Sky sports news (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
after speaking to the reporter, yes they suspect more is going on than meets the eye


New Member
If we had purchased 50%, why would SSN be the first to know? Why wouldn't ACL/CCFC either call a press conference or release a statement?


New Member
I knew my post about the club getting half the stadium would incur some ridicule. As I understand it the deal has been done its just not been officially released yet but will be soon. With the manager sacked, this with the stadium, rumour of Sisu going and Hoff seen with Orientals at the game Saturday are we about to see big changes? Sadly I think it means we've got Sisu for a lot longer. PUSB!

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
I knew my post about the club getting half the stadium would incur some ridicule. As I understand it the deal has been done its just not been officially released yet but will be soon. With the manager sacked, this with the stadium, rumour of Sisu going and Hoff seen with Orientals at the game Saturday are we about to see big changes? Sadly I think it means we've got Sisu for a lot longer. PUSB!

Wasn't it claimed that Hoffman & Elliot could end up teaming up with SISU again?


New Member
Nobody is at the training ground and nothing is going on there. Just received a text when I questioned this rumour.

Hmm could that be because they have gone? I mean you did post 2 hours after the initial post did you not?

In two hours a lot things can happen ;)

Thats enough time to introduce the players to the new owners, see a training session (they could have been there since the morning) and then pack them off quick and possible as the news crews probably got them spooked.


New Member
Can't understand anybody thinking that sisu buying 50% of the ground is a bad will we as fans be worse off..we never owned any of it and it will finally be back (some of it) with the football club...revenue..concerts..etc all giving ccfc money..I would be happy if this happens


Well-Known Member
Can't understand anybody thinking that sisu buying 50% of the ground is a bad will we as fans be worse off..we never owned any of it and it will finally be back (some of it) with the football club...revenue..concerts..etc all giving ccfc money..I would be happy if this happens

Yes very true, also if they own a part of the stadium that makes it more appealing for future owners to buy the club!


If SISU have acquired 50% then surely they'll start taking this football club seriously.

There's plenty of money under SISU's control - just none of it allocated to 'project CCFC'


New Member
Not giving ccfc money,giving sisu money,do you honestly think profits from the arena will go into the team?? They'll probably mortgage it to the hilt,what happens when they eventually leave,will their share stay with them?


Well-Known Member
It is important CCFC own the ground not SISU, be interesting to see how this lot pans out if true. It would be a major advantage to own any part of the ground. I just wonder were the cash is coming from.


Well-Known Member
And having it your way starves the club of income and makes us an even more unattractive prospect for potential purchasers.

Not giving ccfc money,giving sisu money,do you honestly think profits from the arena will go into the team?? They'll probably mortgage it to the hilt,what happens when they eventually leave,will their share stay with them?


New Member
Can you imagine sisu keeping their share after they've gone,they'd probably charge double the rent that the council do.


New Member
If its new investors (China Men) then it could well be that Hoffman and Elliot may have teamed up with SISU again.

Maybe on the long term they hope to buy the whole club from SISU and SISU see this as a way of getting their money back without the hassle.

I mean think about it. Your dealing with a consortium (Hoffman & Elliot) that wants total control of the club but you want your money back that you invested. So you go into partnership with them. Sell half (thats just a guess) of the club to this consortium and allow them to buy part of the Ricoh (or you go halves with them, whichever makes go with the former rather than the latter).

Slowly but surely, as SISU get their investment back, they'll sell more of the club to Hoffman and Elliot and slowly hand over the running of the club to them. It could end up with them holding on say 10% of the club, and dependant on how succesful the club becomes, they are still making a little money from it as well.

Or they get their investment back and then cut all ties leaving the club in the hands of Hoffman and Elliot.

It's a transitional process that takes time but all parties involved get what they want and the club is saved through new investment, new players, better manager etc. Plus it will be out of the media to an extent as this could take months, maybe a year or so before it would be complete and i doubt the media would cover it for that long.

Eventually SISU get their money and slink off into the sunset and Hoffman an Elliot (and the China Men) get the club.

Who knows if im right, we could be getting some serious buying power back at the club in the next few weeks. Shame the transfer window shuts soon lol


New Member
You know exactly where I'm coming from torch but fail to answer as usual. Id love is to own the ground but sisu cant be trusted,even a yes man like you can see that.


New Member
Unless the investors are paying for the stadium themselves through Hoffman which would suggest that SISU will not own a penny of the ground.

I think SISU, as i said above, will settle for a small percentage (10%?) of the club because the ground will eventually become the clubs as well.

They'll still make a little money from it without the hassle of actually running it lol.

They don't need to be transparent anymore...they'll become exactly what they are...a hedge fund watching from afar...
Right - SISU are not buying part of the Ricoh, they want too but the council will block them. The only reason they bought the club on the cheap was to get their hands on the Ricoh as its a goldmine.

To buy the Higgs Shares you must own the club, this was a clause in the Higgs buying out the club shares - this then protects the club from being kicked out of the arena by someone that just wants the stadium.

What people don't relise is that none of the profits made by the Ricoh goes to the shareholders until the mortgage that ACL took out to help build the place is paid off - even if SISU bought half 2moro they still wouldn't get any of the revenue generated!!!


New Member
the chinamen had not heard that thorn got the tin tack and were just delivering the after training all you can eat buffet


New Member
Right - SISU are not buying part of the Ricoh, they want too but the council will block them. The only reason they bought the club on the cheap was to get their hands on the Ricoh as its a goldmine.

To buy the Higgs Shares you must own the club, this was a clause in the Higgs buying out the club shares - this then protects the club from being kicked out of the arena by someone that just wants the stadium.

What people don't relise is that none of the profits made by the Ricoh goes to the shareholders until the mortgage that ACL took out to help build the place is paid off - even if SISU bought half 2moro they still wouldn't get any of the revenue generated!!!

Rumour is they've already bought half the stadium with outside investor was posted earlier by someone who got the info from SSN i believe. I think he said they were paying 11million for it.

We're not discussing this as a fantasy, we're discussing this because a geniun comment directs us to believe it might actually be happening for real...
Rumour is they've already bought half the stadium with outside investor was posted earlier by someone who got the info from SSN i believe. I think he said they were paying 11million for it.

We're not discussing this as a fantasy, we're discussing this because a geniun comment directs us to believe it might actually be happening for real...

Strange how they can find 11 million for the stadium but can't spend a penny on the team. It's quite clear now they have never wanted the club.


New Member
Strange how they can find 11 million for the stadium but can't spend a penny on the team. It's quite clear now they have never wanted the club.

So, who exactly are you? Are you an employee of ACL? You seem very definitive, and you're username would suggest some sort of connection.


New Member
Strange how they can find 11 million for the stadium but can't spend a penny on the team. It's quite clear now they have never wanted the club.

True but i don't think the investors were available back in the summer.

This is happening now because the investors have now come in with the money.

It explains how quickly Thorn was booted out. His sacking was probably pre requisit of their funding the club.

They buy half the club, it sorts out the rent issues and they would probably have money now to buy some players.

If they brought the new Manager in tomorrow (as i feel they will have already got him ready to take over), then he has four days to get anymore perminant signings in (which he'll have already ear marked and probably got the ball rolling already) and any others can be brought in on loan until January when they can finalise a perminant transfer etc (assuming they've impressed).

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