SOC Statement (1 Viewer)

Paxman II

Well-Known Member you support the SOC while at the same time you don't? And everyone should be grateful they exist?


Super Moderator
If you disagree dont get involved, if you dont like their statement then dont read it, but for fekks sake as they are a group that is currently in the news and involved in the campaign to oust our current owners, then surely the press are likely to ask them for their thoughts, (rather than asking each individual fan) and so they release a statement.

SOC claim to represent the Fans. If the majority of fans disagree with them, or their methods (as seems to be the case on here), then they need to stop what they are doing as they are misleading everyone.

If SOC wish to be a fans group then it should be a clear definition that they are only 100 strong. The majority of the other 14,000 regular attendees are not represented by SOC. Like I said before if SOC really were working for all fans, the statement could've been put on here and GMK for a vote on whether it should be published or not.

I'm confused tbh as a city fan that wants SISU out does this make me part of SOC? I don't attend the meetings, is this what limits membership? If I attend the meetings but disagree with everything they say does this make me part of SOC? I JUST DONT KNOW????


Well-Known Member
He said he's not pro or anti SOC, not that he supports it but doesn't support it. I think what he's said makes a lot of sense, and I'm pretty sure he hasn't put anywhere we should all be grateful. He's just stated that those that don't like should maybe not read it and get worked up about it or put together a staement they find appropriate. I'm completely flummoxed about the over-reaction to the statement and then to some peoples views on this too!


Well-Known Member
SOC claim to represent the Fans. If the majority of fans disagree with them, or their methods (as seems to be the case on here), then they need to stop what they are doing as they are misleading everyone.

If SOC wish to be a fans group then it should be a clear definition that they are only 100 strong. The majority of the other 14,000 regular attendees are not represented by SOC. Like I said before if SOC really were working for all fans, the statement could've been put on here and GMK for a vote on whether it should be published or not.

I'm confused tbh as a city fan that wants SISU out does this make me part of SOC? I don't attend the meetings, is this what limits membership? If I attend the meetings but disagree with everything they say does this make me part of SOC? I JUST DONT KNOW????

How many numbers should there be in a fans representative group? In a club where the fans openly admit the majority are apathetic and lazy I think they have a fair number!


Super Moderator
If they used these forums to gain a general concensus then they would treble membership, which would still be desperately short of representing the opinion of the majority. But would give more credibility in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
People can support the intentions of SOC whilst also holding reservations about some of the things they may do or say.

People can have reservations about some of the things SOC do or say without automatically being 'anti-SOC' or 'pro-SISU'

People can fully support SOC and agree with every word of the statement without it automatically pigeonholing them into a specific philosophy also.

If everyone here has enough about them to work a computer, they must have enough about them to grasp this. Doesn't just go for this topic either.


Well-Known Member
This means you've surely conducted a rigorous hobbit employment system so you should breeze through this kind of stuff.


Well-Known Member you support the SOC while at the same time you don't? And everyone should be grateful they exist?

I mean I support their intentions to stop SISU draining our club, be it they move on and new owenrs come in or alternatives, but I do not actively support ie) go to meetings

Try looking at grey, its a mix of black and white.
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New Member
Nick - we were each asked by various media outlets and individuals what we and/or SOC thought about the news in the Telegraph - so how would you like us to respond?
Cannot see anywhere in the statement where we are demanding they ask our permission? Yes we have asked for a bit of clarification about both sides intentions - wseems fair enough or don't you care about what each side has to offer or intends to do with the club. Would they care about SOC - well both sides have been talking to us so I guess they must hold us in some regard. Does either side give a toss about the fans? Would be nice to think that Hoff does but no harm in asking him is there? As for the help business - I myself doubt if there is anything we can do to practically help the process but there is no harm in offering if it might help resolve the current situation.

I really fail to see your problem with the group trying to show a degree of organisation and professionalism? Will you be objecting to the fact we have an agenda for the forthcoming meeting - should we just say turn up and well just have a general natter about things?

