Surely Time to Bury the Hatchet (2 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Yes people are defending their club, whilst you and't.

"People don't get defensive unless they have something to defend."

I'd like them to stop telling lies - is that too much to ask?

If they built a new stadium as they've promised, or made an offer to Wasps to own half of the Ricoh then it would at least show an intention to give the club a brighter future.

That's the main issue - they've openly stated before that they aren't really interested in football, have treated everyone badly, suing anything that moves, and that behaviour is what has caused thousands like me to turn on them.

Does anyone here think that SISU haven't acted disrespectfully towards the fans?

It's no wonder attendances are low.

Peoples stances may soften if SISU clean up their act, but until then they only have themselves to blame.

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They may soften but there'll never be any trust again for many of us.


Ok, does anyone see how there can be a bright future under SISU? I'd genuinely like to know as it might make me more positive about the situation.

I just can't see one myself.

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Well-Known Member
Ok, does anyone see how there can be a bright future under SISU? I'd genuinely like to know as it might make me more positive about the situation.

I just can't see one myself.

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Long term not as it is now no, if we had 25k supporters every week then yes I'd see a future more brighter than it is now.

I do think we're in for a good season though, shame so many won't get to see it because they can't see past the owners.


Well-Known Member
Ok, does anyone see how there can be a bright future under SISU?

Depends what you mean by a bright future. At present we have a good manager, one of the largest playing budgets in the division, a decent shop with a good range of merchandise, low ticket prices and judging by yesterday might have some exciting football to watch. Not sure what more could realistically be expected.

Long term we need either a new stadium or ownership of the Ricoh. Both of those things will be very difficult for any owner to deliver from our current situation. At present that is the biggest factor preventing a bright future much above the level we are at. We should be able to get out of this division but aren't in a position to compete in the Championship. That will be the same no matter who are owners are.


Well-Known Member
Ok, does anyone see how there can be a bright future under SISU?

What is more likely to bring a bright future? Attendances under 10K with fans refusing to go to games or attendances of 15 - 20K? Whatever way you look at it staying away harms no one but the club. It doesn't impact on SISU in the slightest, they aren't putting money in so lower income just means a lower playing budget.

Equally if you want SISU gone what looks more attractive to a potential future owner? A ground that's half closed due to low attendances or a full ground?

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
Pro ccfc you mean? Still, don't let a decent win let you have a day off, you can look forward to a court case or something that will be of more interest. I'm sure a few more who go quiet when we do something good will be back in time for court action.
I haven't gone anywhere Nick, and for someone who claims to NOT be a SISU supporter, you say a lot to disprove it! or is it for "Balance?" [MENTION=461]Rich[/MENTION]87 says a hell of a lot that is true and has been proven in black and white. ie- SISU matching Wasps bid, but with caveats that they could sue CCC with (CCC not by any means being squeaky clean) They had no intention whatsoever to buy into the Ricoh at the offer Wasps put forward. CCFC were NOT "Kicked out" of the Ricoh, Fisher "TOOK" them out. and the "Big one".....SISU forced Administration, and made out they were the "Victims" in all of that sh*t, and what about Embargo's(Plural) SISU were the ones not paying up to stop them(Found plenty of money for litigation though didn't they?). If TM's team do manage to challenge for a top 6 place it will all be down to him and his "Footballing Brain" although SISU will "Ride on his coat tails"


Well-Known Member
Oh, I don't know. You like to come on here every now and then, drop your little SISU bombs and then run off again for a while.

You're right - and it's not something I'm enjoying doing.

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Well-Known Member
I'm afraid we've lost some fans forever and this thread only proves it, and this for me is the bleakest thing to come out of this mess than anything SISU have done.


Well-Known Member
Unbelievable it may be, but that's how most City fans have been made to feel.

It's disgusting and another reason people hold SISU with such hatred and contempt.

So you'd rather us be in L1/L2 than be successful?

That's some strange fu*king logic there. How can any fan not want success??


Well-Known Member
It's just an excuse for most of them. Moan when we are doing shit and moan when things are looking up.


I'm afraid we've lost some fans forever and this thread only proves it, and this for me is the bleakest thing to come out of this mess than anything SISU have done.


Oh, I don't know. You like to come on here every now and then, drop your little SISU bombs and then run off again for a while.

Haha, I've not been on the forum for a very long time it's true - and to an extent wish I hadn't opened this can of worms.

I think that the only thing that will get fans back is something unmissable on the pitch, so let's hope that Mowbray can provide that with the current squad.

No City fan, no matter how angry at SISU would want to miss a promotion challenge - it's long overdue for all of us.

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Well-Known Member
I think sometimes you just have to put your club first.

No-one wants Sisu here, but they've been here now for 8 years and we've been trying to get rid of them for at least the last 3 of those 8 years.

At what point do we think they will just walk away? Why do we think that would happen?

Club first. The club you love. That has to hold paramount importance, everything else is secondary. Our team needs us now more than ever, so we really should back the team, the very good manager we have and the crop of promising youngsters coming through.

Tis indeed time to bury the hatchet.


Well-Known Member
It's just an excuse for most of them. Moan when we are doing shit and moan when things are looking up.


I think you're right, rich has already pretty much said he would come back if we were challenging for promotion.

I've said several times if you make a choice that you don't think its value for money just say that rather than hiding behind the owners and morals etc.


