Surely SISU are to blame for this? (13 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
any one hear the huddersfield match commentator interviewed this morning on CWR ?. Even he was surprised.

He couldnt see on the face of it how Huddersfield were a better option based on the crowds we get and how we have been doing. Said HTFC couldnt even get 31k fans in their ground for a cup game and the JPT crowd showed the fan potential at CCFC. But he did point out that Huddersfield were financially secure and backed by an entrepeneur, money no problem. Recent history he felt gave CCFC a higher profile, but HTFC had a solid base and structure that CCFC does not appear to have. Hoped that at some point the directors of CCFC would make things clear (that will be a first !). Said that in reality the agents had been working on this prior to the formal approach so the deal was almost done when official approach made. Said he understood CCFC fans anger because what we know just didnt seem to make a lot of sense. Wanted to know the reasons why MR would jump ship - seemed to imply it wasnt just about money.

An owner who is a fan of the club
A owner with financial plans to make them competitive in the championship
Possibly an owner he can trust
Double his wages


New Member
I just feel utterly depressed by this.

Fans are again divided - in the rent dispute supporters split between ACL v sisu now it looks like it's going to be it's the club's fault v Robins' fault.
That Hudd are a better prospect than ccfc just shows what a state we are in - in 1996 (apols if I've got the exact year wrong but it was around then) ccfc made a surplus, owned its own ground, and were in top flight football. Today we're in div 3, a tenant but not even paying rent, £40+ million debt and any player and now manager who is any good seems to clear off sharpish for apparently better prospects at place like Hudd ffs.

I'm not part of the anti-sisu brigade and with what seems to be in Robins' contract it sounds like if he was determined to go then that's that - but for the sisu supporters e.g. grendel could you explain what the current owners' plan is?


New Member
SISU had a plan to appoint Robins when AB was sacked but fans pressure led them to appoint Thorn.

They eventually appointed Robins but he choose to leave. Little an owner can do in those circumstances

If we appoint another manager who does well, we will lose them as well.

Robins wanted the release clause, precisely to give him options like this. You can't force people to sign contracts any more


New Member
SISU had a plan to appoint Robins when AB was sacked but fans pressure led them to appoint Thorn.
They eventually appointed Robins but he choose to leave. Little an owner can do in those circumstances
If we appoint another manager who does well, we will lose them as well.
Robins wanted the release clause, precisely to give him options like this. You can't force people to sign contracts any more

"If we appoint another manager who does well, we will lose them as well." - That just adds to the sense of desponency. I wish 'fans pressure' did have the power to influence owners' decisions but TA makes an assertion re Thorn and I've never seen any evidence to support that view.

The key point is what is the current owners' plan to get us out of div 3, out of financial crisis, stop us from losing our best players etc etc?


Well-Known Member
SISU had a plan to appoint Robins when AB was sacked but fans pressure led them to appoint Thorn.

They eventually appointed Robins but he choose to leave. Little an owner can do in those circumstances

If we appoint another manager who does well, we will lose them as well.

Robins wanted the release clause, precisely to give him options like this. You can't force people to sign contracts any more

Tommy is that

A suggestion that gets posted on here a few times with no substance then becomes fact


Has someone from the club confirmed this.


Is it just your opinion?

I am talking about your first line


New Member
Oh well at least SISU can pay a few quid off the rent debt with the compo.................................or probably not !! The common theme here is that once again the club has taken a huge turn for the worse, CCFC takes 1 step forward and two steps back, anybody of any value departs, a lack of investment at the right time cost us our place in the Championship. I thought this had turned round but how much money has really gone back in this term?We have cleared quite a few off the books to accommodate incoming players and on top of this we have had 6 extra home games and two very lucrative sell out trips to North London. This could all be about one mans individual greed but the common denominator still remains at the hub of our demise..................and they'll pay for people to keep their gobs shut so don't expect to ever find out the real truth !!


New Member
Go back and look at the press reporting and bookies records for the period post-AB. Robins was clearly reported as the man SISU wanted.

