Supporters forum 17th January (7 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Thanks as ever Pete for representing the forum. Nice to have an answer on why the road closure hasn't occurred again despite being a success, albeit with some teething issues, and it's purely down to cost.

Think the issue of people crossing outside of the crossing areas is a symptom rather than a cause. The steps are far too narrow for the volume of people leave via that route and then, when the road isn't' closed, it's a complete bottleneck at the bottom of the steps. It's an accident waiting to happen, only a matter of time before the sheer number of people results in someone at the front being pushed into the road.

There's been incidents at the last two games on that crossing. First was a crash where thankfully nobody was seriously injured. Then at the next game it got to a point where it was so crowded the police temporarily stopped the traffic by parking a van across the junction.

Doesn't help that away supporters aren't directed away from the ground properly so you always end up with them going against the flow of the majority to try and get to the car parks.
All of the points are very relative to the current issue, bigger crowds, victim of our own success, design of crossings, behaviours, transport links from site, all relevant and all.need a review. Some are.obviously longer term goals as they are not the responsibility/ownership of venue

Cheylesmore ITK

Well-Known Member
Venue have to work to requirements from SAG,Licencing,SGSA, Police etc. Poor fan behaviour from the small minority has a part to play in these restrictions.Sad but true!
Blame the fans, if that is the attitude of someone who says they work for the venue then we need new people.

You blame the fans for the poor design of the stadium footprint? Ok wow. I'll send this to the clubs new COO as I know he'll like to see this.


Well-Known Member
Blame the fans, if that is the attitude of someone who says they work for the venue then we need new people.

You blame the fans for the poor design of the stadium footprint? Ok wow. I'll send this to the clubs new COO as I know he'll like to see this.
That's not what I said, I was making an observation on issues.


Well-Known Member
Not sure that's exactly what happened here, Police don't have involvement with road closure
They literally parked a police van across the road which blocked traffic to allow people to cross irrespective of what colour the lights were, not sure how else I can put it

Cheylesmore ITK

Well-Known Member
Your entitled to your opinion
Yes, yes I am.

I have a friend who works for Villa in a similar role at Villa Park and he can't believe how bad it's got at the CBS.

Unsafe conditions and mad decisions like a month or so ago when there was water at the bottom of one of the railway underpasses, They blocked of the stairs but still allowed people to walk around the ramp (which still led to the same "flooded" area) which led to far too many people trying to use 1 set of stairs and if someone had tripped and fell then you have a nasty incident.

Ass it stands on a good day if someone trips and falls by the fence exiting the ground there is going be an incident.


Well-Known Member
Yes, yes I am.

I have a friend who works for Villa in a similar role at Villa Park and he can't believe how bad it's got at the CBS.

Unsafe conditions and mad decisions like a month or so ago when there was water at the bottom of one of the railway underpasses, They blocked of the stairs but still allowed people to walk around the ramp (which still led to the same "flooded" area) which led to far too many people trying to use 1 set of stairs and if someone had tripped and fell then you have a nasty incident.

Ass it stands on a good day if someone trips and falls by the fence exiting the ground there is going be an incident.
This was actioned as a priority to the responsible authority. Unfortunately, it's not the venues land, a tri-party ownership are involved from the stairs down, underneath the tunnel, and up to the Arena Park.

Cheylesmore ITK

Well-Known Member
This was actioned as a priority to the responsible authority. Unfortunately, it's not the venues land, a tri-party ownership are involved from the stairs down, underneath the tunnel, and up to the Arena Park.
it was your staff and I know for a fact the police and council did not ask for it

Cheylesmore ITK

Well-Known Member
I'm not sure that's correct.
It is sadly as I asked contacts in the WMP and Council at the time as it was the most unsafe episode I have seen there. The said if they had asked they would of asked the ramp be shut as well as that allowed people to walk into the same 3 inches of water as the steps.

Not once did venue staff even after being told it was unsafe do anything either. No attempts to stop people being entering the steps that were massively overcrowded was made, the could of been direct to the ramp or down to the retail park/A444 junction.


Well-Known Member
It is sadly as I asked contacts in the WMP and Council at the time as it was the most unsafe episode I have seen there. The said if they had asked they would of asked the ramp be shut as well as that allowed people to walk into the same 3 inches of water as the steps.

Not once did venue staff even after being told it was unsafe do anything either. No attempts to stop people being entering the steps that were massively overcrowded was made, the could of been direct to the ramp or down to the retail park/A444 junction.

