Well-Known Member
Guys anyone got any update? I no you guys get slated when you sometimes post,but I for one like the little bits of info you pass on.
Ive got some news...not particularly good though. I know someone who has met one of the key members of sisu on a number of occassions and knows the company. The person told me SISU are likely to be extremely stubborn (no surprise), are struggling financially themselves (have other investments with financial issues) and he would be extremely surprised (shocked !!!!) if they have ever had the cash to put in the £30m they are claiming.
He also said why would they bail out for less than they want/expect when they are still earning from the club ie management fees.
I suppose the one glimmer of hope is that if SISU themselves are struggling financially they may have no choice but to sell in the very near future (unfortunately it also means a player sale(s) will be on the horizon if the club isnt sold soon)
Nothing too exciting or new, pretty much confirmed everything we all thought or knew already, but thought Id share the info.
But what's the point? No stadium and they will never make anything? So why stay?
But what's the point? No stadium and they will never make anything? So why stay?
Are not Salaries are being paid to KD & OI. Possibly to other directors.
Are not the SISU loans being paid off? I may well be being naive here, but I think this could explain the discrepancy between the overheads that can be seen & understood and the monthly losses stated by SISU.
Is it maybe that KD, OI, LB and the numerous other board members we have had in and out are the investors. They go on the board, get paid a salary until they make a profit on what they put in, then are removed. Maybe this £30m is what they collectively put in and they have a weird, ruthless notion they'll get that back too to boost the coffers further. Even though it was spent on running the club day to day like petrol and car tax which you never get back when you sell. All this is alleged, of course.
Finances do not have to be so confusing - they choose it to be for their own reasons.
Btw HMRC are at court this week trying to overturn the FA and Football League rules regarding "football debts"
Godiva / OSB - I agree with your analysis of the situation but the one aspect that puzzles me is the actual investors in these funds. They have put up the £30m and via the funds loaned it to the club, the club pays no interest on this loan therefore the funds receive no revenue on this "investment". The funds are administered by SISU who receive a fee from the investors for managing the funds, therefore as the funds receive no income from their "investment" and have to pay a fee they are actually losing money on the investment, hardly good business practice. I can therefore only assume that the SBS&L shares are in the funds amongst a raft of other shares that are making money and the losses on the SBS&L "investment" are masked by gains elsewhere. Does that make any sense?
Do sisu's investors know what they have invested in???
Crowy - you commented "do we need to worry about SISU anymore?" so I was just asking if they had fecked off in which case we don't but if they are still here then they are the root cause of our current ills and therefore we do have to worry about them and their intentions for OUR club.
So Godiva you are saying their investors have loaned £30m and are happy to not only not make any money on that loan but are happy to be charged for not making any money? I may not be a financial wizard but that makes no sense to me. I know in the greater scheme of things £30m is not a massive amount to a pension fund etc but surely they would want to make a return. Maybe that is why SISU don't want us to know who the investors are so we cannot approach them and point out the truth about their investment if SISU are burying the bad news in amongst lots of other better performing funds. Maybe the investors don't even know they have invested in SBS&L.
Its not according to me Godiva its according to Company House ..... cant take credit for that![]()