Well-Known Member
No City fan, no matter how angry at SISU would want to miss a promotion challenge - it's long overdue for all of us.

Yet you liked this comment earlier in the thread?

Frankly I would rather wallow in the lower leagues than succeed under SISU, not that the latter is likely.


Well-Known Member
Christ - Ginnetta, CJ Parker and Rich are all out of retirement just for one last vent of their spleens.


Well-Known Member
I think sometimes you just have to put your club first.

No-one wants Sisu here, but they've been here now for 8 years and we've been trying to get rid of them for at least the last 3 of those 8 years.

At what point do we think they will just walk away? Why do we think that would happen?

Club first. The club you love. That has to hold paramount importance, everything else is secondary. Our team needs us now more than ever, so we really should back the team, the very good manager we have and the crop of promising youngsters coming through.

Tis indeed time to bury the hatchet.

Only three? More like 4 or 5 now. Anywhere its not even about burying the hatchet, its about supporting the team. You can still hate SISU and go to matches, it seems some think by going to matches you have to personally kiss the feet of Fisher and Seppalla and donate to SISUs evil fund, all the money from ticket sales goes into running and supporting the club I have no doubt about that. Without the attendees there wouldn't even be a club for these jokers to boycott.


Yet you liked this comment earlier in the thread?

Frankly I would rather wallow in the lower leagues than succeed under SISU, not that the latter is likely.

I'd rather be in the lower leagues fan-owned than succeed under SISU, yes.

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M&B Stand

Well-Known Member
That's the thing - SISU have treated ALL of us with such contempt that it becomes personal, and stops being about football.

Some people can swallow their pride and keep giving SISU money for bottom half League 1 football, but others want to get them out at all costs.

I'm in the latter group. I would rather we we started all over again in non league and fan owned, because we're all being held to ransom.

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I guess I just want a club I can support again Hill. I can't support this one with them in charge.

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I'll always be a City fan - can't change that. Not going doesn't mean I can't be excited by the team, does it?

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You're struggling today!


The vast majority of fans had the ability to go to Northampton but chose not to, so the majority chose to stick two fingers up to SISU rather than support the team.

SISU drove that wedge between the fans and the club - that's a fact.

The question now is when do fans choose to return - and people will have their own ideas on that which is their call.

Personally I need convincing - blind faith doesn't cut it anymore.

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Let's just hope the team can improve the situation on and off the pitch.

City fans didn't deserve any of this and shouldn't have to shrug it off.

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M&B Stand

Well-Known Member
I guess I just want a club I can support again Hill. I can't support this one with them in charge.

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Why? I think those statements make sense..

If you don't agree with them don't be so cryptic.

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You say you'll always be a fan of a team you don't support! Probably better off rethinking your life and finding something to do.


Well-Known Member
I personally don't think there many in the NOPM camp, northampton lead to a loss of regular fans but most will return if there is a good promotion charge. I think most fans are intelligent enough to distinguish between SISU and the club but not realistic to "bury the hatchett" - home games are played in a WASPS owned stadium, the future is less than clear as following SISu's tactics a London Rugby club was given the opportunity to own our stadium and that will always be an issue that will prevent the hatchet being buried but not from attending the games,


You say you'll always be a fan of a team you don't support! Probably better off rethinking your life and finding something to do.

Or you need to learn the difference between the words 'fan' and 'supporter'. I'm well aware that I'm not currently supporting the team.

Rethinking life? That's a bit over the top isn't it. I haven't been on this forum for over a year before this week, so it's hardly dominating my life

You're going to be a busy man giving all that invaluable life coaching to the thousands of City fans choosing not to go.

Send me a PM before your new business venture floats on the stock exchange - I'd like to get involved and share in your success.

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Well-Known Member
Yesterday, was absolutely fantastic from start to finish.

I couldn't believe the way the whole team played, and made Wigan look like a very poor League 1/2 side.

I won't get over excited, but from what I saw yesterday, handing over the running of football related matters, has been a good move (FINALLY) from SISU. Leave TM to do as he sees fit, and keep the off field stuff as far away from the pitch as possible please SISU :)


Yesterday, was absolutely fantastic from start to finish.

I couldn't believe the way the whole team played, and made Wigan look like a very poor League 1/2 side.

I won't get over excited, but from what I saw yesterday, handing over the running of football related matters, has been a good move (FINALLY) from SISU. Leave TM to do as he sees fit, and keep the off field stuff as far away from the pitch as possible please SISU :)

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Well-Known Member
Yesterday, was absolutely fantastic from start to finish.

I couldn't believe the way the whole team played, and made Wigan look like a very poor League 1/2 side.

I won't get over excited, but from what I saw yesterday, handing over the running of football related matters, has been a good move (FINALLY) from SISU. Leave TM to do as he sees fit, and keep the off field stuff as far away from the pitch as possible please SISU :)

Just need the fans backing now

M&B Stand

Well-Known Member
Or you need to learn the difference between the words 'fan' and 'supporter'. I'm well aware that I'm not currently supporting the team.

Rethinking life? That's a bit over the top isn't it. I haven't been on this forum for over a year before this week, so it's hardly dominating my life

You're going to be a busy man giving all that invaluable life coaching to the thousands of City fans choosing not to go.

Send me a PM before your new business venture floats on the stock exchange - I'd like to get involved and share in your success.

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go on then, enlighten me.

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