the rant thread (2 Viewers)


New Member
Backstabbing at work is something that really annoys me. You know like they are nice to your face and behind your back bitch about you.If they bitch orwhatever behind someones back to me i just tell em im not getting involved and to tell the person that they have the problem with not me.I cant stand two faced people i mean what is the point.
sorry guys rant over


New Member
heres my rant playing (Yeti Pentathlon)is not scoreing properly scored over 1000points on 2 tests and only gave me 301 and 202 points whats with,the games a cheat or bunny is :D:D:D:D:D

rant over


New Member
Erm I'm NOT a Cheat :eek: :eek: I'm Just GOOD ;) That Game always doe's That , It doe's it to me as well. It seems to knock point off when you finish The rounds.
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New Member
:eek:maybe if i stayed in the arcade all day il get better:D:Dbut i dont so looks like il not win any of the games


New Member
lol the problem is that score values have been set so we can not beat them,but il be happy to compain about them:D

They've been SET we Should be able to beatThe highest scores though :(:confused:


New Member
that yeti game on here one one off the games i hit over 1300 points and said the game value was 320 points its the same on the flamingo golf on yeti it gives you the value and your no way nr any of the high scores lets put it this way if it had gave me the points i got on all 5 parts of the game my score would have been 4000+but with each value set i get 1400 each time,

rant over :D


Bunny is 44 today! :p

WHY DO WOMEN ALWAYS LIE ABOUT THERE AGE!!!!! :evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil:

Rant over!!! ;):D:D:D:D:D

Captain Dart

Well-Known Member
Don't you just hate people who dig up old threads for absolutely no reason?

No, I hate the people who dig them up because they fit with their agenda.

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
I like this thread! Can we keep it going? :claping hands:


Well-Known Member
People who cut across the petrol station forecourt in order to miss out traffic lights do my bloody head in


Well-Known Member
People who overtake someone doing 30 mph in a 30 mph residential road.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - so please excuse any spelling or grammar errors :)


Well-Known Member
People who think it is fine to drive in the wrong lane, when it is clearly marked as a turn etc.

Example: The ring road, coming past the Foleshill roundabout and then taking the slip road towards either West Orchards (left), Belgrade Plaza (straight on), or Radford Road, past the fire station (right).

As the traffic lights can be very quick changing at that slip road roundabout, people deliberately go in the left lane (marked left only) and then turn right, cutting right across those in the right lane to turn to Radford Road.

Growing trend. To get ahead, people deliberately go in the wrong lane knowing they are going to turn a different direction. Grrrr!!

That and people going over red lights a number of seconds after they have turned red. Seems the norm these days. You always used to get the odd one or two going over a red light just as it has changed, but now I have noticed a light turn red and then, one, two, even 3 cars, go over the red light after it has changed and the lights for the drivers in the opposite direction have clearly turned green.

Driving seems a lot more aggressive these days and people seem in more of a hurry than ever to get in front of the car in front of them.


Well-Known Member
People who think it is fine to drive in the wrong lane, when it is clearly marked as a turn etc.

Example: The ring road, coming past the Foleshill roundabout and then taking the slip road towards either West Orchards (left), Belgrade Plaza (straight on), or Radford Road, past the fire station (right).

As the traffic lights can be very quick changing at that slip road roundabout, people deliberately go in the left lane (marked left only) and then turn right, cutting right across those in the right lane to turn to Radford Road.

Growing trend. To get ahead, people deliberately go in the wrong lane knowing they are going to turn a different direction. Grrrr!!

That and people going over red lights a number of seconds after they have turned red. Seems the norm these days. You always used to get the odd one or two going over a red light just as it has changed, but now I have noticed a light turn red and then, one, two, even 3 cars, go over the red light after it has changed and the lights for the drivers in the opposite direction have clearly turned green.

Driving seems a lot more aggressive these days and people seem in more of a hurry than ever to get in front of the car in front of them.

100% agree with this I use the the kenilworth road /A45 junction everyday and this is common especially since the new lights have been put in!
Most commonly Some using the middle lane as you come from the memorial park direction on the Ken rd the right and middle lane are right turn only, left hand lane straight on and left turn, to beat the queue people are driving in the middle lane and when those lights change going straight on towards Ken narrowly missing the cars turning right in the oppo direction down the a45 towards the burnt post as the left hand lane on that side is on red to allow the facing drivers to turn right if that makes sense.

Worries me with the supposed number of uninsured tossers about!


Well-Known Member
People who can't fucking use the ring road.

It's got signs every couple of hundred feet FFS. If you are coming off, be in the left lane. Otherwise, be in the right lane. But nooooo we get Johnny Sundaydriver pootling along at 30mph in the left hand lane making getting onto or off the RR like some kind of real life Mario level.

Then the twats who drive up your arse as you're doing 50 in the right lane, flashing their headlights.

Fucking morons. Bring in an IQ test along with the Theory.


Well-Known Member
Fuckin fat people who ride around in mobility scooters just because there fat.


Well-Known Member
People who appear to spend their sad little lives posting pictures of themselves on instagram, twitter & facebook......

Just think of the time, electricity & oxygen all these narcissistic cunts waste....


Well-Known Member
Lorry drivers who over take other lorries on dual carriageways because there lorry is going 0.000001 mph faster and it takes them 10 minutes to overtake ..

And people that stand in doorways having conversations ... For Christ sake stand to one side


Well-Known Member
Lorry drivers who over take other lorries on dual carriageways because there lorry is going 0.000001 mph faster and it takes them 10 minutes to overtake ..

And people that stand in doorways having conversations ... For Christ sake stand to one side
I'm a lorry driver, and we do it on purpose to piss off miserable gits like you


  • People who walk slowly and suddenly stop in supermarkets
  • People who stop to chat and block off the whole aisle with their trolley and look at you funny when you want to get past
  • People who make lots of noise when they eat


Well-Known Member
People who drink at the bottom of our garden (we back on to a park) and throw cans and bottles and other litter into the garden. They also shout swear and fight at 3 and 4 in the morning after a skinful

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Well-Known Member
Cyclists that go on about motorists not respecting them on the road, yet everytime they get to a red light decide to suddenly become a pedestrian and go on the path.


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