Spy Poisoning (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
My conspiracy theory: It is the eve of an election in Russia. The great protector will push the „fact“ that everyone is against Russia and they need someone like him. He will win by even more whilst at the same time showing that „traitors“ are not safe anywhere and will die a horrible death. After the election a scapegoat will be presented to show that Britain was wrong to accuse the Kremlin and Britain will be made to look silly.

So will Merkel and macron then who’ve issued a joint statement condemning Russia and claiming a breach of the chemicals weapons act.

Litvenkos wife was on the television this morning.

I don’t think she will think Britain look a bit silly now and wishes we were as forceful when that outrage occurs.

Your hatred of Britain is beyond embarrassing.


Well-Known Member
The Salisbury attack was appalling. But we must avoid a drift to conflict | Jeremy Corbyn

Corbyn’s article from the Guardian. Read it slowly, wipe your frothy mouth, re-read, digest and then understand that not only has Corbyn suggested we lose the empty rhetoric that has some whooping a phoney show of strength, he’s saying let’s go further than “tit for tat” expulsions and hit the Russian where it hurts once the investigation has run its course and the evidence is indefensible.

Anyone who thinks that the government hasn’t lined this up to brush it under the carpet quietly at a later date while seducing the mob in the immediate aftermath with a phoney show of strength is deluded. Thankfully we have an opposition in Parliament who will hold the serving government to account while being big enough to take the premature and hysterically criticism it’s receiving at the moment.


Well-Known Member
So will Merkel and macron then who’ve issued a joint statement condemning Russia and claiming a breach of the chemicals weapons act.

Litvenkos wife was on the television this morning.

I don’t think she will think Britain look a bit silly now and wishes we were as forceful when that outrage occurs.

Your hatred of Britain is beyond embarrassing.

I am saying he will play Britain. Let them get outraged and then pull some stunt to make us look silly or wrong. How is that hating Britain? Russia has accused us of breaking the same rules by not allowing them to verify the substance. The game is not over yet by a long way. Let's see what happens when he has obtained his massive electoral victory.


Well-Known Member
I am saying he will play Britain. Let them get outraged and then pull some stunt to make us look silly or wrong. How is that hating Britain? Russia has accused us of breaking the same rules by not allowing them to verify the substance. The game is not over yet by a long way. Let's see what happens when he has obtained his massive electoral victory.

What stunt did he pull when the enquiry confirmed litvenenko was killed by an identified Russian agent.

We have broken no rules - you are actually assuming anyone outside Russia believes a word this gangster says?

Are you seriously saying whatever absurd reasoning he offers will be believed by any sane mind!


Well-Known Member
What stunt did he pull when the enquiry confirmed litvenenko was killed by an identified Russian agent.

We have broken no rules - you are actually assuming anyone outside Russia believes a word this gangster says?

Are you seriously saying whatever absurd reasoning he offers will be believed by any sane mind!

Comrade Jeremy is keeping an open mind as he seems to.


Well-Known Member
Comrade Jeremy is keeping an open mind as he seems to.

Putin deliberately tells outrageous lies that he knows can be disproven.

Even by martcovs standards the notion Putin will make anyone look silly by producing eveidence is hilarious.

Bit like when he said no Russian troops were in Chechnya and they were imposters wearing Russian uniforms bought on the internet. Martcov probably believes him


Well-Known Member
On topic: Corbyns a dick when it comes to foreign policy. He’s mostly spot on domestically, but he’s just a broken clock when it comes to other countries. “The West is nasty, lets give these guys a chance”. Russia has been trolling the international community for years and Mays response has been perfect IMO. Which pains me to say, but it’s true. Getting our major allies to stand together is a great move as well.

She’s still an incompetent fuck who is running the country off a cliff, but on this she’s bang on.

For once I have to agree - on foreign policy . Corbyn for some reason never outwardly condemns brutal regimes - there was a toe curling interview on Venezuela where he would not condemn the violence from the government - saying I deplore violence - without actually criticising the oppressor is always his way.

The veneer slipped for a minute as well and he started to get very agitated.

Deleted member 5849

Anyone who even questions Putins involvement is not fit for office.
Best get rid of Boris Johnson then. He was on Radio 5 saying that there was a slight chance it was due to someone else.

Best get rid of May too, given Corbyn agrees with her conclusions.


Well-Known Member
Best get rid of Boris Johnson then. He was on Radio 5 saying that there was a slight chance it was due to someone else.

Best get rid of May too, given Corbyn agrees with her conclusions.
Corbyn has once again shown his utter incompetence

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Corbyn has once again shown his utter incompetence

no he hasn't. He's been asked for a comment. He's not dealing with the situation.
You must be worried about how May will deal with it given she delayed the Litvinenko enquiry. And the fist bumping and selfie taking in Salisbury was disgraceful given the gravity of the situation.
We all know you hate Corbyn but the way you give May a pass on everything is ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
no he hasn't. He's been asked for a comment. He's not dealing with the situation.
You must be worried about how May will deal with it given she delayed the Litvinenko enquiry. And the fist bumping and selfie taking in Salisbury was disgraceful given the gravity of the situation.
We all know you hate Corbyn but the way you give May a pass on everything is ridiculous.

May is dealing with it superbly. For once she seems like a leader.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
May is dealing with it superbly. For once she seems like a leader.
don't agree.
Her foreign secretary said this, "“There is something in the kind of smug, sarcastic response that we’ve heard that indicates their fundamental guilt. They want to simultaneously deny it, yet at the same time to glory in it.”

