story after story but never the truth (1 Viewer)


CCFC Finance Director
Have to say I am heartily fed up and pissed off with some, in fact nearly all, of the clowns involved in the running of the club or its takeover. The communication is appalling, the mis information a disgrace (all sides guilty of it some more than others and it is deliberate). The impression i have is a lack of honesty and integrity that is simply unprofessional and puts at risk any financial hope for the club

In no particular order
- SISU ..... only say anything in carefully prepared press releases that in actual fact are just PR exercises lacking in substance. They take no responsibility for poor ownership. Do not follow up their words with deeds and any deeds they do are secretive and designed purely for the betterment of SISU and its investors. If SISU want help then they have to lay the truth on the line prove their plan and finances - and they have simply failed to do that. They have no affinity for this club or city

- TF and the board ...... well the story changes from week to week and if challenged then they refuse to answer. No transparency, no consistency, no discernible plan and certainly take no responsibility. Arrogance and clever babble do not help and there are plenty of us who can see through it. They seek to manipulate press and conduct discussions by bullying and carefully timed press releases. They pay lip service to fine ideals and ignore them in practice

AT ...... some will say I am being a bit harsh, perhaps I am, but he has become caught up in the mis information that is thrown out by the club. I am sure he has the best of intentions but right now he is allowing himself to be seen as a little foolish in believing what he is told, and it keeps biting him the next week when it changes. I know he is trying to keep spirits up but until any deal or not is sorted probably best to keep the statements bland. He is not in a good position to be fair

Hoffman....... put up or shut up. Is there a deal, is there even any discussions, does he have any credible backing or not. It isnt easy for him i am sure and credit to him for trying but right now he needs to state clearly (preferably with some evidence) what is or is not happening. This constant rumor is not helping, in fact it is helping to kill this club and support. Chinese men "considering" looking at the Ricoh is not the same as chinese men trying hard to get the deal done with all involved (btw that would mean involving council & charity and both say nothing has happened). Are the stories true or not

Elliott ..... seemingly gets the wrong end of the stick if the latest club statement is anything to go by. Dont blab off on CWR until it is done. Whether thats becoming a director again or doing a deal with SISU etc. Sure he is a nice guy, Coventry through and through but for years he has been part of the problem.... carry on with the supporting but sorry I dont want him back with any sort of control

Mr Mutton ..... I feel he has the best interest of our city at heart but I just wish he was better at the PR. Digging heels in at the start making "never to SISU" statements just did not help.... might make great sound bites but it doesnt help to find a solution. Got to be cleverer, got to cultivate support in the city for tough decisions that may have to be made, as leader of the city council you have to give us confidence that any deal truly protects our city and club.

John Clarke ....... comes out with babble to be honest I just do not see his purpose. A link between club and supporters .... not in a million years. As for his PR input well the proof is in the pudding - our PR is truly awful

Keys & Gray .......... just shut up with the rhetoric..... got a proper point to put over then present it argue it and persuade. They know not a lot ..... because their supposed major source of info hasn't been a director for a couple of years and things have moved on as far as the finances go. Keys is a supporter don't doubt that but his little snippets have been more harmful than helpful and to date proven to be worthless

The CT ....... largely stories to stoke the flames with precious little facts and even less understanding of what is going on. Their driving factor is not the truth or even facts it is creating headlines to sell copy. They have hindered not helped any process that has been going on. They have little understanding of the key issues and because of that fail to ask the questions that really matter. Glossy titles to articles that are ultimately nothing more than regurgitated inaccurate PR and helps no one only confuses.

CWR ...... gave up listening to be honest. I know they have to be impartial but folk expect you to understand the issues - largely the coverage I have heard is bland concillatory and unchallenging.

for F**** sake get a grip all of you and get it sorted one way or another. Our club is at serious risk and the image of our city tarnished whilst the majority of the above play their ego games and believe arrogance, clever babble and no substance will save CCFC. Its bigger than that though this is the perception of our city and its confidence, a reflection on Coventrians everywhere ..... we are being sold short for others mistakes and ego.

