Things that annoy you (14 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
I do that sometimes but only when I know there is an exit coming up and I don't know whether it's on the left or the right, so I stay in the middle so I only chave to move over one lane no matter what side it's on.
Always the inside lane unless overtaking except on Coventry ring road which is outside lane unless you’re pulling off it.


Well-Known Member
Its to do with emissions. There's less weight so they can claim lower emissions and better fuel economy as well as saving them money.
Yep agree with just bought a car Saturday - not even a sodding wheel spanner in the well just goo and a compressor - me to salesman - space saver ? - that will be £110 sir comes with the spanner aaaaaaaaaaaaargh


Well-Known Member
Yep agree with just bought a car Saturday - not even a sodding wheel spanner in the well just goo and a compressor - me to salesman - space saver ? - that will be £110 sir comes with the spanner aaaaaaaaaaaaargh
Comes with a spanner? You got the salesman thrown in too then?


Well-Known Member
Yep agree with just bought a car Saturday - not even a sodding wheel spanner in the well just goo and a compressor - me to salesman - space saver ? - that will be £110 sir comes with the spanner aaaaaaaaaaaaargh
Just think of the good you’re doing for the environment by not taking the space saver


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I do that sometimes but only when I know there is an exit coming up and I don't know whether it's on the left or the right, so I stay in the middle so I only need to move over one lane no matter what side it's on.
Hi Gaz........Any chance you could let me know when you're next planning to use a motorway. Which one, day, sort of time etc. Cheers !!


Well-Known Member
Middle lane drivers.

Been up and down the M1 to Luton Airport a couple of times over the last two weeks and the amount of drivers who just plonk themselves in the middle lane with no idea of the danger they are causing is ridiculous.

Yesterday watched one driver who must have been undertook three times in the space of a minute and he just continued pootling along in the middle lane when the inside lanes were empty.
Not sure if some people don't know that its a traffic offence to hog the middle lane now. 3 pts and a fine.
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Well-Known Member
I'm sure a law was brought in especially targeting middle lane hoggers about 3 years ago.

Traditional motorways are pretty much lawless. People drive above the speed limit, tailgate, stay in the 'fast lane' when they should move over, stay in the middle lane all the time. To quote a song from Bros' Push album, it's a jungle out there.


Well-Known Member
Traditional motorways are pretty much lawless. People drive above the speed limit, tailgate, stay in the 'fast lane' when they should move over, stay in the middle lane all the time. To quote a song from Bros' Push album, it's a jungle out there.
BROS....Cough cough :)


Well-Known Member
When do motorways ever have an exit on the right?

Stop being a shit driver and pull over to the left.
Tons of them where I live, exits on both sides and sometimes the road forks where 2 lanes go to the right and two to the left, and you better be in the correct lane way ahead of time since changing lanes quickly at the last minute is impossible.


Well-Known Member
Several things about detective dramas on TV:
If there's a famous or well-known actor then they probably play a significant part in the crime - was watching one recently and a famous actor was the barman so I said to the family - he did it as he can't be in it just to play a barman. Sure enough he was the murderer. Family annoyed at spoiler!
Why the police never turn lights on in buildings clearly with lighting and why do they hold the torches in such a weird way (grasping like a javelin).
Why they always say if there was no sign of a forced entry that the victim probably knew them and let them in. This doesn't follow at all!
In police surveillance why nobody notices if a strange car parks in their street with a couple of people who remain inside.
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Well-Known Member
Several things about detective dramas on TV:
If there's a famous or well-known actor then they probably play a significant part in the crime - was watching one recently and a famous actor was the barman so I said to the family - he did it as he can't be in it just to play a barman. Sure enough he was the murderer. Family annoyed at spoiler!
Why the police never turn lights on in buildings clearly with lighting and why do they hold the torches in such a weird way (grasping like a javelin).
Why they always say if there was no sign of a forced entry that the victim probably knew them and let them in. This doesn't follow at all!
In police surveillance why nobody notices if a strange car parks in their street with a couple of people who remain inside.
The thing that bugs me the most is when there is a scene with someone picking up or carrying a suitcase and it's obvious there is nothing in it.
Sometimes the person will be swinging the suitcase back and forth like it's as light as a feather.
Another annoying thing (being a car enthusiast) is whenever a car starts and pulls away and the sound effect is nothing like that car would actually make.
Usually the sound is far too sporty for the model. Like it's the sound of an MG for a Morris Minor.