I don't think this thread would have escalated to this level had Jan responded constructively as opposed to chosing to take offense and behave quite so defensively.

To be a group representative of the fans, with all the resources of the internet, surely the main component is consultation.

If the statement was along the lines of "We'll try and find out what we can you you" and not "We're involved too... honest... involve us... INVOLVE US!!" it wouldn't have gotten peoples backs up.

I think everything SOC have done up until this point has been valid and the Soton protest was a crowning glory. I also agree with what they say, but not really how they say it.

People don't like misrepresentation or to feel left out (and that's not just CCFC fans) and as a representative group, maybe SOC should be mindful of that.

Also, I would advise not to be so quick to belittle people offering constructive or different perspectives. Don't take everything as a personal attack. Again, it's down to listening to the majority, and in SBT they have a fantastic opportunity to do that and get the information they require within an hour.
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Super Moderator
It is funny how the chair of a "supporters group" can become so defensive/offended with the views of supporters that they claim to represent.


Well-Known Member
Whilst everyone is entitled to opinions I think this is stupid.
For the last 6 months we have had a majority of people saying "Where are the sky blue trust they are useless, they couldn't even organise the buying of a pie."
Now we have a group of people who are trying to do something and we have some fans criticising there efforts saying they hold themselves of too high importance and other bullshit. Basically if nobody was trying to do anything most fans would be saying "why doesn't someone try to to do something" or "where are the sky blue trust"
You are damned if you do and damned if you don't with CCFC fans. I think many people had this vision of SOC just being a couple of hundred fans, smashing windows at SISU HQ and setting flares of etc.
Only on a Coventry board could such a thread exist.

Oh and Steve stop trolling about the megaphone to say you are getting boring and repetitive is an understatement.


Like I said, I agree it is good that somebody is doing something BUT the way (maybe not meant) that statement comes across it might put even more fans off. (Coventry fans are the most cynical anyway)


Well-Known Member
Like I said, I agree it is good that somebody is doing something BUT the way (maybe not meant) that statement comes across it might put even more fans off. (Coventry fans are the most cynical anyway)
I sort of see where you are coming from, maybe the formality of the way it is being run would put off the average fan from attending meetings etc.
My point was mainly aimed at comments like people ridiculing SOC or those who have called them deluded and getting too big for there boots, why weren't fans consulted before the statement release etc. and not at the OP.

Paxman II

Well-Known Member
Whilst everyone is entitled to opinions I think this is stupid.
For the last 6 months we have had a majority of people saying "Where are the sky blue trust they are useless, they couldn't even organise the buying of a pie."
Now we have a group of people who are trying to do something and we have some fans criticising there efforts saying they hold themselves of too high importance and other bullshit. Basically if nobody was trying to do anything most fans would be saying "why doesn't someone try to to do something" or "where are the sky blue trust"
You are damned if you do and damned if you don't with CCFC fans. I think many people had this vision of SOC just being a couple of hundred fans, smashing windows at SISU HQ and setting flares of etc.
Only on a Coventry board could such a thread exist.

Oh and Steve stop trolling about the megaphone to say you are getting boring and repetitive is an understatement.

It's not stupid and i don't certainly could not care less about a so called sky Blue Trust or SOC as they do not represent the majority of the supporters. Splinter groups (if i may call them that) are a self deluded bunch of people who would like to think they hold sway on issues. They don't.

I like the majority feel SISU are the wrong people to have running our football club but I can not categorically say they are doing it badly hgiven the circumstances they find themselves in either. Hoffman may be better or worse we really can not assume and for sure we will not be privy to details.

So when SOC make a grandiose statement of their own even suggesting they will offer 'their' assistance in the process do you really think that is helpful?

If asbyjan or anyone wish to enlighten me on who the qualified people are at SOC to be able to offer such assistance are then I'm all ears...