Then compare and contrast some of the fans comments - on the lines of "if SISU don't appoint Thorn, I am handing back my season ticket"

It was noteworthy at the time because I was surprised that there was such interest in Robins, when his record appeared unremarkable


New Member
Yeah it's sisus fault the pope resigned and SISU were on goal for Crewe last week! Etc etc etc etc bore off!
You are entitled to your opinion Steve but during our owners tenure:
The debt has increased by about 50%
Successive managers have been appointed and failed badly
The club still doesn't own its ground
Anyone of any value leaves when tapped up almost immediately
We were relegated due to a severe cost cutting strategy at the worst possible time
Orange Ken in the dug out
Piss poor communication and cover ups all round
Rent unpaid
Etc Etc Etc !!
An owner who is a fan of the club
A owner with financial plans to make them competitive in the championship
Possibly an owner he can trust
Double his wages

Add our financial mess to the mix and the stadium situation its hardly surprising. In the real world we would ALL jump ship if given a chance like this, as a Fan though its just our worst nightmare. :facepalm: Get ready for another season in League 1 me thinks.


Well-Known Member
Go back and look at the press reporting and bookies records for the period post-AB. Robins was clearly reported as the man SISU wanted.

Then compare and contrast some of the fans comments - on the lines of "if SISU don't appoint Thorn, I am handing back my season ticket"

It was noteworthy at the time because I was surprised that there was such interest in Robins, when his record appeared unremarkable

So in all honesty it is your opinion because the bookies had him as one of the favourites.

Yet Andy Thorn did well as caretaker. SISU get to save money by employing him and you genuinely think they were forced into that move by the fans?


New Member
You are entitled to your opinion Steve but during our owners tenure:
The debt has increased by about 50%
Successive managers have been appointed and failed badly
The club still doesn't own its ground
Anyone of any value leaves when tapped up almost immediately
We were relegated due to a severe cost cutting strategy at the worst possible time
Orange Ken in the dug out
Piss poor communication and cover ups all round
Rent unpaid
Etc Etc Etc !!

Totally agree that they are to blame for all that mate. But in this instance I think it's as black and white as Robins wanted to leave! What can SISU do about that? Chain him to the training gates?


Well-Known Member
Totally agree that they are to blame for all that mate. But in this instance I think it's as black and white as Robins wanted to leave! What can SISU do about that? Chain him to the training gates?

Get rid of the financial uncertainty surrounding the club. So the likes of Huddersfield think they have not s chance on your nelly of getting Coventry City's manager


New Member
So in all honesty it is your opinion because the bookies had him as one of the favourites.

Yet Andy Thorn did well as caretaker. SISU get to save money by employing him and you genuinely think they were forced into that move by the fans?

In all honesty, all the available evidence was that Robins was lined up. It was reported in the media and listed by the bookies. These confirm nothing but were strong indicators. Yet after strong fans protests, exercised in various public domains, Thorn was appointed.

When Thorn did relatively well, SISU tried to claim credit and were roundly criticised for doing so, from fans who insisted it was fans pressure that led to Thorn being given the job.

Again, well documented at the time and I was broadly sympathetic because Thorn had steered us clear from relegation,playing good football.

Robins was always the man SISU wanted and his subsequent appointment should have been no surprise to anyone who had watched events closely


Well-Known Member
In all honesty, all the available evidence was that Robins was lined up. It was reported in the media and listed by the bookies. These confirm nothing but were strong indicators. Yet after strong fans protests, exercised in various public domains, Thorn was appointed.

When Thorn did relatively well, SISU tried to claim credit and were roundly criticised for doing so, from fans who insisted it was fans pressure that led to Thorn being given the job.

Again, well documented at the time and I was broadly sympathetic because Thorn had steered us clear from relegation,playing good football.

Robins was always the man SISU wanted and his subsequent appointment should have been no surprise to anyone who had watched events closely

In all honesty I wasn't aware of the bit where fans protested in public forums because it looked like AT wasn't going to get the job.

I thought they were looking at different options.

He got us playing attractive football kept us up and from that point on as he was a cheap option for SISU.

I always saw it as a foregone conclusion.

If I missed all the controversy where SISU tried to go a different way and the fans saved the day.
In all honesty I missed the second wave post appointment where the fans kicked off when SISU tried to take credit


New Member
Its all the fans fault eh Tommy...........................must have been the 30,000 who showed up the other night as a demonstration of potential, or perhaps the 5000 to Spurs and MK Dons or the 8000 to Arsenal...........Those same fans that chose Thorn must have driven away MR and those same fans who have put their hands in their pockets all season also chose to have the club dragged through the courts by not paying the rent...........As someone else pointed out, we are seen as an easy target by almost all other clubs due to the well documented threats of administration, Liquidation, Ground sharing, points deductions etc etc !


Well-Known Member
You are entitled to your opinion Steve but during our owners tenure:
The debt has increased by about 50%

Has it?

