The Choir: Sing While You Work, BBC2 and BBCHD 9pm (2 Viewers)


New Member
A shameless plug I am afraid :whistle:

I am in Gareth Malone's (Military Wives fame) new choir series. I work for Severn Trent Water and we were selected to create a choir and compete off against other companies. I was selected for the choir and will feature in the program.

I'm specky guy at the front on the right hand side of the picture in the bass section. It's actually not bad TV.
Also I am scheduled with a couple of others for an appearance on CWR on Thursday morning.

Hope you can all support a fellow sky blue and enjoy the show


Well-Known Member
I have been watching the series and really enjoying it. Will have a look out for you in the picture.

Of course I will support a fellow sky blue and good luck to your team and hope you win.



New Member
Spotted you on the tele - sounds like the guty in the suit - 2 rows behind you is flat, but hard to tell on tele - good luck in the knockouts.


New Member
And what happened to the guy who dropped out ? What was that all about ?


New Member
And what happened to the guy who dropped out ? What was that all about ?

Ha ha, they made such a big deal about that guy. He only came to one and a half rehearsals and I don't think I ever even spoke to him. As far as I am aware he emigrated to Australia with his mrs and kids.

Anyway, hope you're enjoying the programme and you think that we were good enough to get to the final.
Enjoy next week and cheers for your support!


New Member
Congratulations on your win !

Think Gareth's comments throughout the show indicate how Coventry people are misunderstood by other people.


Well-Known Member
Well done Bam - watched this late last night. Been an excellent series.

If I'm totally honest I liked the Lewisham guys right through and when they said unanimous I was convinced it would be them, but then I guess I don't have a trained ear. I thought all of the choirs including the guys who dropped out in the Semi looked and sounded really professional.


Well-Known Member
Only just watched the final - been away on holiday - and congratulations Severn Trent on your win.

Must say up to the semis I thought Royal Mail were going to win it, until it came to the actual final, but then Severn Trent absolutely nailed it.

Well done!


New Member
thanks for your messages. What a week culminating in the appearance on The One Show last Friday night!! It's all been great fun and we are continuing as a choir and will have public performances down the line which if you're interested in I will keep you posted. I don't think the fame has gone to my head just yet and i'm yet to be recognised on the street.

If you want to show your support look up 'The Severn Trent Choir' on Facebook and please 'Like' and 'share' our page as we are trying to build a following.

Cheers again :)


Well-Known Member
Great show. Your achievement made me even prouder to work for STW, the company get's a lot of negative press and I think the show will have really changed that.

I love that you're all still continuing with the choir too, you were all awesome :p

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