These people are supposed to be good even excellent in their particular fields of expertise .......... see precious little proof of that

no slander or libel intended ........

just my very very frustrated opinion....

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CCFC Finance Director
sorry skybluesteve ........... its a bit long ........... :D

basically I have had enough of the characters involved and their mis information

need their heads banging together .............. and need action to save our club, and need it now
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Well-Known Member
You would love to get them all in a room and just bang heads together, sift through the bull and bollox and then force all the amateur acting waste of dna's to work together to sort out the future of OUR football team. There is not one person who comes out of this sorry mess with one shred of credibility.


New Member
Maybe you should email that to all the relevant parties...I hate the phrase 'speaking on behalf of' but i imagine you could use it this time.


Well-Known Member
Well said OSB, I think you forgot all the ill-informed posters that post on here on your list. The club is a complete shambles from top to bottom and surely something has got to give soon one way or another.


Well-Known Member
I've not renewed my ST, probably won't, its not the financial committment, its the emotional committment I'm not prepared to invest in. Whilst this shambles continues it just chips away at the passion that I have for this club. It's not cos we are in Div 3 but more to do with the lack of any hope / prospects for the future. Bored of snippets and half-truths need to know where we are going and unfortunately that's unlikely to be resolved for months. So sad, we don't deserve this.


New Member
I've not renewed my ST, probably won't, its not the financial committment, its the emotional committment I'm not prepared to invest in. Whilst this shambles continues it just chips away at the passion that I have for this club. It's not cos we are in Div 3 but more to do with the lack of any hope / prospects for the future. Bored of snippets and half-truths need to know where we are going and unfortunately that's unlikely to be resolved for months. So sad, we don't deserve this.

sky_tall_knight... whenever I see your username, I can't help but think I've come to the wrong forum :thinking about::eek:


CCFC Finance Director
There is one side of this that does come out with some credit as far as i am concerned.... The Alan Edward Higgs Charity..... who over the years and on more than one occasion have ridden in to help save our club and have been clear in their abilities and objectives. They have taken time to tell us what is actually going on to the best of their ability and within the limits they can. Yes they have made press and radio statements but they have from what I can see told it as it is, warts and all, but with honesty and integrity

For that I am grateful :claping hands:


New Member
There is one side of this that does come out with some credit as far as i am concerned.... The Alan Edward Higgs Charity..... who over the years and on more than one occasion have ridden in to help save our club and have been clear in their abilities and objectives. They have taken time to tell us what is actually going on to the best of their ability and within the limits they can. Yes they have made press and radio statements but they have from what I can see told it as it is, warts and all, but with honesty and integrity

For that I am grateful :claping hands:

Whats more, they've had the courage to engage with fans at our level, ie on here. Not just posted a single statement, but stuck around and answered questions in a fantastically warm manner. That hasn't happened since LB... oh wait... not he didn't did he...

The Higgs come out top trumps for me.


What a cracking post OSB,I think that's what most of us are thinking on here.
We are all fed up with the arguing,Why can't they all sit round a table and bloody sort it like adults or better still have a wwe royal rumble starting with mutton vs clarke,Reminds me of Haystacks vs Big daddy !!!:slap:


Well-Known Member
Sounds pretty good, OSB. When did you say it's run starts at the Belgrade? :p


CCFC Finance Director
NLHWC as soon as i can find a chinese man to back me or i might have to hedge my bets and make it street theatre to cut costs down by avoiding rent ! :D


Well-Known Member
What a cracking post OSB,I think that's what most of us are thinking on here.
We are all fed up with the arguing,Why can't they all sit round a table and bloody sort it like adults or better still have a wwe royal rumble starting with mutton vs clarke,Reminds me of Haystacks vs Big daddy !!!:slap:
Wheres Harry Hill?:slap::eek:

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
OSB, it's no wonder you're happily married when your fingers never seem to tire on these posts. Hopefully the day will come when we can debate on football rather than SISU and boardroom politics.