Well-Known Member
Have to say as soon as I saw they started producing minutes and had board members I wanted nothing to do with it.

I thought it was just about passionate fans trying to get coverage of the state our club is in and raising awareness whilst slinging a bit of mud at SISU. Once all the above happended I just thought "What a bunch of plebs".

No offence like.


Super Moderator
Whilst everyone is entitled to opinions I think this is stupid.
For the last 6 months we have had a majority of people saying "Where are the sky blue trust they are useless, they couldn't even organise the buying of a pie."
Now we have a group of people who are trying to do something and we have some fans criticising there efforts saying they hold themselves of too high importance and other bullshit. Basically if nobody was trying to do anything most fans would be saying "why doesn't someone try to to do something" or "where are the sky blue trust"
You are damned if you do and damned if you don't with CCFC fans. I think many people had this vision of SOC just being a couple of hundred fans, smashing windows at SISU HQ and setting flares of etc.
Only on a Coventry board could such a thread exist.

Oh and Steve stop trolling about the megaphone to say you are getting boring and repetitive is an understatement.

The issue comes with the claim that they are a voice of the fans. Well I'm sorry but I did not give my opinion on that statement. I was not consulted and I am a fan who talks to the chair of this group on a regular basis through this web site. A thread asking do you agree or not, posted on this site for 1 day with a poll would've stopped any uproar here.


Well-Known Member
The issue comes with the claim that they are a voice of the fans. Well I'm sorry but I did not give my opinion on that statement. I was not consulted and I am a fan who talks to the chair of this group on a regular basis through this web site. A thread asking do you agree or not, posted on this site for 1 day with a poll would've stopped any uproar here.
Well they can't post a poll here every time they wish to do everything can they, it would be impractical.
Besides the statement says we have been unhappy with the way the club has been managed, we want any decisions made to be for the long term benefit of the club etc.

If you disagree with that then fine that is your opinion and you are free to express it.

@ Paxman -I think you have misunderstood the statement personally. It says to me SOC are willing to work alongside either as long as it is for the long term benefit. It means the fans are willing to work with either owners if it benefits the club longterm. I.e getting more support at the Ricoh and backing the team.
It is nothing to do with offering there expertise or advice to Hoffman/SISU as they believe they are more qualified/experienced in the purchasing ownership of the football club. To me it just means the fans are willing to support any owners who have the best long term interests of the club at heart.
"What a bunch of plebs"
And these are the sort of comments I was referring to in my first post.


New Member
I don't think I'm being taken seriously about the megaphone. Just because CCFC got so emotional about my request I thought I'd mention it again. Ps for those who don't know or who haven't seen the old megaphone in action I'm just having a laugh

All the best


New Member
I don't think I'm being taken seriously about the megaphone. Just because CCFC got so emotional about my request I thought I'd mention it again. Ps for those who don't know or who haven't seen the old megaphone in action I'm just having a laugh

All the best

Just take my missus she's got a gob on her


New Member
I don't think I'm being taken seriously about the megaphone. Just because CCFC got so emotional about my request I thought I'd mention it again. Ps for those who don't know or who haven't seen the old megaphone in action I'm just having a laugh All the best

It may also be that weve read that same joke over 5 times now and its becoming a little boring.:facepalm:



New Member
It may also be that weve read that same joke over 5 times now and its becoming a little boring.:facepalm:


Must be my sense of humour! The fact that all that stands out to me about SOC and that protest I went to at the ricoh is the megaphone not working, says it all I think.

All the best

Paxman II

Well-Known Member
Get real, SOC's statement was self serving and they do not represent me. I've supported this club since 1963 and i don't require them to show me the way now.
CCFC how exactly would they promote more fans going to the Ricoh? There is only one thing that will do that regardless of ownership - by winning more often on the playing field!


New Member
Can someone please confirm that they attended either the meeting in Cov or London last night and that they have been told to keep quiet.

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