Splileng (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Have a go at reading this - you can do it!

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg.
The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid.
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the
first and last ltteer be in the rghit pclae.
The rset can be a taotl mses and you can still raed it wouthit a porbelm.
This is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by
istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?


Well-Known Member
Just like reading one of my posts, where my fingers work quicker than my brain! I think the most common mistake I make is typing 'teh' instead of 'the' :(


New Member
I have no idea what you are talking about lol


New Member
Its like the spelling police that pick people up on posts, whats the point!!!!

The point young Stu is that punctuation, spelling and grammar DO MATTER. Funny how the people who say it's unimportant are the ones who didn't seem to get the hang of all this English 'stuff' at school. Someone, presumably their parents, told them that it's ok being dumb ...it doesn't really matter! You see Stu, I don't think people (especially people like me) are not out to ridicule people who make mistakes but to enlighten them as to the correct way to write/type/keyboard.

Now everyone can make a 'typo', (especially at the rate that people use a keyboard these days) and most people let these honest typos go, but when I see their/there/they're being misused and other such simple 'English Language' mistakes I feel that most folks do want to learn, as long as they're not made to look ridiculous. Many people are also so called 'English 2nd language' in which case although they seem to do a pretty good job of it, they also want to learn to speak and write the language better. I feel sometimes the 'English 2nd language' folks speak better than many of the native Brits, which probably says a lot for the state of schooling these days. Indeed, my own kids primary school teacher said that the intent of school was to get children to 'get their ideas out on paper and it didn't really matter if it was wrongly spelt etc' . That would be fine if at some time they went through all their 'ideas' and corrected them. But alas, they did not so it was left to me and my wife to cover spelling, punctuation and grammar. Obviously a problem with educators, but it is a problem for you young folks to go through life believing 'it doesn't matter'. Apologies for the long diatribe but hopefully you understand the other side of the argument.
I leave you with a saying. 'When the Student is ready a Teacher will appear' Capiche?


Well-Known Member
How many times did you go over that piece to make sure that you made no errors for fear of being ridiculed? :) I've had a quick scan and if I'm being ultra-critical, then the only ones that I can see in your post are as follows:


Apart from those, there is the argument of whether quotes should be single (') or double (") that has yet to be resolved on many forum arguments and finally the most damning error of all. You typed "When the Student is ready a Teacher will appear". This is inaccurate for two reasons. Firstly the use of 'a' instead of 'the' and secondly for the capital letter on 'Teacher'. If you understand what is implied by the quote and think it through, you will realise why those two points are critical to the quote.

Sorry! :)


New Member
Actually Rob, I tend to review all my posts, letters, e-mails and such like before I hit the 'Post' button. If you prefer second, rather than 2nd....so be it. So too with etc, which should have had a period after its abbreviated form and another period as it was the end of a sentence. Therefore (etc..) should have been the correct way to state that. I underlined and bolded 'is' only to make it stand out for readers, especially the speed readers out there. I do not take any credit, or otherwise for the saying "when the Student is ready a Teacher will appear" as this is a quote from someone a lot more famous than me. I believe it was to make Student and Teacher stand out.

Having said that, I too am learning new things every day, so thank you Teacher ;)


Well-Known Member
fyi: http://hubpages.com/hub/When-the-student-is-ready-the-teacher-will-appear

Fwiw I was only messing with you, but have listed the above link as a better explanation than I could probably muster. To pick up on one point the problem with is was not that it was underlined or bold, I understood why you did it, however, I did say that I was being ultra-critical. The error was the underlining of the space that precedes the word, but for some reason on my post, the underline hasn't run to the space which is odd as I 'cut and pasted' from your original.

I don't normally get involved in these 'flaming' issues other than to correct those who are pointing out the errors of others. My personal opinion is that providing we all know what is meant, then it really isn't that important. We don't want to discourage people from expressing their opinions for fear of ridicule, as it would be a dull board. I'm happy with my personal grasp of the language and guess by your post that you are too, so the substance is more imporant imo. Anyhow, no offence meant - our common goal PUSB! :D


New Member
Omg ..... I think its good that ppl make mistakes, if we were all perfect we would be boring , Its a forum its not a fecking exam, So could we please worry less about the correct spellings and what not , and just go back to having a laugh, Geez i felt like i was back in school reading that crap!!! Now ive got a head ache Nice one !!! lol


New Member
Ouch....I guess my original assertion was correct. "Funny how the people who say it's unimportant are the ones who didn't seem to get the hang of all this English 'stuff' at school." I think Ms Princess that it's ok to communicate in a poorer manner because it's a forum! I'm so sorry, for me communication in the English language is the same no matter where or what it is. Sorry it gave you a headache.
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New Member
fyi: http://hubpages.com/hub/When-the-student-is-ready-the-teacher-will-appear

Fwiw I was only messing with you, but have listed the above link as a better explanation than I could probably muster. To pick up on one point the problem with is was not that it was underlined or bold, I understood why you did it, however, I did say that I was being ultra-critical. The error was the underlining of the space that precedes the word, but for some reason on my post, the underline hasn't run to the space which is odd as I 'cut and pasted' from your original.

