on the basis that the council have said they are not for selling their shares anyone consider whether the charity had actually been spoken to by anyone regarding any of this, or whether the option is capable of being actioned by the club at this time (it is the club that can no one else). You might think that speaking to the Higgs Charity might be important let alone manners or respectful when referring to shares they own.
Similarly anyone taken a look at our new chinese power brokers FDKG? The website (last up dated September 2011) or Company House (showing net worth £1852). Not saying some of this isn't true but lets wait and see before we get excited.
A couple of weeks back I posted pictures and links of two addresses that SISU are supposedly based at. Here is that post:
Now here is the spicy bit:
The first address, -4th floor, 1 red square is currently up for sale/ to let:
http://www.h2so.com/media/43304/1 red place - fourth floor.pdf
The SECOND address, is the strange one. You see the offices above the hairdressers, that is apparently SISU's offices, or one of them anyway.
Coincidence? Is it fuck.
Just heard this afternoon, that the people that hoffman is bringing in is RICOH, yes the stadium sponsor !!
If any of this is true, it's not FDKG that would be the owners, their Director is working with the Hoff to help establish links with wealthy Chinese businessmen. This is taken from the BBC - Former Coventry vice-chairman Gary Hoffman has been working with Ken Grant, who is an independent consultant in Asia.
Any deal would involve taking up 100% ownership of the club, as well as half ownership of the Ricoh Arena.
But they are understood not to want to work with current owners Sisu Capital.
Although Sisu are keen to find investors, the Chinese group are only interested in sole ownership.
Hoffman had feared that relegation might put off potential buyers, but there is still interest.
Grant is a director of FDKG Ltd - a company that advises top end brands and businesses on moving into the Chinese luxury market.
Hi Clemy :wave: Yes I realise FDKG isnt going to be the investor in CCFC. The CT implied there was great substance to them and Mr Grant, just doesnt seem to be that much, from the information i can find. If he can arrange the deal then well done him. I am just wary of folk making claims that dont quite stack up at face value. As said before not doing him or GH down but wont believe it unless it happens. Some on here seem to think it is all but done - i really don't think thats the case
Exactly yet Hoffman has been saying for the last 9 months he has investors ready to take over and SISU were the hold up?Agree. From what I've read they are "deciding where to invest their money for this year". Hardly sounds a done deal.
Got to be something behind it? Sky have got an article on it now?
Bit of a musical connection going on here:
The Dark Knight = Miles Davis
The Prince = his Purpleness
The King = Elvis
Just need Freddie Mercury................
Gary Hoffman has said very little at all since all this takeover talk began a year ago. Do you think anything would be put in a newspaper if there were no substance to it. Hoffman is a top business man experienced in dealing with people from all over the world especially China, have faith, have patience, the dark cloud over our club has one massive silver lining to it.
In Hoffman I trust
Don't listen to the sceptics on another thread re: takeover i can assure you all this is for real.Have sat on info. for weeks now and still can't be exact but everything is in place for a takeover to proceed, including Ricoh ownership, it is now just a case of satisfying our owners who simply cannot afford to turn away from this. Owning this club is costing their business thousands a month and the reason Ms. Sepella made that sudden flying visit last month was to meet the new people. We might find out later this witholding of rent was just a sabre rattling exercise from a beaten company.
SISU simply can't carry on, no income stream at all, from anywhere. As for the timing of releasing this news again it's exactly as i thought it would be, the timing is crucial and scuppers any threat of administration or liquidation. How can sisu explain to their investors who have put money up you have lost the lot now this news is out.
The future is bright. In Hoffman I trust
I can't believe you are taking in what "ThePrince" is saying. I'll make it simpler for you, he is either a Leiscum, Villa or Birmingham fan.
Be rather pee'd off with the CT if it's just lazy journalism and just all hearsay and tittle tattle.