Stand up if you've never watched Wasps (2 Viewers)

M&B Stand

Well-Known Member
Eh? Of course I'm dispassionate. Supporring a football team doesn't mean I should support their owners tearing up a valid lease. Loyalty to a football team doesn't and shouldn't blind us wrongs when we see them such as deliberately trying to bankrupt ACL.

But then you think Watford is in London, shows what your views are worth!

The 1.3 million a year rent deal you mean?
Be honest, you're one of the ones that wanted the club to go bust and start again in the Midland Combination aren’t you? You’ve already admitted you’ve not got much of a historical attachment to CCFC.


Well-Known Member
Would never go and watch Wasps. Whole thing is/was a wretched affair.

Got a council looking to stick it to the club's owners with no regard to the football club or its supporters.

Seem to have a rugby club owner who saw the only chance to get his money back was to move the club and issue the bond.
If I were a wasps fan can't say I'd be thrilled with a bond which seems to be use most the money to repay a private loan and cover financing the bond itself.


New Member
Wasps aren't a rugby club... they are a soulless franchise à la MK Dons. They're kleptoparasites who have profited from the hardship of a proper local sports team. May they forever fail, collapse under their Ricoh debts or f*ck off to another part of the country for a quick buck. If Cov folk want to watch union, head to the Butts and support a local side rather than giving your £££s to franchise that should still be in London.

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Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
Same here.

After City's result the first I look for is Cov's and then I look in the hope that Wasps have lost if they are playing.
I think the majority of us echo this sentiment , Otis. In fact, I never really took an interest in Cov Rugby until Wasps appeared on the scene . Now I do.
How queer !.


Well-Known Member
Like eastwoods lies when he assured fans they’d remain in the London area or had to move as they’d go bust and the claim they loved as it’s easier for the fans to get to Coventry?

Funny that.
Yes the Wasps owners are no better then ours yet you slag one off and defend the other.
Shame you and others never took more notice of what our owners had said and done, maybe now we wouldn't
be in this situation.


Well-Known Member
Any city support that attends a Wasp match is not letting only themselves down but 99.9% of the Coventry public.

I’ve allways had the opinion the ones that attend are like that chap called Pete who phones up CWR. Attention seekers.
Can you explain how attending a Rugby match makes someone an attention seeker. Ive never seen people carrying placards proclaiming that they have been to watch Wasps.


Well-Known Member
Whatever is said , what my issue is that somewhere along the line through my previous contribution to CCFC that this organisation has benefited in some way through that in that the Stadia is theirs now at a bargain price and at the same time we have lost our home. Of course I blame SISU but as well as the council for letting it happen, Its ridiculous , they are really not welcome and anyone who attends these charlatans antics deserve to, as weak whippet urine coloured anuses.


Well-Known Member
You need to change that username

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More a case of some posters need to take notice of his user name. He’s correct. Look at the posters who are all over this thread because it gives them an opportunity to slag off Wasps, Nicky etc. and then barely if ever whisper a bad word over our owners while never passing an opportunity to judge, slag off or diminish those individuals and groups that do try to highlight our plight. FFS if Nick was as critical about our owners as he was about TJHW or trust he’d be labelled a council lover or hanging on Nicky’s every word or something else unimaginative so long as they don’t hurt Tim’s or SISU’s feelings.


Well-Known Member
In other words, you can't.
I bloody well can! There attention seekers as they know what there doing us wrong yet court attention “oh I went to watch Wasps” yesterday then waiting for the expected “get up CFC if your going to a rugby match... what you watching Wasps for?” They know they will get shit for it yet still do even they know it’s disgusting.

attention seekers...


Well-Known Member
Do you really think tearing up a lease is worse than permanently moving a club 80 odd miles?

I think if we moved 80 miles for good, nobody would have a second thought about any lease.

Pretty weird thread, you have started a thread like this and are trying to defend everything they have done as much as possible. You seem to have more passion for leases and court cases than any football match or anything like that.
I have a passion for right over wrong, not supporting a team unconditionally, regardless of whether its owners act immorally. Yes, I do think tearing up the lease was a disgraceful act but I have no criticism whatsoever to make of Wasps - I'm just not interested in watching them myself. I don't understand how some people seem to think that pretty much any act is defensible provided that it's committed in our own interests.


Well-Known Member
It’s always painted as black and white, when surely there are shades of grey. Wasps weren’t ripped from a local community (like Wimbledon to MK), they were ripped from a region, which diluted the impact. They’d been out of London for a very long time, on an industrial estate in a town way outside the M25, which is the only way to explain why moving to the Ricoh only sparked some angst on social media. With no proper protest, there was nothing to coalesce around – CCFC fans marching on Twickenham in support of angry Wasps supporters might have made a difference, who knows? I’d have been there myself if Wasps fans had felt strongly enough about it to do that, but it didn’t happen and wasn’t likely to.

