The Missing 20,000 Fans (4 Viewers)


New Member
Valiant, you don't go, as you so often say, and you pour scorn on the club at every turn, so your opinion doesn't matter to me. I'll listen to Macca (though he is a smug sod at times and can't resist the dig) because he goes now and then.
Astute, guess you are taking the mick but even so, you've hit nail on the head. But stay away fans (and I wish they would turn up) are the major problem. So you're right. No fans, no money, no players.
Brighton, yes we have been here before. I didn't start the thread so I guess there are others of the same mind as me. 10,000 or less fans turning up is a sad story. About time the SkyblueforeverLew/Hugh/Cityforever lot started living up to their aliases. If someone like you can get to games what does that say about the lukewarms? Fair play to you and people like the chap in Cumbria etc. People with a bit of passion about their club.
But maybe I'm in the wrong place with many on here, not caring enough about their club.

The problem is though snoz you have two different sets of football supporters. Our fans are not unique, we fit in to one of two catagories, just the same as the other 91 league clubs.

Football fan A is the mad passionate type of fan who will go to as many games as is physically possible, his/her club is one of the most important things in their life. How well the team is doing determines how happy they are. Think Newcastle United.

Football fan B is the type of fan who wants to see his/her club do well, goes to most home games, maybe has a season ticket. Has the approach of, if they win its nice, if they lose its an annoyance, but not the end of the world. However as this type of fan doesn't have the same type of passion as fan A, they simply reduce the amount of games they go to once the club goes into a decline. This is typical of Midlands football clubs, including our own.

From your posts on here it would seem you would prefer City fans to all be like fan A. However if our fans were that passionate, Sisu would be getting a right kick in by now. There would be protest marches, sit in's, vandalism at Sisu HQ, boycotts etc.

You however seem to be asking us to be the most passionate loud fans in the country when it comes to what is happening on the pitch, but you then expect us all to shut up and be nice over how Sisu (and previous owners) have ruined our club.

You cant have it both ways!


Well-Known Member
Valiant, you don't go, as you so often say, and you pour scorn on the club at every turn, so your opinion doesn't matter to me. I'll listen to Macca (though he is a smug sod at times and can't resist the dig) because he goes now and then.
Astute, guess you are taking the mick but even so, you've hit nail on the head. But stay away fans (and I wish they would turn up) are the major problem. So you're right. No fans, no money, no players.
Brighton, yes we have been here before. I didn't start the thread so I guess there are others of the same mind as me. 10,000 or less fans turning up is a sad story. About time the SkyblueforeverLew/Hugh/Cityforever lot started living up to their aliases. If someone like you can get to games what does that say about the lukewarms? Fair play to you and people like the chap in Cumbria etc. People with a bit of passion about their club.
But maybe I'm in the wrong place with many on here, not caring enough about their club.

Smug, me?

Well ok I ll give you that ;)


New Member
I agree, BUT, a successful (granted we are not now) prem CCFC would rake in 32k fans a week. A long term prem CCFC will see a new generation of CCFC fans and thus more CCFC fans in future.

Agreed, after a decade or two in the lower leagues, if we ever made it back to the Prem the place would sold out most weeks, certainly for the first season. Like I said, our core support is small but a taste of the big time again would get the majority of entire fan base fighting for tickets. At least for the first season.

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