Things that annoy you (28 Viewers)


I have dual screens on my desk with a 360 swivel so I can read engineering drawings while being hands on, something has happened to my screens where they're reading backwards to each other, so usually they effectively read as one, but the two halfs are on the wrong side to each other now. It's actually infuriating trying to get the mouse cursor to go from one screen to the other.
Just change the settings back


Well-Known Member
Dislike people who need to drop the c bomb in every post or conversation - even if partly disguised . Its not clever, just shows a limited vocabulary


Well-Known Member
People who use words like “N word” “P word” and “C bomb”. Sound like a 1980s concerned parent writing in about the latest hip hop record.

Very American as well. Swearing is great and I have no idea how using more words means your vocab is limited.


Well-Known Member
People who use words like “N word” “P word” and “C bomb”. Sound like a 1980s concerned parent writing in about the latest hip hop record.

Very American as well. Swearing is great and I have no idea how using more words means your vocab is limited.
agree when it is part of an overall discussion and adds humour - was more thinking where it was in every other sentence


Well-Known Member
People who use words like “N word” “P word” and “C bomb”. Sound like a 1980s concerned parent writing in about the latest hip hop record.

Very American as well. Swearing is great and I have no idea how using more words means your vocab is limited.
Yep exactly! This is used to great effect north of the border and in some cases as a sign of affection!


Well-Known Member
People who proudly boast about their "eat out to help out" meal like its some kind of heroic altruistic act.......

.....fuck off're just a cheapskate who got a half-price sandwich off the taxpayer

IL be honest, I was at the barn near Dorridge this morning having breakfast... 5 of us including 2 kids.. all you can eat breakfast to order, toast, croissants, 2 cokes, 3 orange juices, 2 coffees and and tea... 14 pound.... Fucking hell of a bargain that

Deleted member 4439

I think the rise of the self-contractor market is the fuel. I'd be the first to recognise that some self-contactors (or in today's IR35 vernacular, "managed services") have the experience and skills that you'd never attract on a permanent salary but, in the case of some, the guff on their Linkedin profiles is unrecognizsble from what you see before you.

It's also interesting to see how they pitch their roles and achievements on Linkedin following time spent at your company. Some stuff is more outright lies than embellishment. When I used to work in IT testing, I had one guy who not only falsely claimed a senior management position but who also had the audacity to claim my achievements for his own.

Deleted member 5849

I think the rise of the self-contractor market is the fuel. I'd be the first to recognise that some self-contactors (or in today's IR35 vernacular, "managed services") have the experience and skills that you'd never attract on a permanent salary but, in the case of some, the guff on their Linkedin profiles is unrecognizsble from what you see before you.

It's also interesting to see how they pitch their roles and achievements on Linkedin following time spent at your company. Some stuff is more outright lies than embellishment. When I used to work in IT testing, I had one guy who not only falsely claimed a senior management position but who also had the audacity to claim my achievements for his own.
Often the way. We had an intern once who you'd have thought was running the place from their profile.

Worked for them though, as they are now running somewhere else! At what point do people become managers and directors, and consequently unable to spot bullshit?


Well-Known Member
Three Bs Bullshit Baffles Brains.

Had a kid at our place who could talk laced with tech buzzwords for a good hour, had lots of surface knowledge but couldn’t actually do anything. His CV was three to six month stays at each place.

He now earns more than me and is 23...


Well-Known Member
Honestly, the Apprentice has made this shit a million times worse. Terms like 'goals' make me cringe. Can you not just want to do a job well and help others not have to build a load of mystique around it?
Definitely a Cov fan if you don’t like the term ‘goals’!


Well-Known Member
The entirety of LinkedIn

Like a holding pen for every type of mobile phone salesman.
Yep alth the irony is that I’m on there but it’s just others on there sharing wanky quotes or people showing the ‘great’ things that they did in the name of their work. I do detest LinkedIn people although it’s good for jobs these days


Well-Known Member
Yep alth the irony is that I’m on there but it’s just others on there sharing wanky quotes or people showing the ‘great’ things that they did in the name of their work. I do detest LinkedIn people although it’s good for jobs these days

I do get a constant barrage of recruitment consultants (level 2 phone salesmen) half of whom seem unable to read a profile, guess I’ll find out how good they are when I want to move.


