The dream stream (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Planning on sticking to my usual routine of waking up at silly o’clock to watch the game tomorrow. But as this game isn’t on iFollow, can anyone point me in the direction of a solid streaming website?

Soz if this has already been covered.



Well-Known Member
Bet365 are streaming it.. just chuck a fiver on
An account and your away. Good quality


Well-Known Member
Bet365 if you have an account stick £10 on the game then watch it for free - you never know you might win some cash too.


Well-Known Member
I know bet 365 stream it, chuck £20 on your account, but on a bet and your good to go, good video and may win some $$$$$


Well-Known Member
I think you have to be in the UK to use UK betting sites. I might be wrong though. Guess I could always switch my VPN. Cheers!
It was a joke because at first it was £5 then £10 so I said £20


Well-Known Member
Just chuck £50 on Bet365 and I think they let you watch it


Well-Known Member
Just accidentally set up another thread on this. Checked bet365 and it doesn't seem to be on their schedule?


Super Moderator
Not on bet365. Not surprising as don't think you're able to show 3PM Saturday kick offs in the UK regardless of platform.


Well-Known Member
I think it's on Betfair Exchange - there is a box saying 'not yet available.


Well-Known Member
Leicester game starting to lag for me

Any idea how to get full screen? Casting works but so jumpy

Closed window and reopened
Ok now

I always zoom the screen and position the small window accordingly. A bit pixelated but then I sit away from the screen. Any port in a storm.


Well-Known Member
I always zoom the screen and position the small window accordingly. A bit pixelated but then I sit away from the screen. Any port in a storm.

Yeah what i will do i think

400% does the trick

Althouhh final moments of leicester game video wouldnt stream so WAIT and see what happens at 3pm

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