He says Carlton Palmer was the most difficult player he ever managed.
One of his fondest memories was telling Dion he had been called up for England.
Messi is the best player he has ever seen, followed by Maradona, but he's not a lover of Maradona due to his off field antics.
Good find that was, I always liked Strachan, and I believe it was only his stubborness in persisting with a dodgy back line that eventually cost us our Premiership status.
He says Carlton Palmer was the most difficult player he ever managed.
One of his fondest memories was telling Dion he had been called up for England.
Messi is the best player he has ever seen, followed by Maradona, but he's not a lover of Maradona due to his off field antics.
Good find that was, I always liked Strachan, and I believe it was only his stubborness in persisting with a dodgy back line that eventually cost us our Premiership status.
Wasn't there a massive delay in getting Hartson in, his goals could have saved us that year... I'm still bitter :facepalm:
Couldn't stand Strachan when he was at City and still can't stand him now! He got us relegated - then slated the fans. I'll never change my mind about how I feel about him!! He's a tosser! I'll never forget the time after a match we had just lost badly at home (I was a steward in those days), and as he walked past a group of us, one of the other stewards muttered something like "He ain't got a clue!" to me. Strachan heard him, pushed himself into his face, ranted at him for a while then said to the head steward "I want this man sacked and banned!" Like I said, an absolute c**t and tosser!!(My mate wasn't sacked or banned because Strachan was later told by the club he had no jurisdiction over the running of the stewards. Bloke called Rankin was in charge at the time and he revoked Strachans decision.)