Student jailed for racist Fabrice Muamba tweets (1 Viewer)

Coventry La La La

New Member

Liam Stacey was arrested after his tweets were reported to police by Twitter users from across Britain, including the former England striker Stan Collymore. The 21-year-old pleaded guilty to the Racially Aggravated s4A Public order Act 1986. He posted his offensive comments shortly after Muamba suffered a cardiac arrest during his team's FA Cup quarter-final tie against Tottenham Hotspur on 17 March.

Stacey sobbed throughout the hearing and held his head in his hands when he was sentenced. He was led away in handcuffs.

District judge John Charles told Stacey:
"It was racist abuse via a social networking site instigated as a result of a vile and abhorrent comment about a young footballer who was fighting for his life. At that moment, not just the footballer's family, not just the footballing world but the whole world were literally praying for his life. Your comments aggravated this situation.

"I have no choice but to impose an immediate custodial sentence to reflect the public outrage at what you have done. "You committed this offence while you were drunk and it is clear you immediately regretted it. But you must learn how to handle your alcohol better."


New Member
Im real sorry for what happened to Muamba and Hope he is well soon

But there are hundreds of people who post Racially Aggravated comments all over facebook and twitter on a daily basis .. ive seen pages via facebook of dead babies and comments that would make your blood run cold

The police should be making efforts to stop the likes of this also , not just comments made about footballers and famous people


Facebook User
I don't care what he said. Its the internet and it is wrong he has been arrested! Being racist is just plain ignorance and amounts to about the same thing as calling a fat person fat. Muamba didn't even see it and probably none of his family saw it either. This is just fabricated nonsense from a load of moralfag twitter users who jumped on their highhorses, Can't people just laugh and him for the twit he is?... If they arrested every racist comment and antisocial behaviour online the jails would be full within a day. Besides who doesn't like a good troll when they are bored?


New Member
Perhaps then people will think twice before being utter morons, at least that has to be the thinking behind this.

Feel sorry for the guy to an extent in that others have said and/or tweeted comments beforehand and escaped punishment but you have to draw the line somewhere and why not here on a high profile case. Fair play the judge in my opinion, next stop Jeremy Clarkson!

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
I don't care what he said. Its the internet and it is wrong he has been arrested! Being racist is just plain ignorance and amounts to about the same thing as calling a fat person fat. Muamba didn't even see it and probably none of his family saw it either. This is just fabricated nonsense from a load of moralfag twitter users who jumped on their highhorses, Can't people just laugh and him for the twit he is?... If they arrested every racist comment and antisocial behaviour online the jails would be full within a day. Besides who doesn't like a good troll when they are bored?

Moral dilemma-can Britain call itself a true democracy whilst homophobia, racism, and bigotry remain illegal? If the only way to deal with discriminatory comments is to put someone away, then I don't think it can.


Well-Known Member
Was the guy wrong? Yes. Is he a pr*ck? Most likely. Does the punishment fit the crime? Absolutely not.

This will cost tax payers money, has ended his univerity course, will ruin his whole life and career prospects. Being named, shamed and fined would have been a better result all round.

Has anyone else ever made a mistake? I've made plenty and will undoubtedly continue to do so. Ridiculous decision.


Facebook User
Exactly! Yes he was wrong for sure, but i'm not sure taking him to court and making an example of him is really the rite way of going about things? What next? Do people really want to be constantly afraid of what they are typing next just in case the police come knocking?.... I may be sounding extreme but the more people want somebodies head for a few comments, the more they are letting the internet become censored. And ultimately they are throwing away their freedom.

I have found the tweets now as well and its clear he almost immediately regretted what he said and was actually very humiliated.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Was the guy wrong? Yes. Is he a pr*ck? Most likely. Does the punishment fit the crime? Absolutely not.

This will cost tax payers money, has ended his univerity course, will ruin his whole life and career prospects. Being named, shamed and fined would have been a better result all round.

Has anyone else ever made a mistake? I've made plenty and will undoubtedly continue to do so. Ridiculous decision.