Well-Known Member
Great post OSB, exactly how i feel, im sick of the lot of them, The sooner John Clarke is out the better, Coventry Fan link with the fans? do me a favour. I used to think Tim Fisher was decent, but have come to the conclusion he is just a slimy bullshit merchant so thats another one that needs to get out asap.
These guys are killing our football club, The only one at the club who seems a genuine football person and decent guy with the best interests of the club at heart to me seems to be Steve Waggot, only problem is he is working with a zero budget!!

Im sick of the bullshit, the egos, the fighting, the statements, im sick and tired and worn down by the lot of it. When is this nightmare going to stop?

When is somebody going to take responsibilty for this shambles of a football club and finally start taking us in the right direction???

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Also, consider how heavily we rely on academy players as a result of this debacle-we undoubtedly have very talented ones and we put that at risk by putting them through the mill too soon.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you should email that to all the relevant parties...I hate the phrase 'speaking on behalf of' but i imagine you could use it this time.

I'm not that sure I'd sign it all off.

As far as Keys and Gray goes-it's a bit like asking a dog to not bark: impossible, it's doing what it does. Keys and Gray are tabloid-style radio jocks on possibly the worse excuse for a "radio station" to be ever given a nationwide outlet. And those two are saints compared to Adrian "Bastard" Durham. They haven't done anything wrong as such-and Keys is, in loose terms, a fan. If you don't like their output, don't listen to their show. I find it can't annoy me that way! You have a problem with tweets and threads on here? Don't read them then! I don't get all angry about The Daily Mail and Fox News-why would I want to expose myself to crap that just winds me up?

As far as the manager goes, yes, he's trying to be upbeat and positive-what the hell is the alternative? He's probably like a Christian who is desperately praying that God exists, but has a sneaking suspicion that the reality surrounding him implies that he/she/it can't possibly, at least according to his understanding! He sat hoping that something at board level gets sorted out, with having 0% input on the process. He can't do anything. But he should be honest, right? He should come out with some of the arguments in OSB's post, yeah? Maybe:

"I've been trying to sign players but SISU have pulled the rug from under me again. I was promised a budget similar to last year, but the reality is we may start the season with a -points total and bugger all new signings. I thought Mr Fisher was an honest man who I could work with, but obviously not! How am I meant to go "bang, bang, bang" if they won't give me bullets for this gun??! I can't even shoot myself with it!
Nah, we're long as this lot are in charge, things will only get worse. I hate football, it's shit.."

That'd really show SISU and put them in their place. I'm sure they'd give him a multi-million pound warchest on the spot, and all our grumbles would be history...

Thirdly, the "on behalf of" aspect is grossly imperilled for me with the badmouthing of Hoffman. From our perspective of desperation-of "holding out for a hero"-maybe he does look negligent for not riding his white charger across the Ricoh pitch and spearing Ken with his Lance of Truth and Justice. But meanwhile, in reality, we have zero reason to expect him to act openly-the last time he did that, Ken scuppered the deal! Why should there be any guarnatees from Hoffman? Look at who he's dealing with-he can't offer them. He's said he'll "never go away, never give up"-because he loves the club. What a complete and utter bastard, eh? How dare he!

We have about as much right to moan about Hoffman as a child has at Santa for not delivering the present that Mummy promised. We need to grow up a little bit and stop expecting a fantasy figure to save us.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Other clubs seem to have knights on white horses all the time NLHWC-indeed, our M69 friends have a constant supply. In our case, all the horses have bolted and the knight's downing pints of mead at the inn.


Well-Known Member
Also, consider how heavily we rely on academy players as a result of this debacle-we undoubtedly have very talented ones and we put that at risk by putting them through the mill too soon.

Well look at Connor Thomas and the dogs abuse he got when he had a bad game:
1) Out of position
2) When miles off fitness as coming back from injury.