Well-Known Member
Whining A level students who have been brainwashed into thinking that cos they've been awarded a B instead of an A* that their little life is over.......

Get some fucking perspective!

If someone told me in March 1989 that I could leave technical college straight away, not sit any exams & still get awarded A levels & go on to a uni or poly, i'd have been 3 pills in & raving like a lunatic by dinner time......woop woop

Deleted member 4439

Whining A level students who have been brainwashed into thinking that cos they've been awarded a B instead of an A* that their little life is over.......

Get some fucking perspective!

If someone told me in March 1989 that I could leave technical college straight away, not sit any exams & still get awarded A levels & go on to a uni or poly, i'd have been 3 pills in & raving like a lunatic by dinner time......woop woop

There's a side of me that gets rankled by the sense of entitlement from the 50% that go on to A levels and uni, and so enjoy five years more protection from the workplace than me and my peers. Also, the grade inflation that has taken place since 2000, especially at university level, is beginning to render grade outcomes almost irrelevant.

But you can't argue that the way the algorithm employed by Ofsted to counter the rise in grade A results was totally unacceptable and placed unnecessary hurt and stress on kids. Total incompetency, made worse by not opening up the algorithm beforehand to transparent peer view.


Well-Known Member
There's a side of me that gets rankled by the sense of entitlement from the 50% that go on to A levels and uni, and so enjoy five years more protection from the workplace than me and my peers. Also, the grade inflation that has taken place, especially at university level, since the 2000s is beginning to render grade outcomes almost irrelevant.

But you can't argue that the way the algorithm employed by Ofsted to counter the rise in grade A results was totally unacceptable and placed unnecessary hurt and stress on kids. Total incompetency, made worse by beforehand not opening up the algorithm to transparent peer view.

Oh I agree the algorithm was bollocks & reducing grades based on postcode was disgraceful, but my annoyance today was based on this mornings BBC news where, despite reverting to the teachers (inflated) grade predictions, they were still moaning & one silly girl was stating she was gonna waste a year of her life re-sitting as she felt she deserved or could achieve an A* but only got a B prediction off her teacher.

Move on kids....move on.

Deleted member 5849

& one silly girl was stating she was gonna waste a year of her life re-sitting as she felt she deserved or could achieve an A* but only got a B prediction off her teacher.
Doesn't that show determination, if she's prepared to keep trying until she achieves what she's happy with?


Well-Known Member
Doesn't that show determination, if she's prepared to keep trying until she achieves what she's happy with?

I suppose......but I'd view it as counter-productive.
She can still attend Uni with the grades shes got now, and by the time shes graduated, no-one (except her) will care what A level grades she got. I'd suggest she just needs some better advice.


Doesn't that show determination, if she's prepared to keep trying until she achieves what she's happy with?
Not really, she could have a years experience in a job or got her first year at uni done.

I've worked with people who obsess over qualifications, they are doing this, doing that course. They want this title etc.

Absolutely no clue what to do when it comes to actually putting it into practice though. They are great at exams and revising though.

Deleted member 4439

Doesn't that show determination, if she's prepared to keep trying until she achieves what she's happy with?

It would if she did, and if it did indeed meant she could get her a place on a course that she wanted, all the more to her. I guess you'd have to hear exactly what she said and how she put it across.

Liquid Gold

Well-Known Member
Don’t want to turn into another political thread but 2010 turned a generation of the Tories, 2020 likely to do the same. Are they monumentally shit at targeting the younger vote or do they just not give a shit and hope they pick them up when they turn 50?

Deleted member 5849

People who post leaflets through my door for random services.

People who post leaflets through my door for random services during a pandemic, meaning I have to wash my hands after handling them.

People who post leaflets through my door for random services during a pandemic, and then walk across my front lawn to next door, rather than using the pavement put there for that very purpose.


Well-Known Member
Fucking useless twats. People who you clearly say something to, you check that they understood, then the next day they prove they clearly didn’t. And I have to pick up the shit. Cunts.

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