A ridiculous comment and once more proves she's incapable of controlling him.
Then, as I mentioned, she is fist bumping and posing for photos at the scene which could potentially be the scene of a treble murder including a UK police officer.
And I guarantee she will not stop Putins oligarchs laundering money through the City or buying up half of London, and she will not return the tory donations given by his henchmen. Strong leadership my arse.
(awaits deflective comment about Corbyn).


Well-Known Member
don't agree.
Her foreign secretary said this, "“There is something in the kind of smug, sarcastic response that we’ve heard that indicates their fundamental guilt. They want to simultaneously deny it, yet at the same time to glory in it.”

A ridiculous comment and once more proves she's incapable of controlling him.
Then, as I mentioned, she is fist bumping and posing for photos at the scene which could potentially be the scene of a treble murder including a UK police officer.
And I guarantee she will not stop Putins oligarchs laundering money through the City or buying up half of London, and she will not return the tory donations given by his henchmen. Strong leadership my arse.
(awaits deflective comment about Corbyn).

It’s an entirely accurate comment.


Well-Known Member
Putin deliberately tells outrageous lies that he knows can be disproven.

Even by martcovs standards the notion Putin will make anyone look silly by producing eveidence is hilarious.

Bit like when he said no Russian troops were in Chechnya and they were imposters wearing Russian uniforms bought on the internet. Martcov probably believes him

I think that he will pull some trick. This is worse than slipping something into someone‘s tea. There is also much more to play for. It is also not as clear cut as Russian soldiers spending their holidays in the Ukraine instead of on a beach. There are no witnessses outside of Russia as to how the stuff got amongst the daughter‘s possessions. Some kippers are already claiming that it is an attempt to stop Brexit by making us look weak and alone. It is not a simple assassination. It is meant to cause havoc and division.


Well-Known Member
I think that he will pull some trick. This is worse than slipping something into someone‘s tea. There is also much more to play for. It is also not as clear cut as Russian soldiers spending their holidays in the Ukraine instead of on a beach. There are no witnessses outside of Russia as to how the stuff got amongst the daughter‘s possessions. Some kippers are already claiming that it is an attempt to stop Brexit by making us look weak and alone. It is not a simple assassination. It is meant to cause havoc and division.

You truly are an idiot.

Another Russian spies death is now confirmed as murder - don’t tell me May did it with a rope in the dining room.

Actually not the soy I thought it was but another Russian. The spy was on BBC’s news was advised he and the poison victim were on a death list.

Still Putin will in the end reveal Ronald McDonald stole the nerve gas and killed said spy and martcov will believe him
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Well-Known Member
You truly are an idiot.

Another Russian spies death is now confirmed as murder - don’t tell me May did it with a rope in the dining room.

What are you on about? I am sure the Kremlin is behind all these hit jobs. I think that using nerve poison for the first time since the Second World War is more than just the usual hit job. He could have used the same tactic as with this newer case. He knew full well that there would be uproar. The only question is why he/ the Kremlin took the uproar into account? I suspect to create divisions- as in the US and with the Brexit discussion and the AfD.


Well-Known Member
What are you on about? I am sure the Kremlin is behind all these hit jobs. I think that using nerve poison for the first time since the Second World War is more than just the usual hit job. He could have used the same tactic as with this newer case. He knew full well that there would be uproar. The only question is why he/ the Kremlin took the uproar into account? I suspect to create divisions- as in the US and with the Brexit discussion and the AfD.

How many times have you been to Russia and how many Russians do you know?

clint van damme

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
You truly are an idiot.

Another Russian spies death is now confirmed as murder - don’t tell me May did it with a rope in the dining room.

Actually not the soy I thought it was but another Russian. The spy was on BBC’s news was advised he and the poison victim were on a death list.

Still Putin will in the end reveal Ronald McDonald stole the nerve gas and killed said spy and martcov will believe him

You really are the most ridiculous person I’ve ever come across. Just listen to yourself man, you sound like a six year old.


Well-Known Member
This is proper school yard stuff now. What next? My dad is bigger than your dad.

I have come to the conclusion that Grendel is a parody of himself.



Well-Known Member
How many times have you been to Russia and how many Russians do you know?

Never. The only Russians I have met in the past have been alright. A drink and a chat with them and that was all. What has that got to do with it? I have been to that shopping centre in Salisbury if that helps you. ;-)


Well-Known Member
Most I find are charming and far more friendly than most other European countries.
On a personal level they are, but they are also a very suspicious people and the officialdom is a joke. You encounter anyone in any kind of uniform and you're going to have difficulties.

When you go over (might have changed recently) you have to check your documents in at a local government office with 3 days.

3 days I went, 3 days I queued for 3 or 4 hours each time and each day the official would just pull down the shutter and say he was on a break and gave absolutely no idea when he would return (it was usually 2 or 3 hours later). He would send a whole queue away, all the people departing grumpy and saddened. I went with my in-laws and they said it was always like this and they encountered this sort of thing on a daily basis.

Not bad for being on holiday, eh! 3 days queuing in a gritty old, rickety scout hut to see a grumpy old git of a jobsworth.

They don't like you smiling at them either. Never smile at anyone in a uniform, they just glare back at you with disdain.
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