Watched MOTD tonight funny but Sunderland who are going through a rough time(Shame ) had pleanty of empty seats in a Prem game.
Your average now and again supporter will not come to watch shit football.
I was on nights last week gave a ticket to my cousin he said it was too expensive even though it was free, to watch such shit football!!! this is a guy that used to go every week.
So yes performance does matter to the majority all the rest of the shit is irrelevant.
We have told Fisher on many occasions make the team a successful and playing nice football and everyone will forget about the Sisu shit and support the team instead.
They have to make an effort first though, to stop the rot that is tearing our club apart.
we do have to remember though, there was no early bird price or direct debit option this season. I don't know what the answer is. We all want more people through the gate, but we also all want a well funded squad. £100 is something like £4 per game, that is redicluosly low. with only a limited access to additional revenues means that you're then more reliant (hard to believe) on selling players to make up the short fall. I'd also add that if its too cheap it then decreases the value people place on the ticket ("can't be arsed to today, doesn't matter only losing a couple of quid anyway") and if then you got promoted back to the championship there is noway you could afford to charge £100, how will those ST holders feel about price hike of 300-400% on promotion?
Shhmeee is right, you need to do something to get 'stickiness'. I wish I had an answer.
A few other overlooked advantages of filling cheaply are encouraging a fan base fir the next generation (although not the sisu way), a % of food and beverage income, more programmes, more shop sales etc. I would think a full Ricoh would attract players if the wages at two clubs were the same offer and I think bigger teams would allow us their better quality youngsters on loan to get them playing in front of a bigger crowd, so definitely merits in cheap tickets to fill it. On the downside I went to watch Leamington earlier this season and was disgusted to pay £12 for a ticket and they ate three leagues below us, with a significantly smaller budget, so we don't need to undersell the product either.
My idea for season tickets would be a sliding scale. On price anywhere and we start off at eg £500. The gardvore would buy one and commit. At 5000 tickets it drops to £400, 10000 its £300 and 15000 its £200. Then we don't give away what we nerd to and all those of us who commit first would do the marketing to push everyone up there to make our own tickets cheaper. Would obviously need a cut off date like 31st July.
.... and whilst we're at it ... why id my dad's ticket cheaper than mine? Yes he's retired, but its not like encouraging z cheap kids ticket for the next 50 years and needing a full price adult to accompany them. Dad is retire andd I guess like most of our older fans has more disposable money than I do, takes up a seat, can get there on his own (in fact fir free if he used the free bud pass he also receives as an oap) and yet pays z fraction of what I do. Clearly having fun and don't begrudge my own dad as no different to others, but oap's imo should pay full price. Tbh if they're still going at that age, then not many are giving up going based on price.
I like that idea of the more you sell the cheaper they become. The only issue I see is that there's so many refusing to come because of Sisu, you're going to struggle to get people to commit, especially as there's not guarentee that you'd hit your target to get a rebate.
I don't think big clubs particularly care about your attendances when loaning Young players, their main concerns are is the player going to play, do the club play good Footbal, is he going to learn and progress, can the club pay the required loan fee/% wages.
The other thing tbey would need to consider is would they get more in programmes, the 50% f&b's/parking than the extra ticket revenue? Again we don't know the exact deal and what it's actually worth.
I think getting kids in is key. Personally I have no problem with OAP tickets.
I think £100 is too low as a flat rate for everyone but its just a discussion to be had to throw different ideas doesn't matter about specifics at the moment, I also think they should get rid of premium/standard zones, have a family zone and then everywhere else. Don't give people an excuse not to go, how often do we hear people say I'm not paying *then quote the highest ticket price from the premium zone* obviously me and you know you don't have to pay the highest rate but the lazy casual fan will just look at it and dismiss it without seeing what other options they have.
How about a special offer, like the first 1000 season tickets (or however many) sold are £100, next 1000 are sold at £150 and then the rest at the new regular rate (Something like £200 in the family zone an £240 everywhere else in the ground would still be great value)