SPAIN - Different Planet Or What ??? (1 Viewer)

Just watched a "rather" one sided game between Spain and Scotland tonight and have got to ask the question why are we (the British) so far apart with respect to ability, skill, fitness etc compared to the Spanish national team and the Spanish league teams.

It was there for all to see - no hulking 6'3" centreforward, no hoof balls, no mis trapped balls just very near perfection on a football pitch.

We seem to be light years away with our application skills.

When Spain attack they have six players in front of the ball when they defend they miraculously conjur up six behind the ball all in a split second.

The approach play is at times somewhat cautious but with multi passing leading to a sudden opening a goal is almost guarranteed.

The ball seems to be glued to feet and will not be relinquished whatever the pressure - even if lost it is quickly regained.

Movement with the ball is mesmerising always looking to the one/two,s to split defences with the final pass rolled out for a simple goal - Spain rarely blast thirty yarders.

Possession at 60/70% is a norm which ensures more goal scoring opportunities than any opposition.

There is no "box to box", "works his nuts off", "good engine" nonsense within the Spanish vocabulary - each player has consummate skill and ability in abundance and can turn defence into attack in the blink of an eye.

The question is why can't we learn from this and change our tactics and playing personnel to try and arrest the inevitable decline in our performances - if we don't adapt quickly our solitary achievementv 45 years ago will remain just that.

Thanks Nick, should have known better - possibly too much Nigerian lager tonight and got carried away - OAP's are allowed a bit of discretion, surely.



Well-Known Member
I think, if you look at the prem it shows we are bought up to be big physical players.
The prem is 10x more physical than la liga and maybe sometimes it may work.
When england play spain in a few months we will have a lot more physicality than the spain bunch, I also feel that if theo, young, downing are on form they could tear spains defence up, it looked at times there back for couldn't keep up with brightons CMS.

As I do everytime I watch spain and barca, I always get reminded of the night when michael miffy tore apart Pique who's is now apart of the possibly best team in history.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it's just us, there's nobody close to them currently. The second best team in the world is the Spain reserve team. They're probably the only one's who'd have a chance against the "first" team!

PS in regard to "Big" strikers, Llorente is pretty huge! But he's amazing technically so they're comfortable with playing to his feet.
This is why I don't have the same level of passion for our national side as I used to.

Apart from the fact that a lot of our most talented players don't even want to represent their country any more, we are as you say lightyears behind in technical ability and being able to retain the ball.

Our game needs to change from grassroots level - coaching youngsters to retain possession rather than lump it at the slightest sign of danger for example.
I don't think it's just us, there's nobody close to them currently. The second best team in the world is the Spain reserve team. They're probably the only one's who'd have a chance against the "first" team!

PS in regard to "Big" strikers, Llorente is pretty huge! But he's amazing technically so they're comfortable with playing to his feet.

It is ridiculous how much quality they have at their disposal in all positions. Despite how much it gets mentioned all too frequently you notice another player that would easily fit into England's set up yet doesn't even make Spain's squad.

David Silva is arguably the best attacking midfielder in the Premiership and he's not even a regular.

I don't know whether they just got really lucky or they've done some great work as a nation at grassroots level. Possibly a bit of both.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, bit of both. Let's face it, a lot of the big nations have a "golden era" of teams (most of them more than we've had) but it seems Spain have struck gold!


Well-Known Member
It was there for all to see - no hulking 6'3" centreforward, no hoof balls, no mis trapped balls just very near perfection on a football pitch...

Nah, not 6' 3"...their sub striker is 6' 5"!

And boy was he a handful!

Other than that, I agree with what you say-they are just amazing to watch, "liquid football!" as Alan Partridge would put it. In general they and Barcelona are a world away from anything in this country. The ability to move the ball so smoothly. And the glaring difference between them and what we try to do is tempo-we just don't have the technique to move it without trapping it and stopping to think. (Well, maybe Deegs and Gael do to an extent-watch this space!)That said, the quality in Spain does drop off significantly after the big 2.

