Steve Brown steps down (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
We all care.
We all have different ways to go about.

Whilst I agree his time has been spent on the cause, it can be argued that that time 'as not been well spent and we've only had one success in the first March a few years ago. I would have expected more since then.
His pals at games have been very ' un productive at most games, and actually have been very vile and rude to fellow Fans, and on occasions has made people fight between each other through their tactics.

All very very horrible stuff.

How ever productive they think they're being, nobody will follow there's men because of the vile abuse they have spread through the terraces.
Utter lies and you know it.
I go to all the games with Steve have never seen a fight and never verbally abuse anyone bar Fisher.


Well-Known Member
So many missing the point. It's not Steve or anyone else trying that anyone has a problem with. Kudos for them giving it a go, but what's the point of them? I'm aware that's not the attitude that will get anywhere either and I don't do anything g before that is levelled as somehow a counter argument, but they have been here a few years now and seriously, what have they achieved? Just one thing but no they are pointless have no voice no clout and no direction. Do they even have a plan?


Well-Known Member
Is he SteveB on here?

Always comes across well enough on here.

Interesting seeing Otis' comment knowing him a little bit. I like the fact that I don't know who any of you are and have never met any of you. I've visions of what a lot of you look like and reckon I'd be disappointed if I ever met you ;-)
S.B.W.M. there's a saying ,don't judge a book by its cover. ;)

Irish Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
aye him and his cronies have been poisonous over the years, i dislike them a lot.
aye him and his cronies have been poisonous over the years, i dislike them a lot.

I have met Steve Brown a few times, first on the hill in Northampton, at away games and at the odd Trust open meeting I have been to. He has always come across as a decent bloke and like all of the Trust guys a genuine City fan. As I see it, anything the Trust has tried to do has been for the good of the club. Board members give up their own time to provide a voice for City fans and as far as I can see they do this not for self promotion but because they want to improve the lot of our club. Easy to sneer at decent people trying to do their best for our club.

Irish Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
fighting the jimmy hill way is probably going to be more agressive and thuggish is my guess

You should have come to the last open meeting where the consensus was very clear that any action taken would have to be legal and moral. The "fighting" is not of the punch up variety it is a more an ongoing bid to wrestle back our club from the clutches of Sisu in a clever, non aggressive manner.

Irish Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
We all care.
We all have different ways to go about.

Whilst I agree his time has been spent on the cause, it can be argued that that time 'as not been well spent and we've only had one success in the first March a few years ago. I would have expected more since then.
His pals at games have been very ' un productive at most games, and actually have been very vile and rude to fellow Fans, and on occasions has made people fight between each other through their tactics.

All very very horrible stuff.

How ever productive they think they're being, nobody will follow there's men because of the vile abuse they have spread through the terraces.

I thought both marches were a great success The second one probably more than the first. If you expected more from them, did you go to meetings and put forward your suggestions? Did you try to become a member of the board and influence things that way? If the Trust hasn't been for you, what have you done off your own bat to help improve our situation?

Broken Hearted Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
So many missing the point. It's not Steve or anyone else trying that anyone has a problem with. Kudos for them giving it a go, but what's the point of them? I'm aware that's not the attitude that will get anywhere either and I don't do anything g before that is levelled as somehow a counter argument, but they have been here a few years now and seriously, what have they achieved? Just one thing but no they are pointless have no voice no clout and no direction. Do they even have a plan?
There is no point in the SBT just like there's no point in CCFC and that's the point

Irish Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
no cos its using jimmy hills name to rally fans to fight sisu

they should be fighting council too but they are not which suggests its just a bunch of chavs saying sisu out and lying about budgets,finances and shizzle

Not sure if you are just being sarcastic but your remarks are way off. People at the open meetings are all genuine City fans. They don't always agree with each other but discussions are always respectful. There are no "chavs" no "chavish" behaviour, just fans who turn up to try and do something positive. I can't believe that you have ever been to one of these meetings because you would know that what you have said is rubbish.

Deleted member 5849

So many missing the point. It's not Steve or anyone else trying that anyone has a problem with. Kudos for them giving it a go, but what's the point of them? I'm aware that's not the attitude that will get anywhere either and I don't do anything g before that is levelled as somehow a counter argument, but they have been here a few years now and seriously, what have they achieved? Just one thing but no they are pointless have no voice no clout and no direction. Do they even have a plan?

I think it's fair to question the institution, fair to question whether the approach is right or not.

Am never keen when it gets personal though, and also it *is* fair to say he's done more than most just by standing up there when nobody else does.

Irish Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
So many missing the point. It's not Steve or anyone else trying that anyone has a problem with. Kudos for them giving it a go, but what's the point of them? I'm aware that's not the attitude that will get anywhere either and I don't do anything g before that is levelled as somehow a counter argument, but they have been here a few years now and seriously, what have they achieved? Just one thing but no they are pointless have no voice no clout and no direction. Do they even have a plan?
Do you go to any of the meetings? How do you know that they have no plan if you don't go and listen? The fact they are trying to do something is the point. How can you criticise a group trying to achieve something when you admit yourself that you do nothing? At least they can say they have tried.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone think Steve achieved any more than Natalie Cox out of interest?


