Sky Blue Trust: We know nothing about an impending takeover (1 Viewer)

You defiantly are a SISU insider All piss and wind If you cared so much you would get off your arse to protect that hobby of yours or just go back to your seat in the Holt end with supporters like you no wonder we are Fooked I for one do not give up my time but do not slag those off who are trying to make a difference..........

same name as me , I am amazed


Well-Known Member
Unbelievable! - The SBT are ALMOST as caniving as sisu! They "organise" boycotts that no one attends they have film nights that only 29 people attend, and out of the 1200 claimed members, they can after around a year of existence boast a pathetic £3,000 TOTAL and a pledge (i.e may never be available) of £17K !

That amount MIGHT be impressive for a group of 5 people but fort 1200? Its PATHETIC - Its not even the cost of an adult ticket in the Jsb stand! I said even before they formulated this farce that there is no way they are going to raise the millions they would need to get even a partial share (anything less than 20% of the club is pointless!). They unbelievable hate speech from various people supporting (Is perfectly reasonable that these same scumbags are founder members) was disgusting!

Eventually even the idle local media who just use the idiot Jan as an easy way to get a soundbite will realise how pointless this group is. Until then they publish utter tosh, dressed up as informed commentary.

Do these jokers HONESTLY believe that any buyer is going to contact this fan club? Why would they? I think the indulgence of allowing them to sit and talk to the coard seems to have gone to their heads.

Entirely appropriate to say they don't know anything? A response could be made to their insipid press releases:

No Kidding Sherlock!

They are an offensive disgrace. They should go the way of SiSU



Well-Known Member
never realised there was another one but have sat on this name for a while without using it had no time in the past I may need to change it?????


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Just because he intends to involve the fans via the SBT that would not be any part of either due diligence or his offer so why would he have spoken to them yet? That would be a discussion to be had after the deal is done.

Mucca Mad Boys

Well-Known Member
You defiantly are a SISU insider All piss and wind If you cared so much you would get off your arse to protect that hobby of yours or just go back to your seat in the Holt end with supporters like you no wonder we are Fooked I for one do not give up my time but do not slag those off who are trying to make a difference..........

SiSU insider? Have you seen most of PSGM's ridiculous posts? He's clearly a WUM who should be banned because he'll chat shit about anything to get a reaction, take PSGM's views on: Robins, Leon Clarke, SISU, The Trust. PSGM1 is an idiot who should be be ignored, then PSGM will wither away.

This whole 'SISU insider' insult is beginning to be used marginalise or demonise someone's opinion that does not conform to the majority view on the forum - that is wrong.

Broken Hearted Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
CCFC no point you making a statement you were not mentioned in the article

CCFC92 members of the trust are all fans

NICK SBT were mentioned in the article so they responded by saying they knew nothing about it, there was no need for you to say anything unless that is you have a hidden agenda.

SKY BLUE JOHN 1500? exactly how many do you represent??

PGSM what goes through your mind? Why this obvious hate of the trust? As a child( presuming your'e an adult) were you excluded from group activities so that you hate any organisations? Or maybe you are like a lot of the callers on CWR who moan about the team and then let it slip that they dont actually go to the games?


CCFC no point you making a statement you were not mentioned in the article

CCFC92 members of the trust are all fans

NICK SBT were mentioned in the article so they responded by saying they knew nothing about it, there was no need for you to say anything unless that is you have a hidden agenda.

SKY BLUE JOHN 1500? exactly how many do you represent??

PGSM what goes through your mind? Why this obvious hate of the trust? As a child( presuming your'e an adult) were you excluded from group activities so that you hate any organisations? Or maybe you are like a lot of the callers on CWR who moan about the team and then let it slip that they dont actually go to the games?

No hidden agenda but when somebody puts out a press release representing fans and gets important info like names wrong it looks bad.

Typical "what are you doing about it" or "at least they are doing something" response.

It is a discussion forum for coventry city, we are talking about an article speaking on behalf of coventry city fans.

Can we only talk about it if our names are mentioned then?


Well-Known Member
CCFC no point you making a statement you were not mentioned in the article

CCFC92 members of the trust are all fans

NICK SBT were mentioned in the article so they responded by saying they knew nothing about it, there was no need for you to say anything unless that is you have a hidden agenda.

SKY BLUE JOHN 1500? exactly how many do you represent??

PGSM what goes through your mind? Why this obvious hate of the trust? As a child( presuming your'e an adult) were you excluded from group activities so that you hate any organisations? Or maybe you are like a lot of the callers on CWR who moan about the team and then let it slip that they dont actually go to the games?

