Supermarket shortages (3 Viewers)

Halftime Orange

Well-Known Member
Shit is getting crazy, someone smashed the doors of the Aldi near me! Doors boarded up and store closed down.


Well-Known Member
Shit is getting crazy, someone smashed the doors of the Aldi near me! Doors boarded up and store closed down.
I joked to my wife the other day, there will be bank security van carrying 250 grand and behind it, a Tesco delivery van and it will be the Tesco truck that will get targeted.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Shit is getting crazy, someone smashed the doors of the Aldi near me! Doors boarded up and store closed down.

Started watching Contagion last night, was saying to the missus how spookily spot on it was up until the looting started. Maybe even then by the looks of it.

Deleted member 5849

You are jealous because you aren't a qualified doctor with a degree in graphs like the rest of us.
I'm a qualified doctor... not of the sort you'd want helping in a coronavirus outbreak, mind you ;)


Well-Known Member
Since when is profiteering illegal?
Isn't that what makes capitalism work?
Every profitable business buys things at one price and sells them for more.
Look up the definition of profiteering. It's not the same as making a profit.


People have already been looting.

Somebody ran in and took the Mini Egg display and fucked off from the coop the other day. Took all the fresh fish, pasta and tinned fish.

Ran in, ran out.

It will then become JD sports, Sports Direct and a free for all.


Well-Known Member
I was just thinking (while wandering around Twitter) "When did we as a nation get so NASTY towards each other?"
My belief? The rise of social media:-
EVERYONE is an expert
EVERYONE has something to say about everything
EVERYONE thinks that they deserve to be listened to
EVERYONE thinks that they can say what the hell they like - to or about anyone
NO-ONE stops to think what they write
NO-ONE stops to consider how what they write might impact on other people

I'm not one who backs the "I'll be alright - i lived through the war" ethos in this current crisis, but Vera Lynn has said today (her 103rd birthday, FWIW) that we need to recapture some of the SPIRIT of what got us through the war (those two things are not the same, in my book):-
Pulling together
Being considerate towards one another
Helping out others who need it, where we can
Stop being cunts (yeah, surprised me too, that last one!)

I'm not having a go at folks on here, who are largely pretty well-mannered, but there are occasions when threads end in personal attacks, when people have largely just expressed an opinion.

To be honest there was an awful lot of shit stuff done during the war as well. Lots of criminals saying it was a paradise for them because houses were empty during raids etc and with the war very few police were available to keep tabs on it. Over time it's become that people focus on the positive aspects and community spirit of it. But it wasn't just people being nice and helpful to each other. Still a lot of shithousery happening.


Well-Known Member
Since when is profiteering illegal?
Isn't that what makes capitalism work?
Every profitable business buys things at one price and sells them for more.

Well profiteering is Capitalist Extremists.

But with that argument you're making a good case that maybe capitalism isn't the best way to build a SOCIETY.


Well-Known Member
If there are any shops profiteering during this time of crisis hen when this is all over and all the shops have stocks etc again, make them pay by refusing to shop there any more. Boycott them.

A couple of weeks of profiteering against losing the business through loss of long term custom. People have the power to make them pay.


Well-Known Member
To be honest there was an awful lot of shit stuff done during the war as well. Lots of criminals saying it was a paradise for them because houses were empty during raids etc and with the war very few police were available to keep tabs on it. Over time it's become that people focus on the positive aspects and community spirit of it. But it wasn't just people being nice and helpful to each other. Still a lot of shithousery happening.

Indeed. And the eBay profiteers are just modern-day spivs.


Well-Known Member
Did a shop for me mum and dad yesterday, phoned them up today to find out they still needed more shopping despite me mum doing a list and ensuring me that what was on the list was enough.
I went to the coop on Norman place road not much frozen stuff but a decent amount of other stuff .

Deleted member 4439

The guy abusing that pair over the loo rolls really needs a word with himself.


Well-Known Member

Definitely not something to be proud of.

But also seeing the comments of all these middle aged creeps - they pounce on these kind of posts like vultures as a way of promoting their white supremacist agenda rather than criticising the overcharging.


Well-Known Member
How long are they going to last though? Surely people can’t stockpile forever? Or are they in delivery and stuff?

I'd imagine they are there to cover tils and stockrooms which are usually quite laid back. You're right though, those people will be dropped like hot potatoes when things ease up.


Well-Known Member
What I don't get is, how can these panic buyers and mass hoarders go home and have the respect/approval of their partner or family?

If I went home with 100 x12 bog rolls, my Mrs or Parents would call me up on it and call me a selfish twat...


What I don't get is, how can these panic buyers and mass hoarders go home and have the respect/approval of their partner or family?

If I went home with 100 x12 bog rolls, my Mrs or Parents would call me up on it and call me a selfish twat...
Because they take pictures and post their treasure on Facebook to act cool.


Well-Known Member
Spoke to my old man earlier. He lives on the IOW and has a lot of time on his hands. He was literally shouting at me, "why haven't you stocked up, you should have bought all your stuff weeks ago. Youre acting too slow. Why have you not got 2 months worth of supplies?"

Why Dad,? Coz I'm not a complete c**t!

Sent from my SM-G960F using Tapatalk


Well-Known Member
What I don't get is, how can these panic buyers and mass hoarders go home and have the respect/approval of their partner or family?

If I went home with 100 x12 bog rolls, my Mrs or Parents would call me up on it and call me a selfish twat...

But you wouldn’t. Because you’re raised right by the kind of people that would call you out on such behaviour. Cunts raise Cunts who marry other cunts and have little cunty children. Genetics innit?


Well-Known Member
But you wouldn’t. Because you’re raised right by the kind of people that would call you out on such behaviour. Cunts raise Cunts who marry other cunts and have little cunty children. Genetics innit?

Very true mate. Tbf reading that, I knew the answer all along didn't I :(


Well-Known Member
I do think social media shows the extremes of life and actually the majority fall in the middle.

At the moment we are all stuck in the middle of the ‘Fight or Flight’ syndrome which is why some people are either carrying on regardless and others feathering their nests.

On the whole though people are decent human beings and they will help their fellow man. My Missus was in Tesco the other day and said the donations for the food bank were over flowing, I nipped into Morrison’s this morning and a lady was crying because she couldn’t get something and people were rallying around telling her where she could get it.

How many of us have now set up family WhatsApp groups or Skype groups? How many have spoken to their neighbours more than they would? How many people are asking themselves what can I do to help?

I consider myself a bit of a mans man but I’ve already messaged a few of my mates telling them that I’m here for them and talking about Friday night Skype drinking sessions etc. which I would never have done.

Personally I think one thing us Brit’s are good at is rallying around each other and I think we will see, and need, this a lot more over the next few weeks.


Well-Known Member
What I don't get is, how can these panic buyers and mass hoarders go home and have the respect/approval of their partner or family?
Where the hell are they putting it all. There's only so much I can fit in my fridge freezer and cupboards!

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