I don't normally get involved in these 'flaming' issues other than to correct those who are pointing out the errors of others. My personal opinion is that providing we all know what is meant, then it really isn't that important. We don't want to discourage people from expressing their opinions for fear of ridicule, as it would be a dull board. I'm happy with my personal grasp of the language and guess by your post that you are too, so the substance is more imporant imo. Anyhow, no offence meant - our common goal PUSB! :D

No offence taken Rob. It will take a lot before I get upset about anything. A lot of things irritate me though....for instance the southerners who pronounce the words 'something/nothing' as 'somethink/nothink". Now that bugs me ! PUSB


Well-Known Member
Seems like I've started a healthy debate here! I don't know about southerners but 'somethink and nothink' are very common Coventry pronunciations. Although I've got an English degree I tend to agree with SBPrincess here - it's a forum, and the message far outweighs the medium - I even thought about calling the thread 'A Message To The Spelling Police'. It's worth looking at the first post to put things in perspective.


Super Moderator
If you are able to understand the point of my post then the target is accomplished. I agree that correct spelling and pronunciation is important, BUT some people don't care or may be dyslexic. No-one here has the right to correct anyone else about spelling on a general topic. i.e. if we are talking about Marlon signing then, no-one should go off topic should I write about Marlon singing.

However this is a spelling thread so here the debate is open and spelling is the topic. Feel free to rip me apart, because I Gentlemen and SBP, have not reviewed my post prior to hitting the magic button. (that reminds me of Button Moon, ah the memories)


Well-Known Member
If you are able to understand the point of my post then the target is accomplished. I agree that correct spelling and pronunciation is important, BUT some people don't care or may be dyslexic. No-one here has the right to correct anyone else about spelling on a general topic. i.e. if we are talking about Marlon signing then, no-one should go off topic should I write about Marlon singing.

However this is a spelling thread so here the debate is open and spelling is the topic. Feel free to rip me apart, because I Gentlemen and SBP, have not reviewed my post prior to hitting the magic button. (that reminds me of Button Moon, ah the memories)

I can count nine spelling and grammar errors in that piece Rich (in addition to the one presumably deliberate error of "singing"). I'm not suggesting that mine is perfect, but as you said we were free to rip you apart, I have. :)


Well-Known Member
Opening sentence: (1) comma after post (2) "is" wrong tense
Second sentence: (3) "pronunciation" refers to speech, should be replaced with "grammar" ... imo (4) capitalisation of "BUT" is used to emphasise the word, but the emphasis is on the wrong word. If you did want to capitalise, then you depending on your point it should have been "SOME PEOPLE" or "DON'T CARE" again imo of course :)
Third sentence: (5 & 6) this one is a little more contentious. "no-one" should not be hyphenated. There are arguments to the contrary when speaking informally, but I guess if we're discussing grammar, then this is an area where the formal would be present. (7) comma required instead of period after "topic" as the illustrative point is part of the same sentence. (8) "i.e" should be "e.g."
Second paragraph, first sentence: (9) comma required after "However"
Second sentence: (10) "Gentlemen" no need for a capital "G" (11) The final period should be after the brackets and not before. Alternatively dispense with the brackets and begin with a capital 'T' on "that".

Sorry mate, you did ask - there may be more but I'm even boring myself now :)


Super Moderator

As someone who regards themselves as reasonably good at English, you're breakdown shows the importance of reviewing what you have written properly. Point (3) I did mean pronunciation as earlier in the thread you were discussing speech i.e. sumfink.

Otherwise I thank you for taking the time to review my post.

Just a note to everyone, the amount of grammatical errors that Rob has picked up there is quite extensive. I therefore think that General forum topics would fall to pieces if people get picky over the odd grammatical error/spelling mistake.

A note to anyone who is part of the spelling police...... Hop it or I'll set Roberto onto ya!:censored:


New Member

As someone who regards themselves as reasonably good at English, you're breakdown shows the importance of reviewing what you have written properly. Point (3) I did mean pronunciation as earlier in the thread you were discussing speech i.e. sumfink.

Otherwise I thank you for taking the time to review my post.

Just a note to everyone, the amount of grammatical errors that Rob has picked up there is quite extensive. I therefore think that General forum topics would fall to pieces if people get picky over the odd grammatical error/spelling mistake.

A note to anyone who is part of the spelling police...... Hop it or I'll set Roberto onto ya!:censored:

Oh no...not the dreaded Roberto!


New Member
I assume that "LOL" would be a bad response at this juncture ?

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