Terry Gibson's perm

Well-Known Member
My brother in law is coming to Nuneaton tomorrow to watch his son play but won’t be coming to see his sister or niece or nephews we live about 2 minutes from the ground, if we would have done that to his kids all hell would have broke lose but I have been told to keep quiet


My brother in law is coming to Nuneaton tomorrow to watch his son play but won’t be coming to see his sister or niece or nephews we live about 2 minutes from the ground, if we would have done that to his kids all hell would have broke lose but I have been told to keep quiet

Turn up and throw smoke bombs at their match


People fakely mourning famous people

I had ITV on this morning and the presenter was giving it "we do miss her dearly". He had never met her, he had probably never thought anything of her for ages until he heard she was ill. After today he probably wont think about her again.

Then you have the people who get interviewed who are "friends" that turn out to be somebody who walked past and smiled in 1982


Well-Known Member
Mainly women on Facebook who bang on about “my man” being #TheGreatest #BetterThanYours #Handsoff yet get through about 3/4 fellas a year, embarrassing!


Well-Known Member
footballers putting their hand over their mouths when they speak to each other during games on the telly.
That's because both teams employ lip readers to give themselves an advantage if they can pick up what the opposition are saying.


Well-Known Member
Flies. Always randomly start punching mid air.
Bad year for them
Been living all summer with the back door open
They've been regular visitors
Had my annual fight with the ants,, ground based and airborne
Don't know where all that cement dust comes from but there can't be a lot left of my kitchen floor and I can't access them as under laminate flooring then under kitchen units GRrrr
More Wasps and bees about this year too although haven't noticed many since it went cooler but I'm sure they're going to return pissed up on Apple juice very shortly!!


Well-Known Member
The wearing of hard hats in anywhere remotely industrial especially TV news presenters. Saw one in a field with a gas terminal hundreds of metres away but still wore a hard hat.


Well-Known Member
Fans on football forums who, after only seeing a player play 3 or 4 times, come to the conclusion that they are the worst player ever, or of this century etc. etc.

As soon as we lose a couple of games the players are all awful and the worst ever and the manager's a clown.

We had it last year too despite us achieving promotion.

After McNulty last year you would have thought we had learned our lesson and one thing you always used to hear, but hardly do anymore, is of players being out of form.

Always used to hear fans saying a player was off his game at the moment, or that he was out of form.

Now, a player has 3 poor games in a row and he is crap, awful and should be sold.

Doyle has two poor games and he's too old. Bakayoko has three poor games and he's the worst City player ever.

We now seem to live in a world of extremes.

I bet if we had a poll right now it would reveal a majority saying we will be relegated or in a relegation dogfight.

We are only FOUR games into the season, yet final judgements have already been made.


Well-Known Member
Fans on football forums who, after only seeing a player play 3 or 4 times, come to the conclusion that they are the worst player ever, or of this century etc. etc.

As soon as we lose a couple of games the players are all awful and the worst ever and the manager's a clown.

We had it last year too despite us achieving promotion.

After McNulty last year you would have thought we had learned our lesson and one thing you always used to hear, but hardly do anymore, is of players being out of form.

Always used to hear fans saying a player was off his game at the moment, or that he was out of form.

Now, a player has 3 poor games in a row and he is crap, awful and should be sold.

Doyle has two poor games and he's too old. Bakayoko has three poor games and he's the worst City player ever.

We now seem to live in a world of extremes.

I bet if we had a poll right now it would reveal a majority saying we will be relegated or in a relegation dogfight.

We are only FOUR games into the season, yet final judgements have already been made.

a little bit too 'footbally' for this board?

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