Cheylesmore ITK

Well-Known Member
I find it interesting that both times Hillsborough has seemed much better outside the ground

King Power Stadium the same, we just walked out into the Leicester fans.

The fences etc created the phoney stand offs as people are happy to give it the come one then knowing there is a massive fence in the way. The few times there is trouble like against Brum last season it now happens in the road on a busy roundabout with traffic involved.

It's just madness.


Well-Known Member
Please share these contacts with me, as ALL decisions on public safety are discussed in realtime with WMP, CCC. The priority focus is on 25k+ individuals, entering, watching the game and leaving the venue safely. All areas of risk are being monitored for improvement and constantly being reviewed by all stakeholders. I'm sorry you feel this way.


Well-Known Member
I find it interesting that both times Hillsborough has seemed much better outside the ground

King Power Stadium the same, we just walked out into the Leicester fans.

The fences etc created the phoney stand offs as people are happy to give it the come one then knowing there is a massive fence in the way. The few times there is trouble like against Brum last season it now happens in the road on a busy roundabout with traffic involved.

It's just madness.


I wish they could observe this. The three most potentially high risk games this season: Leicester, Sunderland and Wednesday.

At all three, fans enter turnstiles next to each other.

A few police officers mingling around will stop trouble. Then, if people do want to kick off, they'll be arrested and banned.

No 'hooligan' is going to want to cause bother directly outside a stadium.


Euro 2016 Prediction League Champion!!
Venue have to work to requirements from SAG,Licencing,SGSA, Police etc. Poor fan behaviour from the small minority has a part to play in these restrictions.Sad but true!
So we haven't really moved on from the 80s then? Authorities decisions dictated by a small minority of fan's actions on rare occasions 😟

Cheylesmore ITK

Well-Known Member
Please share these contacts with me, as ALL decisions on public safety are discussed in realtime with WMP, CCC. The priority focus is on 25k+ individuals, entering, watching the game and leaving the venue safely. All areas of risk are being monitored for improvement and constantly being reviewed by all stakeholders. I'm sorry you feel this way.
With the greatest of respect I am not likely to tell a person on the internet who may or may not work for the venue the names of friends who will say stuff off the record.


Well-Known Member
Given the stupid reply you have given, presumably we should take nothing else you say seriously.
I was giving a baseline of full search protocols should look at a flow rate of 660.per hour, this is obviously flexible on a diverse set of factors.


Well-Known Member
I was giving a baseline of full search protocols should look at a flow rate of 660.per hour, this is obviously flexible on a diverse set of factors.
I had asked how many a minute, you said 66. What you are now saying is 11 per minute - through the turnstiles. Search rate will have to match this and I can’t believe that each search takes no more than 5 seconds., in which case there needs to be multiple stewards conducting earaches at each turnstile. This in turn will need a number of lanes before each turnstile. Not sure how that will fit in with the outside bars etc. The site really isn’t big enough.

By my amateur calculations you would need a constant flow of people turning up at each turnstile from an hour before kick off. Any diminution in numbers or delay and it’s stuffed. Turn up early and you are OK, cutting it fine and you aren’t. Too many people want to cut it fine and leave it to others to arrive early.
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Well-Known Member
I had asked how many a minute, you said 66. What you are now saying is 11 per minute - through the turnstiles. Search rate will have to match this and I can’t believe that each search takes no more than 5 seconds., in which case there needs to be multiple stewards conducting earaches at each turnstile. This in turn will need a number of lanes before each turnstile. Not sure how that will fit in with the outside bars etc. The site really isn’t big enough.
That's where I understand the baseline figure works from, crowd numbers divided by home/away turnstile numbers,will then give an indication of flow rates required for a venue. When these were installed/built, they had different challenges to what we have today. Sadly things change, security risk has been one of them.


Well-Known Member
That's where I understand the baseline figure works from, crowd numbers divided by home/away turnstile numbers,will then give an indication of flow rates required for a venue. When these were installed/built, they had different challenges to what we have today. Sadly things change, security risk has been one of them.
I have edited and hence added a bit to my post. Security risk has, as you said, changed - so there needs to be an adequate provision to deliver the required security measures. What I think you are saying is an admission that, as several others on here have said, the security provision is inadequate and hence not fit for purpose.


Well-Known Member
Blame the fans, if that is the attitude of someone who says they work for the venue then we need new people.

You blame the fans for the poor design of the stadium footprint? Ok wow. I'll send this to the clubs new COO as I know he'll like to see this.

Jeez someone’s a bit of a Karen


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