I went to school in south Cheshire and Crewe was the local team in the county. When we were in Year 11 we did our work experience; one of the lads from my class went to Crewe Alex, probably in a backroom helper sort of role (he's a sales manager for a recruitment firm now so doubtless the work experience was highly relevant for his future career!)....when we all came back after the 2 weeks, he said that Dario had told a bunch of young lads to "work harder, player better or I'm jumping in the bath with you"....OK he was from an era where players having team baths was the norm, but a bit of a strange thing to say to a bunch of teenage boys in the late 1990s. My mate implied that Dario was some kind of dodgy perv or gay himself but I would stress that there was no evidence for that and I assumed it was just supposition and exaggeration of things that were innocently said. Looking back, perhaps my mate was right. Nothing happened to him personally but he did seem to have come away with the strong impression that something wasn't right.
On a related note I was taken on a primary school trip in the early 90s around Crewe's ground, met Dario and the players and staff - nothing untoward happened at all but now it feels odd that Crewe were letting young children into an environment where they strongly suspected, to say that least, that abuse was going on.