St Andrew's it is then (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
All I'm saying is, it doesn't stop people going.. It's an inconvenience

If their parents choose not to take the kid, it's because they choose not to go and THAT is what prevented the kid watching city.
And it's fair to say SOME of those parents may go if back in cov. So this move is impacting some families

Not blaming sisu. Just shouldnt gloss over that this isn't a good thing for many many fans



You just admitted its an inconvenience. So there r gonna be kids out there who would like to go but maybe their parents or friends parents dont go anymore

Wether u think the adults are wrong or not you can't say some young fans wont miss out

Also lets not fuking have st donation threads same time as saying traveling to another city to watch games is only a minor inconvience. Clearly money and job working hours etc are not an issue to watch cov so fuck the donation thread too!

It's down to the parents really isn't it?


Well-Known Member
It's down to the parents really isn't it?

It's down to people to make their own decisions. St Andrews is more time consuming and transport costs factor in. Can't have a go at people for not going or make out like they let tiny problem stop them from going. This situation makes it harder for many than if still at ricoh


Well-Known Member
It's down to people to make their own decisions. St Andrews is more time consuming and transport costs factor in. Can't have a go at people for not going or make out like they let tiny problem stop them from going. This situation makes it harder for many than if still at ricoh
Depends how much love you have for the club in my eyes I’ll be there with my kids no doubt about it


Well-Known Member
Warwick plans are not real. More SISU rubbish. Sec of state has called in the proposed access road off the A46 that this stadium would need, Poor old SISU, their plans would be scuppered by this. They’re still after the Ricoh. CCFC are collateral damage.
What's the grand plan then? If CCFC fall by the wayside as well as Wasps. There is a delapidated stadium declining in value with no tenants and an exhibition hall suitable for only pretty small events.


It's down to people to make their own decisions. St Andrews is more time consuming and transport costs factor in. Can't have a go at people for not going or make out like they let tiny problem stop them from going. This situation makes it harder for many than if still at ricoh

It's the same as Sixfields isn't it, BRING US HOME! Thousands fucked off after the first game and didn't bother anyway.


Well-Known Member
You could say the same if the club moved to Truro

Why do people have to be extreme when discussing a factual point that getting to a ground 20 miles away is not impossible but an inconvenience..

"YoU WoUlDnT SaY ThAt iF iT WaS MaDrID"

Deleted member 5849

How? You implying you would have to quit your job to go st Andrews would also mean you would have to quit your job to go to Coventry... So you work on a Saturday? That's your inconvenience
Depends where my job is, and what time it finishes.

One of the two grounds is a hassle, but doable if I want to (inconvenience) the other is not doable (not possible).

You could say the same if the club moved to Truro
It's almost like if you don't jump through 72 hoops, you shouldn't be there anyway which I find very bizarre.

Surely we all want more fans to turn up, be they fairweather or not? more fans = better atmosphere = more cash = more good feeling = longer term fans = longer term success.


Well-Known Member
Imagine having a council like ours

the people of Coventry voted them in


Well-Known Member
It's the same as Sixfields isn't it, BRING US HOME! Thousands fucked off after the first game and didn't bother anyway.

I was there at Yeovil I think it was when saw huge drop off

Still bigger crowds thab st airfields tho? 4k more or so. That's 4000 fans that wouldn't be watching cov if at sixfields.

Stadium moves have an impact. Can't deny that


Well-Known Member
Gutted as I genuinely thought we would be back. But I'll be there at St Andrews like last yeat cheering on our amazing Skyblue Boys in the Championship.

We need to move on and focus on this new stadium, we need to see concrete movement, more than just statements, we need to see real progress this season as my fear is in 12 months time we will have had 2 seasons away from Coventry and heard or seen nothing else regarding the new stadium.

Have absolutely no time for the council or wasps or the ricoh anymore, this whole fiasco has just tainted my view on it from when I first went.

Frustrating more than anything. But we need to back Mark Robins and the players even more at St Andrew's this season.

Deleted member 5849

What's the grand plan then? If CCFC fall by the wayside as well as Wasps. There is a delapidated stadium declining in value with no tenants and an exhibition hall suitable for only pretty small events.
Decent warehouse space for all these newfangled mail order companies needed in a post-Covid world...


Well-Known Member
My worry is how much more will robins put up with if he’s backed this summer I think we will be ok if he can’t get who he wants and a bigger club etc comes in I can see him going


Well-Known Member
Depends where my job is, and what time it finishes.

One of the two grounds is a hassle, but doable if I want to (inconvenience) the other is not doable (not possible).

It's almost like if you don't jump through 72 hoops, you shouldn't be there anyway which I find very bizarre.

Surely we all want more fans to turn up, be they fairweather or not? more fans = better atmosphere = more cash = more good feeling = longer term fans = longer term success.

My point as I'm sure people are already aware, is aimed at supporters who would normally go to the football but are trying to make out the 6 pound bus fare return is just a stretch too far


Well-Known Member
You know what I’m saying mate I don’t wanna hear the usual excuses on here about travel etc we need to stick together get behind robins and the team we’re back in the championship we must carry on doing our bit we’re in this together

I know what u r saying. U r motivated to support city and fu k wasps/council. I get it and I like it

But i will not agree that this move doesnt impact fans. And that it weeds out the bad fans etc.


Well-Known Member
I know what u r saying. U r motivated to support city and fu k wasps/council. I get it and I like it

But i will not agree that this move doesnt impact fans. And that it weeds out the bad fans etc.

I never said that tbh, you think that's what I mean.. But I don't


Well-Known Member
All I'm saying is, it doesn't stop people going.. It's an inconvenience

If their parents choose not to take the kid, it's because they choose not to go and THAT is what prevented the kid watching city.

So if all true City fans just get over themselves, pack St Andrew's every week, what incentive is there for SISU to build a new ground in Coventry? Does Coventry even need a football club?


Well-Known Member
Can see robins walking at some point, he wants us back in cov desperately this is a fucking joke all parties can fuck off, they have all had a hand in this


Well-Known Member
So if all true City fans just get over themselves, pack St Andrew's every week, what incentive is there for SISU to build a new ground in Coventry? Does Coventry even need a football club?

The council doesn't think so

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