Sunderland criminal lawyer :-) (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
There's loads of Newcastle fans live in Coventry. There used to be anyway.

I used to work with about 30 of them.

Let him get his finest crayons out and think of the longest word he can almost spell, steal a stamp to post the letter and see what happens... I can guarantee that absolutely nothing will happen...

Why would it be an issue if there were Newcastle fans at the game. Just because their fans can't behave. Neutrals at games isn't a problem in principle as long as they behave.


Well-Known Member
What a load of shite from a complete plum.

There is either a breach of the peace, where you can be arrested, or there isn't, where there's no offences. They really need to get a life.


Well-Known Member
Has to be a wind-up surely.

If it's serious, they need to put fencing and warning signs up around the entire perimeter of Sunderland to warn people there may well be a sudden drop in IQ upon entering.


Well-Known Member
I can't imagine what I'd do if I went to an event and saw somebody in a Leicester or Villa shirt goading me from across a barrier.

If it caught me on a bad day, I'd probably shake my head for several seconds and sigh heavily. I might even have to stifle a giggle.

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
Like most Sunderlands this man is a plange


Well-Known Member
Would quite like to see it go to court. Would be hilarious seeing a Sunderland fan trying to make a case that a fan of another team, sitting with another set of fans, causing no trouble whatsoever is somehow making it impossible for Sunderland fans not to cause trouble without any of the blame being with the Sunderland fans.


Well-Known Member
I think they're still upset about not getting the city of culture.

Also something happened in 1977, but I can't quite remember what that is.


Well-Known Member
I think they're still upset about not getting the city of culture.

Also something happened in 1977, but I can't quite remember what that is.
Sunderland lost at Everton and got relegated.


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