Successive managers have been appointed and failed badly

And that never happened before they took charge then? They also appointed a bloody good manager who has decided to leave. That's their fault too, is it?

The club still doesn't own its ground

Certainly not their fault. Blame the people who sold it in the first place.

Anyone of any value leaves when tapped up almost immediately

How do you know? Are you in on negotiations?

We were relegated due to a severe cost cutting strategy at the worst possible time

This is true. They admitted themselves they fucked up.

Orange Ken in the dug out

He chose to do this himself. Nothing to do with the owners. They sacked him because of it, so what's your point.

Piss poor communication and cover ups all round
Rent unpaid
Etc Etc Etc !!

I'll give you Poor communication and I'll give you unpaid rent - though mainly because it's bloody extortionate. But "cover ups all round"? You've been reading too much Robert Ludlum, I think.


New Member
Its all the fans fault eh Tommy...........................must have been the 30,000 who showed up the other night as a demonstration of potential, or perhaps the 5000 to Spurs and MK Dons or the 8000 to Arsenal...........Those same fans that chose Thorn must have driven away MR and those same fans who have put their hands in their pockets all season also chose to have the club dragged through the courts by not paying the rent...........As someone else pointed out, we are seen as an easy target by almost all other clubs due to the well documented threats of administration, Liquidation, Ground sharing, points deductions etc etc !

Maybe if 31,000 fans turned up more often, eh Ashdown. Or are we being selective when it comes to using evidence to back one particular argument?

The fans wanted Thorn - perhaps with good reason at the time - but it becomes yet another stick to beat SISU with.


Well-Known Member
Not sure what your point is in all this. Not the fault of the fans or the Club. Robins wanted to leave.

Again, you can't see further than "it's all SISU what done it". And you never will.

Its all the fans fault eh Tommy...........................must have been the 30,000 who showed up the other night as a demonstration of potential, or perhaps the 5000 to Spurs and MK Dons or the 8000 to Arsenal...........Those same fans that chose Thorn must have driven away MR and those same fans who have put their hands in their pockets all season also chose to have the club dragged through the courts by not paying the rent...........As someone else pointed out, we are seen as an easy target by almost all other clubs due to the well documented threats of administration, Liquidation, Ground sharing, points deductions etc etc !


New Member
Torchomatic................we can certainly agree that they were left with a dead duck by all the previous criminals who mismanaged it, that's for sure. My point is that apart from the last 5 months we have seen no improvement during their tenure whatsoever, in fact we are seen as an easy target for daylight robbery by almost any other club for any of our staff and I am convinced we will go backwards again badly now before we make any headway again. This MR departure/discussion may well just be human ambition/greed but our owners have not improved conditions at the club in 6 years to enable us to fight off these advances.


New Member
Not sure what your point is in all this. Not the fault of the fans or the Club. Robins wanted to leave.

Again, you can't see further than "it's all SISU what done it". And you never will.

Tommy has history of blaming the fans on the GMK forum for years, partly wind up I'm sure but it has become a bit stale !


Well-Known Member
This line tells a story in itself. Despite pumping over £40M into CCFC the club is no further forward, is it? So what does that tell you about Coventry City. Or the football world in general. Or clubs who don't own their own ground?

While SISU certainly have to take responsibility for failures over the last six years, previous boards have more to answer in my view. Why sell our ground? What happened to all the cash? Why negotiate an unsustainable rent?

This MR departure/discussion may well just be human ambition/greed but our owners have not improved conditions at the club in 6 years to enable us to fight off these advances.
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New Member
While SISU certainly have to take responsibility for failures over the last six years, previous boards have more to answer in my view. Why sell our ground? What happened to all the cash? Why negotiate an unsustainable rent?

On this we are in agreement completely !.........................I'm not sure about a net investment of £40 million though?


Well-Known Member
In all honesty, all the available evidence was that Robins was lined up. It was reported in the media and listed by the bookies. These confirm nothing but were strong indicators. Yet after strong fans protests, exercised in various public domains, Thorn was appointed.

When Thorn did relatively well, SISU tried to claim credit and were roundly criticised for doing so, from fans who insisted it was fans pressure that led to Thorn being given the job.

Again, well documented at the time and I was broadly sympathetic because Thorn had steered us clear from relegation,playing good football.

Robins was always the man SISU wanted and his subsequent appointment should have been no surprise to anyone who had watched events closely

So if SISU wanted MR at the time AT was appointed, then why did it take forever to appoint MR following AT sacking?


