falkirk fc
New Member
I aint here 2 slag him but the guys a hjoke when steven took over falkirk where I.ll admit a strugglin spl yeam butb still spl at the end of the day we only needed 2 win 1 game 2 stay up but we couldn't cause that mans antui football defensive dross we watch every wk ands now at timesa these season we have been tinkerin on the edge of relegation but we seem 2 be free of that now I hope he proves me wrong for u coventry fans but I fear for u club wirh him in charge that u will tumble down the league and be on the verge of relegation he only ever plays 4-5-1 and that was a joke in the scottish ist division I'm glad 2 c the bk of him 2 be honest and what ne team ever sees in him I"ll never understand but good luck 2 coventry I fear u will need -t