New Member
That's the one! (Admit I had to google it earlier but to name sure i dont miss her on TV its worth it ).
7th Feb it starts
I agree the first series i watched it religiously. Same for the second. Third not so, and began recording some of them to watch at a later date (one of them programmes you couldn't miss one or you'd get out of sync yet its one of the shows that would go forward, then back in time. Confusing at times).
Comes the last series id kinda lost track what was happening. Probably why the Americans got bored and viewing figures reduced drastically
Still, I would prefer it if it ended
Yeah, if it is a strain on the English attention span, the Americans stand no chance!!
The real let down for me was that the first series had a host of characters full of potential but there was never any progression. Sylar was still flip flopping between evil and good (definately one of my favourite fictional characters of all time though), Claire was still whining about not fitting in, Peter Petrelli was still the underdog hero, Hiro was still an excitable comic book nerd, Noah was still "Die for my family at all costs" Parkman was still unbelievably annoying etc. All characters had major things happen to them on several occassions but it never seemed to change them. I could imagine a fifth series with all the powers being common knowledge being interesting though. But, yeah, character progression really let it down. That is why the likes of Buffy thrived even when the story was a bit weak, the characters were so strong, they kept growing and that held the show and the viewer.