Well-Known Member
Late coming into this thread. Steve Brown is one of the most passionate fans you'll find, will do anything for anyone and he's been a great chair of the SBT. He's not perfect but who is? As others have said don't judge unless you've met him. Ideal person to lead the protests imo.


Well-Known Member
Late coming into this thread. Steve Brown is one of the most passionate fans you'll find, will do anything for anyone and he's been a great chair of the SBT. He's not perfect but who is? As others have said don't judge unless you've met him. Ideal person to lead the protests imo.

So no one who has met joy seppella should judge her would you agree?


Well-Known Member
Does anyone think Steve achieved any more than Natalie Cox out of interest?

Firstly I do not know Natalie and no idea if she still attends games but would always respect anyone who has been in the roll.
What have I achieved, nothing? We are still in the same position as when I took over, however the rest of the Trust Board have achieved a great deal and it's been an honour to work with them. This group do much more than is ever seen or reported, they have met, written, debated, and argued with every party involved ( yes even JS) all in there own personal time.

As for me, I put my head on the block and always happy to debate with others. I accept not everyone may agree but like others I am allowed my own views. Never hidden from anyone and never been anonymous.

I have left on my terms and feel I have done my bit and will fully support the new Chair. I am still a member of the Trust and for what it stands for.

Still going to games home and away but now I can be myself say what I believe and will still be fighting to help get this wonderful club back to where it should be.

Fighting the Jimmy Hill Way.

Broken Hearted Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Does anyone think Steve achieved any more than Natalie Cox out of interest?
Do you ever post anything constructive? Do you ever post anything that's conciliatory? Do you ever post anything that doesn't try to disparage others who don't share your views? As a person of intellect and status have you ever offered anybody anything ever that hasn't resulted in monetary gain? Is the scorn you have for Steve and the others on the board based on the fact that they do it for free and actually at a cost to them, none more than Steve? Is your obvious hatred for these people based on the fact that they are well meaning amateurs and you only have respect for professionals hence the animosity you have shown these people since they resurected the trust.
Yes the Trust have made mistakes yes Steve has made mistakes. No they are not perfect but I'm proud to call these people friends, and especially proud that I can call Steve Brown a good friend. Can't help but think how many if any would say the same for you.


Well-Known Member
So no one who has met joy seppella should judge her would you agree?

Your post makes no sense what so ever. If they have met her (and plenty have) of course they have the right to judge her. Most can probably spell her name correctly too.


Well-Known Member
Your post makes no sense what so ever. If they have met her (and plenty have) of course they have the right to judge her. Most can probably spell her name correctly too.

It makes absolute sense. You imply people who have not met an individual should not judge them - does that apply in all cases. So again if someone made a critical reference to Tim Fisher but had not met said person I assume you would say such criticism is unfair would you not?


Well-Known Member
It makes absolute sense. You imply people who have not met an individual should not judge them - does that apply in all cases. So again if someone made a critical reference to Tim Fisher but had not met said person I assume you would say such criticism is unfair would you not?

it doesn't. You stated that if they have met her, they shouldn't judge her. You have now changed your view in the quote above. Make your mind up.


Well-Known Member
it doesn't. You stated that if they have met her, they shouldn't judge her. You have now changed your view in the quote above. Make your mind up.
Correct that is why I have judged her as I have met her.

As for Grendel he is the first to judge anyone.
If you earn less then 100k he doesn't want to mix with you, maybe that is why he holds our owners in such high regards.


Well-Known Member
Do you ever post anything constructive? Do you ever post anything that's conciliatory? Do you ever post anything that doesn't try to disparage others who don't share your views? As a person of intellect and status have you ever offered anybody anything ever that hasn't resulted in monetary gain? Is the scorn you have for Steve and the others on the board based on the fact that they do it for free and actually at a cost to them, none more than Steve? Is your obvious hatred for these people based on the fact that they are well meaning amateurs and you only have respect for professionals hence the animosity you have shown these people since they resurected the trust.
Yes the Trust have made mistakes yes Steve has made mistakes. No they are not perfect but I'm proud to call these people friends, and especially proud that I can call Steve Brown a good friend. Can't help but think how many if any would say the same for you.
No Grendel believes that everyone is on the take, he is just upset because he feels he should be offered some of it.
Just like our owners GREEDY that is why he and sisu are so compatable.


Well-Known Member
i think a well said by the majority of posters on here,
for my part, well done steve, a hard job to chair when kw's sit on their proverbials,
made harder by kw's, myopic bigots, & conceited megalomaniacs, who think they've invented the wheel,
let us not be easily lead away from the purpose,
which i believe, is to put this proud club back where it belongs,
to; rob9872, hill83, pipehitterz, & ccfc4l, i'd echo the words of JH,
let's all sing together,


Well-Known Member
Bit like you.

In truth I don't care who runs the trust. Hypocrisy I do, however, not like.

That's why I mention Natalie Cox. I know nothing about her other than she did once stand up against ranson in a forum who dismissed her because she was a woman. However, she was widely ridiculed by many posters on here.

The very same posters, no doubt, who now say you shouldn't criticise if you haven't "done anything"

I don't think the trust feels like an inclusive body, I think it comes across as an exclusive "boys own" club where you go with the majority or you stay out

I have no real opinion of Mr Brown either. He came across reasonably well in the local media when interviewed.

However, the wasps stance he made on here I could not reconcile as a sensible viewpoint.

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