Supporters Consultative Group (4 Viewers)


I would hardly call people on here asking how are these meeting with ML happening really 'giving it loads'

However as oppose to answering that simple question and saying things like do you want a meeting or not keyboard warrior and why don't you start a thread asking how these meetings are been arranged. Probably fits more in the giving it loads category.

Do you think it is surprising that people found it strange that you met with ML then after 4 days when it started to trickle out you decided to mention it. This in a forum where people seem to analyse ML's every word. Also you were not told to keep it quite.

I PMed the person who was also offering to arrange a meet for me but not in such a gobby manner. Plus the person had previously started a thread in a cryptic manner that led me to believe he was ML.

Out of interest

Did you ask ML when the main forum was to be?

Did you ask him how we can afford this new stadium idea?

Did you ask him what harm CCC can do us by temporarily renting from them by building a new stadium.

After you had you meeting why did you wait 4 days before mentioning in here. Do you honestly think people would not be interested in hearing about what was discussed. Even if you were to say had a meeting with him heard nothing new?

Not really, because if people asked about it I took the time to PM them to explain what had happened. A few on here will be able to say they had a PM when asking what happened.

I didn't personally ask your questions no, but like I said I can try and arrange it so you can ask them.

I guess most people kept quiet because of reactions like yours ;) I don't think it was 4 days, it was more like 2.

The "start a new thread" comment was because you have a habit of threads demanding things and apoogies.

So have you arranged the meeting through the other person you thought was ML? You are the only one who actually seems bothered about it, but when offered the chance to meet yourself to ask anything you like you aren't so keen ;)


Well-Known Member
I don't think anything I have asked would cause someone to fear posting a thread about a meeting with ML. My issue has been why not discuss it. I have no issue with anyone attending a meeting. I think the questions are more why wait three - four days. Were the meetings not on Monday did this not all come out Thursday? Apologies if those dates are wrong. However it is still surprising no one posted about it.

Anyway as explained before by the time I got a sensible answer as to how the meeting were been arranged as oppose to snidey comments.
It transpired that you were all saying the meeting was a waste of time. Grendel has since said ML is a man of his word and that a public forum will happen. I am happy to air my questions at that.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Not really, because if people asked about it I took the time to PM them to explain what had happened. A few on here will be able to say they had a PM when asking what happened.

I didn't personally ask your questions no, but like I said I can try and arrange it so you can ask them.

I guess most people kept quiet because of reactions like yours ;) I don't think it was 4 days, it was more like 2.

The "start a new thread" comment was because you have a habit of threads demanding things and apoogies.

So have you arranged the meeting through the other person you thought was ML? You are the only one who actually seems bothered about it, but when offered the chance to meet yourself to ask anything you like you aren't so keen ;)

When was somebody offering the chance to meet with ML?


Well-Known Member
Yes, the dates are wrong. ;)

Ok no worries I thought it happened Monday
And I think I first found out about in Thursday.

For future reference I would be the first calling someone a dickhead if they had a go at you for telling us about what ML said in a meeting with him.

So if it happens again please start a thread and let us know what he says. I think that is more important than keeping it back over the potential of the odd loon having a pop for you attending a meeting. I think lord did it before once Gary Hoffman rang him so this seems no different to me.

Also if it becomes evident that there will be no public meeting, I will pass you my details if you wouldn't mind passing them on then.

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