Fairplay to Scotland, they battled superbly. If they found a weakness in Spain it was a similar one to ours-a big gap in front of the (attacking) full back. Of course, they rarely got the ball or had the quality to exploit it!

Special mention to Craig Mackail-Smith who was absolutely superb. A lad who cut his teeth at Dagenham and Redbridge in the Conference a few years ago giving Puyol kittens all night, ha ha-something that the likes of Hussey can look up to. The Celtic lad who came on as sub (Forrester?) looks like a great talent, too.
Special mention to Craig Mackail-Smith who was absolutely superb. A lad who cut his teeth at Dagenham and Redbridge in the Conference a few years ago giving Puyol kittens all night, ha ha-something that the likes of Hussey can look up to. The Celtic lad who came on as sub (Forrester?) looks like a great talent, too.

CMS - another man very much on Thorn's radar while he was in League 1.

Takes me back to when Mifsud megged Pique for our second at Old Trafford. Pique had "football pie all over his shirt" that night.


Well-Known Member
shame we havnt got mifsud and juke up front now i think they would be awsome together :thinking about::thinking about:


Super Moderator
One thing about watching spain is how it seems weird having Messi missing and Ramos on the pitch. At times it's easy to forget that your not watching Barcelona.

I don't understand why teams can't try possesion football like they do. For the first time ever last night I saw a goal kick played almost backwards (towards the corner flag) talk about building from the back and being confident in posession.


Well-Known Member
whilst we teach our kids to get stuck in and wallop it out when clearing we will never make it

cov fans do it too,a few backwards passes and i hear boos,patience is required


Super Moderator
Cov fans boo because we never look forward or have the awareness that we have plenty of time to turn. I think Clingan is the worst offender for this so far this season. The amount of times he does not look around him and make that vital turn to face the right goal is unbeliveable. Considering he is El Capitano and supposedly one of our most experienced/better players his spacial awareness has been awful (this season).


Super Moderator
But the amazing thing is it's all simple football. Pass and keep possesion until you see an opening, be patient pass forwards and an opening will happen.

Spot on there with your observation - pass and move as you say should be simple but as a whole we (England team and majority of Prem sides) just cannot carry out this simple game plan.

Spain are thinking three/four moves ahead - you can see some of their players making huge runs to receive the ball that has been worked into open space.

Then take our lot - two/three attempts to control the ball and then kill the move stone dead and then inevitably pass back or sidewards if not already dispossessed.

We are obviously coaching from a different manual where flair is outlawed, skill is frowned upon and application is negated.

In our Sky Blue world I would like to think AT is breaking the mould a little as to our drastic change in tactics from last hoof year but until we get the right players the jury is still out on that one



Well-Known Member
With spain/barca they have the quality to speed up the tempo and go through the gears in seconds, one second it is passing in the centre circle and then an injection of pace and through on goal. Teams think they have Spain where they want them, then a quick succession of 1-2 passes creates an opening.


Super Moderator
I think most players in the top two tiers have enough quality to play as well as the spaniards, but it's about taking a look before you receive the ball, moving into space, play your passes quick and accurate with an excellent 1st touch. We have a few players capable of this but not the ones that need to be. Bigi I swear gets told to pass sideways and not forwards. It's so frustrating.
Rich, even with AT at the helm with his more attacking diamond formation does indeed restrict some of the more natural advenutrous elements in our midfield players none more obvious than Bigi and Connor two young and aspiring players having natural flair coached out of them at such an early stage of their careers.

This is reflected in their disinclination to venture into the final third of the pitch which surely can't be advantageous in attempting to win games.

Surely they can take it in turns to venture forward and why doesn't Sammy have a pop now and again apart from free kicks.


Hugh Jarse

Well-Known Member
We seem to be light years away with our application skills.

Whoa there, WE, what do you mean we, kimosabi?

Scottish football is the pits, the only reason Celtic are in Europe is because another team (who got more points than the Jocks) fielded an ineligible player. I can still see Ally McLeods little face now if I shut my eyes!

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