Maybe I'm being grumpy, but everything I see online these days is "5 Ways to do X" "10 reasons you should like Y". Just seems lazy to me, I want the newspaper not Cosmopolitan. Not just the Telegraph that are guilty mind.
Edit: Also, they shouldn't even be worrying about avoiding the bias tag TBF, only a couple of very bitter friends of a certain ex journo are throwing those accusations around.
Not arguing shmmeee, but
some of us have downloaded and read the judgement, yet for various reasons
some of us are unable to do this.
I think Simon Gilbert's 10 key points are a succinct way to convey the verdict
for those unable to read 46 pages of Hickinbottom J's judgement.
I would reiterate my original post:
'Thanks for your updates and journalism Simon
I thought the judge played a blinder - rereading the judgement, it's clear he understands exactly what SISU's intentions were.
Because the conclusion states 'This claim fails in its entirety', I'm looking forward to Friday when costs will be decided - there must be a good chance that SISU will be paying at least some if not all of CCCouncil's costs.
'We batter people in court'...................
Yeah, Tim, and the judge was 'wrong'.......'
I stand by this - it shows what duplicitous owners we have the misfortune to have owning our once proud club.
I spoke to many friends who said they found it difficult to read 46 pages of text, so directed them to Simon's 10 key points so they could understand the
battering Sisu endured.
Bring on Hickinbottom J's costs decision.
Bring on Sisu's leave to appeal this judgement (which will probably be denied) - if allowed they will lose yet again, hopefully hastening their departure.
As the judgement stated this was Sisu's last throw of the dice, their 'Plan A' - to distress ACL, gain control of the Ricoh on the cheap, and sell it quickly to retrieve their 'investment'
Unfortunately for us CCFC fans there is no 'Plan B'.
Forget about Northampton, or a 'new 12-15k capacity stadium'

. This is the endgame for Sisu. Expect a realization of assets before a much-hoped for bail out. This is when we need the FL to have some balls and grasp the nettle: take the
'Golden Share' away from Sisu and keep Coventry City Football Club's heritage alive before liquidation............