Takeover News!!!!!!! (3 Viewers)

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Well-Known Member
My word we are all a bit het up today, is it the thought of going back to work after the holidays? lets try to keep direct insults to a minimum please. We all have our fingers crossed for some sort of big change.


Well-Known Member
If you go back through the thread you'll find the prophet of doom that is Summerisle has been pretty abusive - so don't give people the "he just presents reasoned arguments" rubbish.

There is a difference between being perpetually negative and being cautious or well balanced.

Anyway, I think we've all had enough of this arguing now so let's get back to praying for a takeover.

So he's abusive and you or Gaz call him a knob. Right.


Well-Known Member
Ref kduffy
Oh the I'm more intelligent than you response is it,

now there was me thinking that everyone was entitled to an opinion and that the I am always right brigade could go into a room by themselves and agree but I doubt they would even listen to each other

Or you could just say I love Ken Delieu - joke!


Well-Known Member
If you go back through the thread you'll find the prophet of doom that is Summerisle has been pretty abusive - so don't give people the "he just presents reasoned arguments" rubbish.

There is a difference between being perpetually negative and being cautious or well balanced.

Anyway, I think we've all had enough of this arguing now so let's get back to praying for a takeover.

At least you can spell "praying" properly!


Well-Known Member
Shall I close it? I think I'll close it.
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