The poor lad, you could almost see him physically crumble a bit more after each mistake as the crowd got on his back. It's heartbreaking to see: young talent can be spoilt by burnout, by being over-used at an early age. The physical consequences can be bad (Rob Jones?), but the mental is enough to send a potential Premiership player into a spiral towards L2 and non-league as their career peters out. S'alright though, we're going there anyway I think...

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
The Southampton game was the prime example for me-sending on our youth team to get trounced and then berated by certain posters on here? It actually hurt having to watch that-but it saves SISU some pennies.

Paxman II

Well-Known Member
OSB - sums up everything I've been saying for months. That is a great post and I fully back those views 100%.

On Hoffman I have spouted on along those lines for the last 8/9 months and I'm particularly tired of hearing about him through rumour when it only takes a statement to clear the air. As a businessman I truly feel he is a bit of a numpty tbh. If he ever uses his position to bring in investment well then great but I will certainly not be filled with excitement by him ever and remain highly suspicious of his motives.

How embarrassing for Keys can it get? When you kiss ass for a career that's usually where you end up in the end....the ass end. From Mecca to Sky he got fortunate and still manages to irritate people.

Joe the puppet who clearly lacks real acumen.

I could go on but frankly there are solutions before the football club to resolve all issues and people are talking. If ego can get put to one side and the blame of who said/he said dispatched from the room we may just have a chance to have a decent respected football club once again as at present it most certainly is not.


New Member
Shut up

Have to say I am heartily fed up and pissed off with some, in fact nearly all, of the clowns involved in the running of the club or its takeover. The communication is appalling, the mis information a disgrace (all sides guilty of it some more than others and it is deliberate). The impression i have is a lack of honesty and integrity that is simply unprofessional and puts at risk any financial hope for the club

In no particular order
- SISU ..... only say anything in carefully prepared press releases that in actual fact are just PR exercises lacking in substance. They take no responsibility for poor ownership. Do not follow up their words with deeds and any deeds they do are secretive and designed purely for the betterment of SISU and its investors. If SISU want help then they have to lay the truth on the line prove their plan and finances - and they have simply failed to do that. They have no affinity for this club or city

- TF and the board ...... well the story changes from week to week and if challenged then they refuse to answer. No transparency, no consistency, no discernible plan and certainly take no responsibility. Arrogance and clever babble do not help and there are plenty of us who can see through it. They seek to manipulate press and conduct discussions by bullying and carefully timed press releases. They pay lip service to fine ideals and ignore them in practice

AT ...... some will say I am being a bit harsh, perhaps I am, but he has become caught up in the mis information that is thrown out by the club. I am sure he has the best of intentions but right now he is allowing himself to be seen as a little foolish in believing what he is told, and it keeps biting him the next week when it changes. I know he is trying to keep spirits up but until any deal or not is sorted probably best to keep the statements bland. He is not in a good position to be fair

Hoffman....... put up or shut up. Is there a deal, is there even any discussions, does he have any credible backing or not. It isnt easy for him i am sure and credit to him for trying but right now he needs to state clearly (preferably with some evidence) what is or is not happening. This constant rumor is not helping, in fact it is helping to kill this club and support. Chinese men "considering" looking at the Ricoh is not the same as chinese men trying hard to get the deal done with all involved (btw that would mean involving council & charity and both say nothing has happened). Are the stories true or not

Elliott ..... seemingly gets the wrong end of the stick if the latest club statement is anything to go by. Dont blab off on CWR until it is done. Whether thats becoming a director again or doing a deal with SISU etc. Sure he is a nice guy, Coventry through and through but for years he has been part of the problem.... carry on with the supporting but sorry I dont want him back with any sort of control

Mr Mutton ..... I feel he has the best interest of our city at heart but I just wish he was better at the PR. Digging heels in at the start making "never to SISU" statements just did not help.... might make great sound bites but it doesnt help to find a solution. Got to be cleverer, got to cultivate support in the city for tough decisions that may have to be made, as leader of the city council you have to give us confidence that any deal truly protects our city and club.

