The Phone In (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
The purpose of that was regarding forgetting ownership issues and try and focus on football and the season ahead.

Yes he obviously is s supporter of the club and I apologise for that.

However, I fail to see any motivation to engage on a football phone in to say don't go and watch the team and supply any income unless their is some end game. If they find it boring and lost interest of course that's different. However, to claim moral high ground that is what is annoying.

As for criticising fans every time that Ian guy called in a couple of years ago the abuse he received on here was borderline harassment.

Ian never got any grief from me him, his brother and his son are also good friends of mine used to have season tickets together at HR.
TBH Ian wouldn't give shit.


Well-Known Member
People to blame for demise in regular support are Tim Fisher and Steve Waggott in that order, the Northampton project was Fisher's supported by Waggott, that has cost us 5000 regular fans, hard to get them back A winning team playing decent stuff and with a bit of hope and ambition is the only way.


Well-Known Member
The purpose of that was regarding forgetting ownership issues and try and focus on football and the season ahead.

Yes he obviously is s supporter of the club and I apologise for that.

However, I fail to see any motivation to engage on a football phone in to say don't go and watch the team and supply any income unless their is some end game. If they find it boring and lost interest of course that's different. However, to claim moral high ground that is what is annoying.

As for criticising fans every time that Ian guy called in a couple of years ago the abuse he received on here was borderline harassment.

I heard the phone in and he didn't claim any moral high ground, in fact he sounded very frustrated at his situation; he made it quite clear it was how he felt and not what he felt other people should be doing. He just wasn't prepared to hand money to SISU and would just go to a few away games. He admitted he felt frustrated with the situation.

The moral high ground seems to have been taken by Grendel on this matter. He didn't express an endgame because he didn't see it like that, he was just exercising his right to put his hard earned money where he wanted to and that was not with SISU.

I refused to go to Northampton and only went to away games. But now we are back at the Ricoh I feel we should support the change in stance by SISU. I also feel we should support TM and the players in what they are trying to achieve.

However, people are entitled to have their own opinion as fans you are not obliged to have a season ticket or to attend every game. You are also entitled to phone up the local radio station and express your view; the beauty of living in a free democracy. You may not agree with someone opinion but at least respect they have one.


Well-Known Member
Actually according to Wingy it's not the Nigel we thought it was so apologises to that Nigel as well.

Two apologies in a row. If I do a third you can report this account for being hacked.
No it is the one you were thinking of the one who went on hungerstrike and has had a few health issues.
But he is a big big City fan


Well-Known Member
The apologies are appreciated though, Grendel.

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
To accuse him of being the moron "Sydney" is a bit harsh to be fair. Does Nigel live in Wales?
If this is a dig at me Grenduffy, NO I'm not Nigel. I do NOT go to away games now and then, and haven't done so for a while now(Hence holiday in USA for 6 weeks) As Astute has said, from the Richardson era onwards, the City have been in decline, but the tenure of SISU has impacted our plight a hundred fold. It is SISU who have brought us to a new low, and is they, and they alone, who are responsible for the position we find ourselves in atm.


Well-Known Member
If this is a dig at me Grenduffy, NO I'm not Nigel. I do NOT go to away games now and then, and haven't done so for a while now(Hence holiday in USA for 6 weeks) As Astute has said, from the Richardson era onwards, the City have been in decline, but the tenure of SISU has impacted our plight a hundred fold. It is SISU who have brought us to a new low, and is they, and they alone, who are responsible for the position we find ourselves in atm.

It was clearly a joke

Get a sense of humour Nigel


Well-Known Member
What do the NOPM supporters believe they are now achieving? SISU aren't taking money out of the club which is now being run as self sufficient. I must be missing something because the only impact I can see NOPM having is lowering the playing budget.

In which accounts do the court costs come out of and are Sisu indirectly holding back funding because of it ?


Well-Known Member
In which accounts do the court costs come out of and are Sisu indirectly holding back funding because of it ?

I'm not aware of any evidence indicating the football club are funding legal proceedings. There's little to suggest if SISU had an extra few quid in their pocket they'd hand it over to TM to spend and allow the club to be run at a loss again.


Well-Known Member
In which accounts do the court costs come out of and are Sisu indirectly holding back funding because of it ?

If they are holding anything back it will be from the 40% left over not allowed to go onto the players budget. This won't be very much after the other expenses like rent and the youth players.

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