But even so, they will be the last to hear about anything.

Broken Hearted Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
No the only "typical respnse" is yours Nick courting controversy and like a lot of people on here hiding behind the anonimity that this kind of site provides.

I am a member of the trust not on the board just a member my name is Pete and I will be by the first gate of the old Tesco stand on friday any of you want a chat come along and tell me why the hate.


Well-Known Member
CCFC no point you making a statement you were not mentioned in the article

CCFC92 members of the trust are all fans

NICK SBT were mentioned in the article so they responded by saying they knew nothing about it, there was no need for you to say anything unless that is you have a hidden agenda.

SKY BLUE JOHN 1500? exactly how many do you represent??

PGSM what goes through your mind? Why this obvious hate of the trust? As a child( presuming your'e an adult) were you excluded from group activities so that you hate any organisations? Or maybe you are like a lot of the callers on CWR who moan about the team and then let it slip that they dont actually go to the games?

Lets just say that: -
I believe the SBT has the club's best interest at heart.
The leaders of the SBT I know nothing of.
I have a suspicion of anyone that goes out of their way actively seeking power.
The SBT may well, after a canvassing exercise at the last home game, now have 1500members who are all no doubt fans...but there are many many more fans that know about the SBT but have decided not to join - which tells us something about what esteem the majority of fans hold them in (rightly or wrongly).
Re: the above...can the SBT legitimately speak on behalf of ALL fans? No...I for a start will think & speak for myself. By this action I delegate my support (not necessarily agree with) to the actual owners who have all the facts & I thereby sometimes perhaps misguidedly support & god forgive me trust their decisions.
All I really care about is where we sit in the table & the result after 90minutes of each game so I can cheer or cry in my beer accordingly.


Well-Known Member
I can only assume the SBT is run by some business minded people, not your average fan. That's why I said they will receive news ahead of normal fans.

Colonel Mustard

New Member
No the only "typical respnse" is yours Nick courting controversy and like a lot of people on here hiding behind the anonimity that this kind of site provides.

I am a member of the trust not on the board just a member my name is Pete and I will be by the first gate of the old Tesco stand on friday any of you want a chat come along and tell me why the hate.

Will you be there to spread the good word?



No the only "typical respnse" is yours Nick courting controversy and like a lot of people on here hiding behind the anonimity that this kind of site provides.

I am a member of the trust not on the board just a member my name is Pete and I will be by the first gate of the old Tesco stand on friday any of you want a chat come along and tell me why the hate.

How is pointing out the wrong name courting controversy?

If I was to do a press release for example speaking on behalf of forum members i would fully expect a % not to agree with it.

Who has said anything about hate?

Broken Hearted Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
It is obvious in any threads regarding the trust that there are people with feelings that can only be described as hate towards the trust. Now why that should be I dont know perhaps these people could explain it to me.

As for getting a name wrong considering all the things our present and previous owners have got wrong not exactly a capital offence is it?


Well-Known Member
It is obvious in any threads regarding the trust that there are people with feelings that can only be described as hate towards the trust. Now why that should be I dont know perhaps these people could explain it to me.

As for getting a name wrong considering all the things our present and previous owners have got wrong not exactly a capital offence is it?

I would be surprised if anyone hates the SBT...or it's leaders, or it's members. Ever considered that the rest of us are just not interested in the politics involved. Just like local & national politics - we get annoyed & frustrated about it & even the people involved.
In this particular case we prefer the football.

As for getting the name wrong - no it's not a capital offence...& the resulting mocking is not either.

Broken Hearted Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Have the trust ever said that they represent all the fans? no. Do they represent some of the fans? yes. Why was it started? to give the fans a voice. Why have not a lot more people joined the trust? apathy? compacancy?


Well-Known Member
Ccfc92 if you took the time to pop along to a meeting you would see we are all just average supporters just like you, nothing special about us just a belief that we have to at least try and help in anyway possible.
My view is everyone who follows the Sky Blues should be a member but that will never be, we all have our own views and they are important, but we eventually want the same, to save the football team we love.


Well-Known Member
The Problem with most fans is that they believe that all will just go away and be alright on the night just like it has before that is OK that is their right
Members of the SBT are also just normal fans who want to know what is going on in their club not just the same old crap that some spin doctor has decided we need to know.
We have an owner who doesn't care about my beloved City (my opinion) Portsmouth trust started the same way as us and now they have a say in who ever buys them they too went through the same shit as we are going through.....
IT is our club why should some faceless person decide whether we survive or just close us down because she can HELL HAS NO FURY LIKE A WOMEN SCORNED
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