Match Thread Supporter's Meeting with Doug King Match Thread (47 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Cwr: he threw robins under bus I didn't like it

Cwr: he should have said robins wanted viveash out when they got rid of adi in the statement


clint van damme

Well-Known Member
We've only heard one side so you have to take things with a pinch of salt.

Things will be a lot more nuanced, I would imagine.

King will naturally paint things from his own perspective.

Very true.

There was a lot he said that I can believe but there was a lot where I think he's lying through his teeth.

In fairness, Robins side would probably throw up the same as would Viveashs


Well-Known Member
The thing I don't get if robins got rid of adi why are the solicitors involved something unusual has happened there.
It's not an unusual position, a fall out with someone you work for doesn't necessarily give a legal reason for dismissal.

And there may well be a legal case for compensation, and maybe even defamation etc.

Let's be honest, scum bag solicitors will always find some loophole to take a case on.


Well-Known Member
Wonder how many Mics Doug left in the room when he left, and he’s now sitting in the car park waiting in the wings for these fans to leave 🤣

Hitman on each nearest exit 🤣

Considering I’m listening on the radio, at least one.


Well-Known Member
Thought Doug came across well, clearly no nonsense with the response to some of the questions.

Interesting what he said about AV and MR but of course we need to hear the other side, that's his view which he is totally entitled to. But backs what many on here thought only a few weeks ago.

Fingers crossed we get someone in over the next 2 weeks as it was the one area I didn't like his response. I respect that he hasn't gone behind Robins back, however. The 'We trust Rhys if we need him to take the next 3/4 games'... Why? He was here under Robins and failed to provide the tactical acumen that he clearly believes is missing. And we are then another 4 games into the season he believes can be saved.

Ring Of Steel

Well-Known Member
Thought Doug came across well, clearly no nonsense with the response to some of the questions.

Interesting what he said about AV and MR but of course we need to hear the other side, that's his view which he is totally entitled to. But backs what many on here thought only a few weeks ago.

Fingers crossed we get someone in over the next 2 weeks.

I do like his approach to things, I like him. But what a mess this now is 🙈😁


Well-Known Member
So, basically Robins cut his own nose off to spite his face over Adi.

And his face ended up being well and truly spited.
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Well-Known Member
I thought he came across ok. I don't know why he'd lie about Robins or anything else. He admitted he'd fucked up with some of the things albeit nothing majorly material.

Most of the questions were just a waste of time and Lorna and Rob should not have been involved as they're fans too emotionally invested.

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clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Clint, grow the fuck up mate. You are better than this.

Fucking read this thread, throws in a grenade about the fall out, (something I actually believe him on), and suddenly he's the dogs bollocks.

Interesting your not calling out some of the stupid childish shit aimed at the pro Robins camp.

Mucca Mad Boys

Well-Known Member
On October 9th, Chris Ramsey met with Robins at Ryton and left thinking he only had to agree a package with the owner.
He later got a call from the performance director telling him that the owner didn’t think the timing was right.

Your information contradicts other ITK tidbits here and one of the sources is incorrect. There’s a thread called ‘.’ (Edited by OP) where the insinuation is that this was forced on Robins. Someone’s ITK source is incorrect so I trust your info 50%.

There’s information wars at the club and there are sources have certain biased spins that they’re telling people like yourself.

Likewise, some ‘ITK’ info I’ve been privy to AV is probably wrong too. Based on Doug King’s comments earlier, MR didn’t want to work with AV there’s no insinuation that he was sacked for gross misconduct.

Maybe it was true but from MR’s POV’s rather than the club as a whole and the sources version of events is tilted towards certain characters at the clubs.


Well-Known Member
What the fuck are you on about?
Stop embarrassing yourself.
Conspiracy theories:

1) King deliberately got rid of Adi to isolate MR
2) MR didn’t want the new coaching set up
3) MR didn’t sign off on incoming players
4) Loans are banned
5) Older players with no resale value are banned
6) the new manager is al;ready agreed and DK was working behind MR’s back

I could go on but i suspect I’ve made my point.

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