CCFC Finance Director
Surely we have learnt one thing regarding things at CCFC and that is things are rarely as simple or black and white as they appear. Will we ever get proof of what actually has gone on - most likely no.

Clearly MR saw a possible better future at HTFC and he has pushed for it. He has always come across as an honest straight talking man so you would assume there are good reasons in his mind for his apparent change of direction. What caused the U turn it is difficult to say and we can only guess. Was it the lure of more money, a perhaps more secure financial set up or did something go on at the end of last week that caused a change of heart ? We do not know. we are just guessing

And I would guess (and it is only my opinion) that something happened to make him walk away, indeed push for severance, that we will not be made privey to now or perhaps ever. It may become apparent over the next few days and weeks, I do think we deserve an truthful explanation, but have no expectation of it.


New Member
While SISU certainly have to take responsibility for failures over the last six years, previous boards have more to answer in my view. Why sell our ground? What happened to all the cash? Why negotiate an unsustainable rent?

On this we are in agreement completely !.........................I'm not sure about a net investment of £40 million though?

Which of course proves that most of the blame for our problems resides with Robinson and Richardson, not SISU

SISU and Ranson just didn't have the necessary resources to repair the damage, caused by years of financial extravagance beyond our means


New Member
Oldskyblue58, yes a lot of speculation. But one thing seems very clear. Robins was on the radio a few days ago saying he'd had a meeting with the owners and he was very happy with things. And was going nowhere. I haven't heard the 'Sky Blue blood,' comments. But he apparently said that too.
We'll get over it. Football is a murky business these days.
One point, our home form under Robins has been indifferent hasn't it. 6 home defeats in a short time & a few draws.
Now if we were to bring in ex Physio Nigel Adkins, that might cheer us fans up. We could sing that song ' Who needs Mourinho...' Well Block 15 could. I'd just rattle my jewelry.


Well-Known Member
Which of course proves that most of the blame for our problems resides with Robinson and Richardson, not SISU

SISU and Ranson just didn't have the necessary resources to repair the damage, caused by years of financial extravagance beyond our means

Come on. Sisu haven't shown the COMPETENCE over a 5 year period to sort the problems out, even if you believe those investment numbers.
We have moved from shambles to shambles under Sisu, probably getting relegated unnecessarily and now probably missing a promotion chance- that may not come around again for a while.

For once look at Sisu's record on its own merits, after all they have been here for 5 years!


New Member
TA, Torch, Grendel - on various threads you seem to be the three people who tend to defend SISU most. Can one of you explain what sisu's plan is to get us out of div 3, resolve the rent dispute, sort the finances etc etc? I've posted this question before and never get an answer.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, I'm not privvy to their strategies and plans for the Club. Wish I was.


New Member
Unfortunately, I'm not privvy to their strategies and plans for the Club. Wish I was.

You may not be privvy to info (who is?) but as someone who is not sisu-out what is your opinion/thoughts? I keep asking this cos I just cannot see what sisu can do next, especially with no access to even part ownership of the ricoh.


Well-Known Member
I can see how this works...the minority always get grilled and asked to justify why they are in that minority. They are asked to prove and back-up why they hold the opinions they do. Whereby the majority don't have to do that . They can make sweeping statements like "Robins is off because he got screwed by SISU", "SISU didn't try hard enough to keep him", "he left because of broken promises from SISU", etc etc and no one bats an eyelid because lots of people blindly agree, which fuels the fire.

Who knows what is in store for CCFC. Who knows how SISU intend to get us out of the mire.

However, I think we can all agree losing Robins is not just a big blow to Coventry City and the fans but also to SISU. I genuinely thought he had the nous and drive to take us out of this league.

That was until he was screwed by SISU, of course....


Well-Known Member
You may not be privvy to info (who is?) but as someone who is not sisu-out what is your opinion/thoughts? I keep asking this cos I just cannot see what sisu can do next, especially with no access to even part ownership of the ricoh.

The only way would be to appoint a manager who can get this squad to perform as they should be.

I for one am not in the camp Robins was/is performing miracles here.

This IMO is the best squad in this division.

Accept a compromise on the rent, you a compromise how all business deals are reached.

Look like a swan guideline through the water. Even if your feet are going like the clappers under it.

So when clubs if smaller or similar size to you think to themselves.
Do you think we can nick Covs manager or top player.

Nah they are doing well in the league. They seem financially ok. Lets pick on a smaller club!

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