What a load of spin.
He said a lot whilst saying nothing, and comes accross as disinterested and rude.
He didnt actually say that no investors were at the meeting, but that actually he didnt think the principle investor was there. This is completely different to the club statement and just shows what a master of spin and deceit he is. Frankly he is a liar.
The man is a joke, and to have someone who has not one jot of passion for the club as chairman shows how sh*t things are.
His line that they are talking to many many investors is as believable as they are seeing the council by the end of the week. He conveniently changed that later in the interview by saying that they had preliminary talks with one or two people, to cover his back as he realised his original statement was a load of bull.
This man is a joke, and frankly a cheat and a liar. A full blown joke like SISU.