John Clarke ....... comes out with babble to be honest I just do not see his purpose. A link between club and supporters .... not in a million years. As for his PR input well the proof is in the pudding - our PR is truly awful

Keys & Gray .......... just shut up with the rhetoric..... got a proper point to put over then present it argue it and persuade. They know not a lot ..... because their supposed major source of info hasn't been a director for a couple of years and things have moved on as far as the finances go. Keys is a supporter don't doubt that but his little snippets have been more harmful than helpful and to date proven to be worthless

The CT ....... largely stories to stoke the flames with precious little facts and even less understanding of what is going on. Their driving factor is not the truth or even facts it is creating headlines to sell copy. They have hindered not helped any process that has been going on. They have little understanding of the key issues and because of that fail to ask the questions that really matter. Glossy titles to articles that are ultimately nothing more than regurgitated inaccurate PR and helps no one only confuses.

CWR ...... gave up listening to be honest. I know they have to be impartial but folk expect you to understand the issues - largely the coverage I have heard is bland concillatory and unchallenging.

for F**** sake get a grip all of you and get it sorted one way or another. Our club is at serious risk and the image of our city tarnished whilst the majority of the above play their ego games and believe arrogance, clever babble and no substance will save CCFC. Its bigger than that though this is the perception of our city and its confidence, a reflection on Coventrians everywhere ..... we are being sold short for others mistakes and ego.

These people are supposed to be good even excellent in their particular fields of expertise .......... see precious little proof of that

no slander or libel intended ........

just my very very frustrated opinion....

and buy a season ticket or your not a real fan


New Member
I'm not that sure I'd sign it all off.

As far as Keys and Gray goes-it's a bit like asking a dog to not bark: impossible, it's doing what it does. Keys and Gray are tabloid-style radio jocks on possibly the worse excuse for a "radio station" to be ever given a nationwide outlet. And those two are saints compared to Adrian "Bastard" Durham. They haven't done anything wrong as such-and Keys is, in loose terms, a fan. If you don't like their output, don't listen to their show. I find it can't annoy me that way! You have a problem with tweets and threads on here? Don't read them then! I don't get all angry about The Daily Mail and Fox News-why would I want to expose myself to crap that just winds me up?

As far as the manager goes, yes, he's trying to be upbeat and positive-what the hell is the alternative? He's probably like a Christian who is desperately praying that God exists, but has a sneaking suspicion that the reality surrounding him implies that he/she/it can't possibly, at least according to his understanding! He sat hoping that something at board level gets sorted out, with having 0% input on the process. He can't do anything. But he should be honest, right? He should come out with some of the arguments in OSB's post, yeah? Maybe:

"I've been trying to sign players but SISU have pulled the rug from under me again. I was promised a budget similar to last year, but the reality is we may start the season with a -points total and bugger all new signings. I thought Mr Fisher was an honest man who I could work with, but obviously not! How am I meant to go "bang, bang, bang" if they won't give me bullets for this gun??! I can't even shoot myself with it!
Nah, we're long as this lot are in charge, things will only get worse. I hate football, it's shit.."

That'd really show SISU and put them in their place. I'm sure they'd give him a multi-million pound warchest on the spot, and all our grumbles would be history...

Thirdly, the "on behalf of" aspect is grossly imperilled for me with the badmouthing of Hoffman. From our perspective of desperation-of "holding out for a hero"-maybe he does look negligent for not riding his white charger across the Ricoh pitch and spearing Ken with his Lance of Truth and Justice. But meanwhile, in reality, we have zero reason to expect him to act openly-the last time he did that, Ken scuppered the deal! Why should there be any guarnatees from Hoffman? Look at who he's dealing with-he can't offer them. He's said he'll "never go away, never give up"-because he loves the club. What a complete and utter bastard, eh? How dare he!

We have about as much right to moan about Hoffman as a child has at Santa for not delivering the present that Mummy promised. We need to grow up a little bit and stop expecting a fantasy figure to save us.

Bloody politicians ;)


New Member
Also can I add players who say their going to do this that & the other next season?

I appreciate they have to try and be positive but I would rather they just did it rather than talk about it.

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