Someone at my uni made headlines on the BBC for 'racially abusing' an Israeli student when he was pissed (conviction was passed last summer). Sure enough, this guy got moved halls into the room next door to me. Basically the guy wiped his balls on the Israeli flag, swore a bit, then left-for this, he got national press coverage, a criminal record, expelled from the university, and will likely find getting future employment damn near impossible with that kind of publicity.
Equally, though this guy at Swansea did something very stupid-there is no benefit to anybody from him being hung out to dry. Least of all a few months in prison.


Well-Known Member
Have to agree with Rob, there's so much racist bile that is posted on the internet everyday but choose to make an example of this one particular chap because it relates to a footballer who happens to have had a heart attack.


Well-Known Member
He's not really being made an example as such as this isn't the first time someone has been arrested for online abuse. It merely seems that way because it's in conjunction with a big news story. If it makes the people sending abuse online and trolling RIP pages a little more wary of what they're doing, good.

As for the mistake thing, that goes out the window when you find it's not one ill-advised comment but a barrage of them over a long period. The internet isn't and shouldn't be some anonymous free-for-all no man's land.

The main conclusion to be taken from this is that Twitter is chock full of horrible people. Not just those flinging out the mindless racist 'banter', but the self-righteous people who form a witchhunt to harass them back also. The only good person on there is clearly the Iron Sheik, who's always hated Hulk Hogan.
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Well-Known Member
Utter idiot absolutely. Just as a comparison though it would be worth comparing this to the case in Leicester where Somalian girls who attacked and racially abused a white girl were spared prison because the judge accepted they were not used to drinking alcohol. Consistancy is what is required


Well-Known Member
@the_ironsheik Follow

the charles barkley dress like woman he need money worse than hulk hogan fuck ultimate warrior for $50

He's just saying what we're all thinking, isn't he?


Well-Known Member
It should create some interesting precidents now and would be interested to see if the same law is applied to people who are not famous from now on.


Well-Known Member
Was made an example of because people knew it would make news because of the situation. Of course he is wrong but when you see people getting suspended sentences for your typical street thugs for assault etc. it really is harsh

To sum it up John Terrys court case carries a maximum penalty of a £2,500 fine :facepalm:


Well-Known Member
A good rule of thumb - don't scream 'nigger' at people on the internet and you won't risk finding out the law can be unfair.


Well-Known Member
A good rule of thumb - don't scream 'nigger' at people on the internet and you won't risk finding out the law can be unfair.


Would you like me to bring a file in to aid your escape?

Paxman II

Well-Known Member
We are losing our liberty faster than a number 9 bus can arrive.
Absolutely insensitive what the guy said in his twitter post but frankly it is just harmless post on some stupid site that sheep folloow for the most part. Like TV if you don't like you have a choice. Free speech in all it forms is imperative. Since 9/11 every excuse has been brought up to curb such freedoms. I don't condone what the guy said but I equally couldn't care less what he thinks...I've got my own opinion and I won't be paying attention to his. Lock him up...what for? For having an opinion? Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hert me comes to mind. if you are offended so badly it's time you grew some.

Oh and Stan Colleymore? You gotta be kidding right?


New Member
Woman in paper today, she has 3 children aged 7, 5 and 4. They were found wandering near a main road, covered in faeces because she had left them home alone to go clubbing. When the authorities searched the home it was a complete tip. She was sentenced to 4 months, suspended for 12 months. Nice to see good old child abuse is taken less seriously than the typed words of a drunken idiot.


New Member
Nothing I can say here won't upset someone - so I'll say nothing

(but you're right - it's a joke.)


Well-Known Member
Was made an example of because people knew it would make news because of the situation. Of course he is wrong but when you see people getting suspended sentences for your typical street thugs for assault etc. it really is harsh

To sum it up John Terrys court case carries a maximum penalty of a £2,500 fine :facepalm:
And Suarez doesn't even get nicked......


Well-Known Member
Woman in paper today, she has 3 children aged 7, 5 and 4. They were found wandering near a main road, covered in faeces because she had left them home alone to go clubbing. When the authorities searched the home it was a complete tip. She was sentenced to 4 months, suspended for 12 months. Nice to see good old child abuse is taken less seriously than the typed words of a drunken idiot.
Exactly, what he said was disgusting but when you see worse offences escaping prison it just shows that the penalty was so severe because of the publicity surrounding it.


New Member
hold on, if he was sentenced to jail for racism, was suarez's 8 match ban and fine a bit of a let of for suarez?

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