So what is this vast knowledge of football Mr Waggott has over lets say Carsley himself or Oggy or Rioch, thats without any new manager we may get. Where did he learn his expertise ? Why does this cash strapped club employ a man to help get players in the door when for months at a time we are banned from doing so, makes no commercial sense at all. Someone said he is here to assist Tim Fisher who knows nothing about football em pardon ! Signing a player is just the same as giving someone a job, a manager recommends the player the club secretery, chairman, c.e.o. does the rest. What is the role of the assistant chairman John Clarke for instance, he knows how to employ people doesn't he ?.
What pisses me off is financially this club is going down the toilet, may be wound up soon according to Fisher this morning, yet we employ someone to do a job, yet for months in the year there's no job to do, yet we are unable to bring in an extra player to boost our cause. Don't know what salary he enjoys but i suspect it is a little more than minimum wage plus exes. Yet fans seem to except this as being good for the club !!