Things that annoy you (26 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Walking through town, looking in the shops on your lunch break, and you suddenly need to take a shit.

Getting in the car to drive to work and you suddenly needing to take a shit.


Well-Known Member

I agree it's a dick move. I always reply to every message I ever get and like you, I would just quit some groups if I couldn't.

Some are signed up everywhere it seems.

I hate the idea of these multiple massive groups chats.

My girlfriend's family have about 20 watsapp groups. One for the whole family, one for the immediate family, one for the siblings, one for the cousins, one for the sisters... It goes on and on and they act as if they're all really close yet only see each other once a year.

And then there's the people that create groups for going on a night out 8 months before it happens.


Well-Known Member
Walking through town, looking in the shops on your lunch break, and you suddenly need to take a shit.

Getting in the car to drive to work and you suddenly needing to take a shit.
Mines needing a piss.

As soon as I hit the cold air I need a piss. Even if I haven’t been drinking.


Well-Known Member
Today somebody in work told me that their son had a really good last semester at school.



Well-Known Member
Modern thinking!! Grrr!!

Is anyone else being confronted with this, that of people just of ignoring messages and not responding?

I have been told it is now the norm.

I am trying to put a show on. I advertised and people came along and were dead keen. Had a couple of meetings and a read-through's of the script and and everyone really liked it and wanted to be in the show.
So, got all their details, set up a WhatsApp group, but since then I can hardly get anyone for a further read-through or a meetup.

People don't even read the messages. Again, I am told this is the norm.

Because I wanted to cast it and they wanted to be in it, but couldn't be arsed to come to any meetings, I asked people to do do a self tape. Just film themselves doing a few lines from the script and then sing a song from the show and send it to me. Thought I was being helpful.

However, that was a month ago and I got just two self tapes back, despite my issuing a deadline.

What I have had to do I now ask them to audition. I messaged them all individually, as well as in the group chat and they all said they are still dead keen. One girl said she hadn't sent a tape in or read any messages because she had a bit of a cold. For a month??!!

Anyway, now none of them are responding to the call to audiiton.

I have interest from the Belgrade Theatre and those people are much more committed and say they will turn up, so I will just cast them instead.

Apparently this is the way things are these days. People are in so many group chats and on so many social media platforms and get so many messages, they ignore large swathes of the messages.

This has been proven because one of my people moaned that she needed more than a couple of days notice for info. When I pointed out to her that I posted the same thing 10 days previous, she actually admitted she hadn't bothered to read that mesaage.

Anyone else encounter the same thing?

Messaged a friend in the US and she says it is exactly the same over there.
I will never accept that it is reasonable to ignore messages even if you're not in a position to respond properly. Just acknowledge it at least.
We just live in a society where people are so wrapped up in themselves they don't think of others. Wankers.


Well-Known Member
Solicitors again, a gang of utter wankers.

I had a bad experience with a solicitor a few years back trying to deal with the estate of a family member that died. They dragged everything out, sent unnecessary letters which they charged £20 for and whenever I needed to meet the solicitor face to face he was always "busy" and he also gave me wrong advice whenever I did see him.


Well-Known Member
I had a bad experience with a solicitor a few years back trying to deal with the estate of a family member that died. They dragged everything out, sent unnecessary letters which they charged £20 for and whenever I needed to meet the solicitor face to face he was always "busy" and he also gave me wrong advice whenever I did see him.
My experience is that they use lower level administrative staff to do the work but charge as if it is a solicitor. They're robbing bastards, if I ever move again I'll do my own conveyancing


Well-Known Member
What I call the "Royal reaching for the middle button" pose.
Seems to mainly affect Royal males, who I assume have it drilled into them since birth.
Here are some classic examples.
In the third example, Prince Harry embellishes it as if to say "I know I look stupid doing it but so does he".
And in the fourth example, we see Prince Charles with the now outdated "Hands in pocket" pose.
Prince William concealing the gesture behind some papers, and Prince Harry reaching a bit too low.
Royals-Middle-Button-1.jpg Royals-Middle-Button-2,.jpg Royals-Middle-Button-3.jpg Royals-Middle-Button-5.jpg
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Well-Known Member
When people say they are happy or willing to be proven wrong. It's an easy get out clause for talking bollocks.


Well-Known Member
So did I! Apparently it’s all a plot to inject us with chips as a “vaccine” that will control our thoughts when 5G turns on!
The best one i've seen is that the makers of Dettol wipes knew about the impending outbreak as early as October, because someone bought a pack that said they were effective against "coronaviruses"


Well-Known Member
The best one i've seen is that the makers of Dettol wipes knew about the impending outbreak as early as October, because someone bought a pack that said they were effective against "coronaviruses"

Do you Know the Corona virus is not a fuckin virus it’s 5G that’s actually killing people and not a “virus” ‍♀️♀️♀️ they are trying to get u scared of a fake ass virus when it the 5G towers being built around the world. China was the first to have over 100,000 5G towers, and people in Wuhan were the first to get affected by it. This 5G shit was planned years ago to depopulate us and keep as at a low vibrational state. Bill gates is the one who created this along with the weird entities who control this world. He also is creating a vaccine for this so called corona virus that they are going to try to enforce on everyone. These Vaccines are actually chips that they are trying to implant in billions of people across the world. They can literally monitor all ya actions, movements, whereabouts, and thoughts through these lil micro chips. Not only that they can end ya life through them micro chips with the push of a button. They know in order to have millions of people take these vaccines they first need to create a fake virus. Smh it grinds my fuckin gears that you humans are brainwashed enough to believe wtf the news and media puts out there. WAKE TF UP and start researching the truths behind these weird agendas they keep creating. Y’all really out there with masks and shit on WHEN IT AINT NO DAMN VIRUSSSSSS. These Chinese doctors and people you see on TV that’s so called affected by the virus ARE ALL ACTORS, this shit is scripted out LITERALLY. It’s 5G towers that’s killing people and no mask in the world can prevent them levels of radiation from frying your brain. If we don’t wake tf up NOW this shit finna really kill us smh ‍♀️♀️♀️♀️ but of course y’all gonna think I’m crazy for saying this too right ??? Smh Fuckin Robots is what y’all are, legit programmed robots ‼️


Well-Known Member
The best one i've seen is that the makers of Dettol wipes knew about the impending outbreak as early as October, because someone bought a pack that said they were effective against "coronaviruses"

I'm pretty certain "Coronavirus" has been around for as long as we have been able to study viruses.

It is because of the shape of the virus I believe, crown shaped.

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