There will be lies... sorry... "loans" (1 Viewer)


New Member

I haven't seen any other threads in this section on this piece, but sorry if it's been posted before!!

A genuine new hope, Luke Skywalker style?


Just more lip service?

Personally I'm not holding my breath and I don't think it'd increase the gates but a loan player may lift morale.

What are we saying SBT?


Well-Known Member
everyone knows we need a couple of loans and yeah it would probably lift the moral of the team but as we know permatanned ken speaks with forked tongue...or in other words chats bollox :):)


Well-Known Member
I'm fairly sure they are trying to get players in. How strictly they're sticking to their skinflint budget and whether we actually will get anyone in is another thing, but they're not stupid enough to think we don't need extra personnel so I don't think it's a lie to say they're looking.


Well-Known Member
When does the loan window end-or is it not a "window"?
I think it has already been posted up on here before that all the most desirable players will be out to other clubs whilst we are still looking under stones!!;)


New Member
It's not often you get the manager saying that there's no loans on the horizon with a few weeks later the chairman saying... yes we are definately looking. What's going on??!!

What we need it someone in there 30's from a prem team who isn't really getting any games... not easily found are they??


Well-Known Member
I think we are probably looking in all reality, but are doing so with an empty wallet on a begging mission.

I could go on a window shopping mission looking at Ferrari's. Doesn't mean I am going to buy one.
I think we are probably looking in all reality, but are doing so with an empty wallet on a begging mission.

I could go on a window shopping mission looking at Ferrari's. Doesn't mean I am going to buy one.


"Some of them Andy Thorn has decided not to persue and in some cases, players have opted to go elsewhere*or to stay where they are."

Translated this means that Thorn wanted players like Shelvy but the board couldn't/weren't prepared to stump up the cash.

Trouble is anyone with any quality is going to cost money that SISU won't pay.


New Member
Lots of stones on the beach in Portugal! But seriously I am pleased with what he has said. Presumably there is no way even he could mislead us on this subject again. So I think we will get someone in next week


Well-Known Member
Lots of stones on the beach in Portugal! But seriously I am pleased with what he has said. Presumably there is no way even he could mislead us on this subject again. So I think we will get someone in next week

most probably on a thursday :):)

sky blue john

Well-Known Member
What a load of rubbish. Only come out with this statement because we have lost two midfielders to injury if this wasn't the case they wouldn't even be looking. Total Toss ers.


Well-Known Member

"Some of them Andy Thorn has decided not to persue and in some cases, players have opted to go elsewhere*or to stay where they are."

Translated this means that Thorn wanted players like Shelvy but the board couldn't/weren't prepared to stump up the cash.

Trouble is anyone with any quality is going to cost money that SISU won't pay.

Players have opted to go elsewhere*or to stay where they are."

With the conversation going somewhat like this;

Premiership player: "I need first team football, boss. No good me rotting away in the reserves or sat on the bench."

Bos: "Yep, fully understand. Made a few enquiries and only Coventry City are interested at the moment."

Premiership player: "Fook it, I'll stay then and play in the reserves and hopefully make my way back into first team contention."


New Member
Thy would if we offered them money. It will need to be about £5k a week minimum for an experienced Prem player

Orange ken could just offer up his paid for flights and nearly £1k a day pay from CCFc to make this work


Well-Known Member
I don't think that even Mr Dildo would be stupid enough to make a statement like that if he knew it wasn't true. However, we can't afford much (if anything) in wages, so we'd need the players home club to foot the bill (or most of it) - can't see many takers for that. Of course, a player would be virtually guaranteed a game every week, and we no longer play 'hoof and hope' football, so we may be lucky and get a few takers - but I won't hold my breath.
Players have opted to go elsewhere*or to stay where they are."

With the conversation going somewhat like this;

Premiership player: "I need first team football, boss. No good me rotting away in the reserves or sat on the bench."

Bos: "Yep, fully understand. Made a few enquiries and only Coventry City are interested at the moment."

Premiership player: "Fook it, I'll stay then and play in the reserves and hopefully make my way back into first team contention."

This being the transcript from a discussion between Kenny and Shelvy.


Well-Known Member
I think I'll strust what the manager says over that plonker, ta. And what did he say?

"Once other clubs express an interest, with our budget, we just can't compete. Clubs like Barnsley can blow us out of the water".

In other words, clubs want a loan fee +/or wage% contribution. We haggle or refuse to match the demand, and as soon as anyone else is interested they trump our offer. Think about nearly every transfer under SISU-Morrison and Sammy stand out: lots of haggling, then done at the last minute. That only works if there is no competition. This is clearly what has happened with the likes of Drinkwater and Shelvey.

Also remember what AT said a few weeks back about the type of loan player we really need being out of our range. ie not just another inexperienced kid. We do have a fair few of them already.

Once again, Ken shifts the blame to anyone other than himself. Methinks the orange twat doth protest too much.


New Member
Clubs like Barnsley can blow us out of the water

'kinnell - pass the rope.


Well-Known Member
if we dont have the money maybe we shouldnt get loans in?

not if it impacts the business model,still i take the point that they may help keep us up

once the 25 man squads are amde official i expect cov to sign 1-2 loanees


Well-Known Member


New Member
I believe every word the man speaks..............


Well-Known Member
well we made one signing !!!

Coventry City appoints new Head of Sales

Mon 10th Oct 2011 | Football Club Management
A lifelong Coventry City fan has come home to help the club reach out to the local business community, using his own experiences, as well as his professional skills.
Chris McCormick, originally from Nuneaton, has returned to the area to join the Sky Blues as their new Head of Sales after spending the past five years based in Manchester and London, working in the music industry.
Chris, 31, will head up the club’s commercial team with the primary objective of strengthening links with the local business community and re-engaging with fans similar to himself.
After graduating from university, Chris went on to work for the Manchester International Festival before setting up his own business four years ago, where he specialised in brokering sponsorship for music festivals.
Now he is looking to use those skills and experiences to help his beloved Sky Blues.
He said: “I wasn’t actually looking for a new job but once I was made aware of the opportunity, and met with chief executive, Paul Clouting and he explained his vision for the club it was really hard to turn down the chance to come home and work for the club I have supported all my life.
“It is different to working in the music industry, the requirements and the skill-set are much the same but just applied to a different world.
“My role will involve maximising what we can do for the local business community and understanding how we can give back to the area.
“It is important that the club continues to engage with members of the business community to try and bring everybody together through their football club.”
Coventry City have been Chris’s club as long as he can remember and he believes his personal experiences will help him to deliver in this new role.
“My dad took me to my first match in 1988 and we beat Sheffield Wednesday 5-0 at Highfield Road.
“However, I have not been able to get to as many matches as I would like over the past few years because of work.
“In a way this will help me as we look to engage with people who have almost become part-time fans, much like myself.
“As everyone knows, times are hard so as well as reaching out to fans and businesses we must also reward those who have remained loyal.
“It is fantastic to be back home with my friends and family and I am really looking forward to tackling this new challenge.”

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