to ask how much money would it take? Are we all just guessing or does anyone have concrete info on how much/little Sisu would take? When you refer to 'If it [the club] collapses' does that mean going into administration, in which case won't the debt cease to be a critical factor? Given the CCFC/Sisu situation, creative thinking is required but there are ways that by working with other stakeholders supporters could get a stake in the club. I'm unclear why you think this is completely impossible - is it just an optimist v pessimist thing or do you have specific expertise/info that leads you to this view? Cheers
The amout of money it would take to actually buy CCFC i.e. take over the debt, is around £50m.
Good banter lads, but I passed my GCSE's and half my A levels, currently in my final year before, hopefully uni, wrong old men. Btw,Grendel, I have never had a U grade. Sorry to disappoint.well done you ..... now research ACCA and ICAEW, will give you an idea where i am coming from
Firstly, SISU have admitted they have made mistakes And would run the club differently if they could start again, and insist they are committed to CCFC, if this is to be believed, it is up to the individual, they could be telling the truth, it's in their best interests anyway so I'll go with the flow.no they havent TF has said mistakes were made, yes he has said SISU are here longer term but the reality is they do not have any choice if they ever hope to recover any of the money put into the project...... hobsons choice really hang in hope to get something by getting hands on stadium and surrounding development or pull out and lose the lot. As for truth..... that really depends on whose truth you choose....... think we have proven on many occassions that the "truth" expressed by the Board of Directors (SISU dont express anything) has been somewhat economical at best
I can remember reading somewhere ACL made a profit of 1m not 500k last year (not 100% so don't hold mt to that figure!) although they technically haven't because of the loan, but, if you look beyond face value, over 12 yrs (length of loan, 7 gone?) they'll be making a neat profit from the 13th year on wards, so selling to CCFC might not be best for them (directed at council not Higgs).nope net profit 2011 was £471389 and 2010 £546373.......... how does the loan affect that profit i am curious to know ?.......... we have no idea what profits will be year 13, whether they will raise finance to develop the site etc ...... it might seem like a better profit projected but it may not be and certainly wont be if CCFC do not pay their rent or have it greatly reduced
However, CCFC hold the cards here, without a club playing there, what would the council do with a 32.5k stadium? They'd lose much money because they would have lost a weekly revenue, from the kiosks' rent etc. oh, and the businesses around them in the arena park would lose money as well, workers get sacked, more unemployment in the area and so on. If they didn't need us, they would've kicked us out by now. I understand CCFC pay, on top of rent, 130k to upkeep the RICOH. The fact now is, the rent is too high for L1 club, 4 years ago, we were in the championship, they should lower the rent at an absolute minimum (can we all agree on that?). Oh and ACL have said if a viable, long term business plan is put forward, they negotiate a deal, now, it could be down to interpretation, so not completely flawless is it, the people looking at the plan may disagree with it because they think differently.
kind of depends if you mean there is no alternative to having CCFC there and whether ACL have any financial alternatives. Depends what cards you see - right now you have a hedge fund standing to lose well over £40m with that sum ever increasing and no way out, could the club go into administration and come out with different owners and less debt, could the stadium have other uses yes, personally i do not think it will be long before we find out who really holds the cards not sure it will be ccfc/ sisu
They havent kicked us out because they dont want the club to fail but dont assume that means they would never kick us out. Rent might be too high for league 1 average but that is the deal struck. If you ran a shop and leased it do you think the landlord would drop the rent because your income went down ? no of course he wouldnt, he may defer payment but the rent is his to set not the tenants right. Of course ACL want to see a viable business plan from CCFC, if they dont see one they cant plan forward and have to assume the club isnt viable - there isnt any real hard evidence to say otherwise
SISU have made new promises, apologised for the past, and with no investor in sight, looks like the only option at the minute, I highly doubt Hoffman will come to the rescue and I don't to think our fans could run a football club, and I doubt a Fans' Trust could run a football club as big as ours, our Pompey for that matter! What promises exactly, and if made how have they followed them through? may well be the only option for the status quo but is that the right way to go ? You can doubt, as is your right, but there is nothing that says they can not or that a supporters trust could not succeed at CCFC
Oh, I weren't saying the subsidy to Tesco was good or bad, I said a council is hardly socialist if it gives subsidies to corporations- seem to remember several labour or socialist governments/authorities doing exactly that - didnt seem to trouble them .[/QUOTE]
sorry but i think you are being a little naiive
I though the rent was paid on a game by game basis?
Time is not on our side. It was clear on BBC C&W this morning that the sands are running out for Sisu. The amount of rent now owed must be getting too much for ACL to stomach. It all makes the Trust's meeting all the more important as a first step in getting an escape plan formulated. Anybody who still thinks that Seppala is going to hose more money in still believes in Santa Claus (another finnish-american invention).
what was said on CWR this morning ? i missed it[/QUOTE
Here it is OSB ,go to around 2hrs 24 mins
This isn't a pop at you CJ, but there have been a number of posts where people have said that it would cost £40/50/60m (as you prefer) to take over the club, because SISU have invested that much.
The amount that they've invested is obviously of massive interest to them and I'm sure that they'd love to get their money back - although I'd be amazed if their investment has not been hugely written down in their own books - and so on this basis it would clearly form part of their negotiating stance.
However it is pretty irrelevant to what the business is actually worth. There are broardly three ways to value a business:
1) Asset value - we don't score very highly here
2) Current value of future profits - no, not too good there either
3) Some combination of 1) and 2) - see the earlier comments!
The amount of investment that SISU put in is sadly (from their point of view) of little interest in the value calculation. They put the money in, now it's gone and there's nothing of value to show for it.
At the moment I think that SISU realise that the value of their investment is now very small and appear to be trying to keep things ticking over with the minimum additional investment they can, while hoping that the club's fortunes on the pitch will improve, we might get a promotion and gradually they might be able to recover some of their lost value. If they're not having to spend too much, there's no need to sell and to then crystallise their losses.
If they find that they're having to write more cheques and that any prospect of future value is looking as far away as ever - then the "don't throw good money after bad" arguement will get stronger and they may decide to get whatever they can for the club and leave, rubbing their wounds.
You're possibl forgetting that the debt is not money "put in by SISU" - SISU found investors and directed their money into CCFC, which are effectively loans. Even if SISU walk away tomorrow, our creditors will remain (I think the major one is an Ohio pension fund). So whoever takes over the club, even if they buy the title for £1, will have to contend with the exisitng debts and interest payments.
what was said on CWR this morning ? i missed it[/QUOTE
Here it is OSB ,go to around 2hrs 24 mins
Cheers wingy![]()