Spion Kop (9 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
I don't think your memory of the Forest game is as vivid as you think :)

Forest weren't given the whole kop, they just turned up in huge numbers and took it over.

There was also no lap of honour either. While the crowd were waiting for Forest to come out to celebrate, some Forest fans started running on the pitch taunting the City fans which resulted in much of the West End coming ono the pitch to confront them, and then more Forest fans also came on from the kop end to face up to them. The Police managed to get between them, and there was then a stand off for about 10 minutes before they were dispersed from the pitch and out the ground.

Of course it could be that my memory is the problem, as to be fair I guess its possible that Clough and his team could have come back out after that to celebrate, but by then it would been to half empty stadium.
Being only 8y/o at the time & it being 46 years ago, I’m sure there are things that happened that day that have vanished from my memory ‘though I do absolutely remember the mass pitch invasion but I’m sure Cov fans from the West End were first on the pitch & the initial protagonists.

Wouldn’t have the slightest clue whether Forest were given the Kop or turned up and took it, I just know they had it all & had completely packed it out.

I distinctly remember Clough in his yellow jersey parading in front of the Sky Blue Stand approaching the massed Forest fans on the Kop 🤔 no idea whether this was pre pitch invasion or after tbh.


Well-Known Member
Just found this, if the link works you can see the Cov fans storming on the pitch first from the West End.



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