The boat/James (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
I was thinking this thread was sinking. But looks like it's well and truly afloat.

James looks like he is a naughty buoy. He needs a stern talking to.

The boat was meant to be a whale of a good time but for some people thought it smelled fishy for the get go.

James is starting to look like a pirate and will need to walk the plank. Maybe he has stashed the money off shore.

Mean while on facebook there is a lot of salty sea dogs who dint get as drunk as a sailor.

Thats I I'm out of boat puns. Maybe I'm just fishing for likes. Cast your own opinion.


Well-Known Member
I'm not entirely sure yacht you're on about but as his girlfriend Marina said, stop trawling for likes and ask Cod for forgiveness.


Well-Known Member
I'm not entirely sure yacht you're on about but as his girlfriend Marina said, stop trawling for likes and ask Cod for forgiveness.


Well-Known Member
It should be a simple case of paying people back.

If it really is £1,400 that is owed then why can't he take that from the profits from the Wembley coaches?

Even £1 profit per head on those coaches would amount to an absolute fortune.

Either that money has gone, or he isn't willing to use it to pay people back. Either paints a clear enough story.
I've a feeling all of his 'profits' are paying off previous 'debts'


Facebook User
Either way Grendel is way would any sane person go via the payday'd pay out of your own pocket before doing that, either that or you wait for the refund to clear in your own account before you disperse that amongst the various aggrieved boaters. Simples.
It is all irrelevant though isn't it? If he had any intention or honesty about him, he would have refunded some money by now. It is all bullshit and lies as far as i can see. No excuse for not sorting something. He took the money so he had it.


Well-Known Member
Load of rollocks if you ask me....


I was thinking this thread was sinking. But looks like it's well and truly afloat.

James looks like he is a naughty buoy. He needs a stern talking to.

The boat was meant to be a whale of a good time but for some people thought it smelled fishy for the get go.

James is starting to look like a pirate and will need to walk the plank. Maybe he has stashed the money off shore.

Mean while on facebook there is a lot of salty sea dogs who dint get as drunk as a sailor.

Thats I I'm out of boat puns. Maybe I'm just fishing for likes. Cast your own opinion.
what a load of ship

Joy Division

Well-Known Member
I don't understand why he has to wait for money to hit his account before refunding people, surely the whole point of the refund is that there was a massive overpayment. The amount of money collected from for the boat trip was far higher than what he paid for wasn't it?


Well-Known Member
Is he still running coaches for other away games?

Yep, advertised on Twitter, which really hasn't helped his case that it's all some big mix up, meanwhile a big debt sits there, there's several people 1-2K out of pocket for European Away Days and an angry mob has gathered on FB.


Well-Known Member
Yep, we need to stop even talking about water at all and just concentrate on James' income stream.


Well-Known Member
Lets be honest, he seems like he's got out of his depth. I dont think its a case of he has no sole, he's just got up shit creek without a paddle to roe.

Although, this whole waiting for money thing could just be a red herring...


Well-Known Member
Think it’s a load of bullshit with the waiting for the money to get to his bank, he only shown one screenshot where he apparently ‘transferred’ 4K via bank transfer. That left 5 grand that’s not accounted for so he must have had that in his bank. Also if he paid the company via bank transfer that took seconds to exchange from his bank to theirs, why is the transfer back taking over 2 weeks? I don’t know any company that offers a refund that it takes over two weeks to process. He clearly doesn’t have the money cause half of that boat haven’t even heard anything from him about refunds, only a select few have been promised a refund.


Well-Known Member
I actually (and I don't know why) read that in my head with the ello ello French accent...

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