I’ve said similar to the above a few times before and got slammed for it, so I threw in the towel, but it’s still my view. Depressingly here we are years later with Sky Blues Talk in still in full swing (even on Christmas Day) name-calling and agonising over the morality of it, while lots of people enjoy watching the new West Midlands regional rugby franchise, and the world of rugby seems to have taken it on board with little problem. I don’t see Wasps as particularly evil, if anything I’m glad they’re putting the stadium to use for top sport in Coventry – but when there are TWO top clubs playing there I’ll be a lot happier. Some kind of more equal partnership has got to happen in the long run, I just don’t know how given the mountainous debts on both sides. It will probably take a decade and few more insolvencies and legal battles I fear.

I have never been to a rugby match btw, and it’s highly unlikely that I ever will. Six Nations or World Cup on the telly is about it for me.

My sentiments here word for word.
I have no interest in Wasps and the outrage and hatred thrown at them here about the move is far worse than from Wasps fans themselves or the wider rugby world in general.
The people I know personally who now go to Wasps used to go to both Northampton and leicester.
They just enjoy top level rugby and I would guess would switch alligence again if it suited them.
Our hatred for them is because of how it affects us as Cov fans more so than the shitty fact you are allowed to franchise in Rugby.
Also like Calista personally wouldn’t have an issue of some kind of partnership of convenience with Wasps and see it as one of the few sensible ways forward, can’t see happening whilst SISU are around.
Just my opinion and like Calista I have expressed it many times before and given up due to the shouting down, wum accusations and plant suggestions.
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Well-Known Member
I bloody well can! There attention seekers as they know what there doing us wrong yet court attention “oh I went to watch Wasps” yesterday then waiting for the expected “get up CFC if your going to a rugby match... what you watching Wasps for?” They know they will get shit for it yet still do even they know it’s disgusting.

attention seekers...
What a load of crap


Well-Known Member
I bloody well can! There attention seekers as they know what there doing us wrong yet court attention “oh I went to watch Wasps” yesterday then waiting for the expected “get up CFC if your going to a rugby match... what you watching Wasps for?” They know they will get shit for it yet still do even they know it’s disgusting.

attention seekers...

I suggest for homework try looking up when and where you use the following words:

There, Their and They’re
You’re and Your

Everyone makes mistakes but come on this is uneducated twaddle.

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Well-Known Member
You've been lurking on this thread waiting to like posts that support your hypocritical stance. Why don't you go lurk on the wasps forum.

Oh and you jumped in to correct someone's spelling mistakes and say they're uneducated so don't start crying wolf.


Well-Known Member
Bottom line is that it’s a free country and people can choose their entertainment and loyalties. A range of Wasps fans: those who supported them before they came here - fine, carry on and sorry for the inconvenience; those who want to see top class rugby with or without their kids - ok-ish; those who want to watch rugby - go to see Cov; Sky Blues ‘fans’ who support the cuckoo in the nest financially - the deepest circle of hell is reserved for you and Judas Iscariot!


Well-Known Member
I suggest for homework try looking up when and where you use the following words:

There, Their and They’re
You’re and Your

Everyone makes mistakes but come on this is uneducated twaddle.

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What a bellend....


Well-Known Member
Bottom line is that it’s a free country and people can choose their entertainment and loyalties. A range of Wasps fans: those who supported them before they came here - fine, carry on and sorry for the inconvenience; those who want to see top class rugby with or without their kids - ok-ish; those who want to watch rugby - go to see Cov; Sky Blues ‘fans’ who support the cuckoo in the nest financially - the deepest circle of hell is reserved for you and Judas Iscariot!
I’ve no problem with anyone from Coventry watching rugby as long as there supporting CRC.

Wasps don’t represent the Coventry public...


Well-Known Member
You've been lurking on this thread waiting to like posts that support your hypocritical stance. Why don't you go lurk on the wasps forum.

Oh and you jumped in to correct someone's spelling mistakes and say they're uneducated so don't start crying wolf.

Not even a single expletive?

A little early, but Happy New Year.

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Well-Known Member
I’ve no problem with anyone from Coventry watching rugby as long as there supporting CRC.

Wasps don’t represent the Coventry public...

One short sentence and still he gets it wrong

I think you mean ‘they’re’ not ‘there’ look it up in the dictionary.

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